Map of Hygronoma dimidiata.
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To zoom in, click on the image or on a 'Zoom level'. Map of Hygronoma dimidiata.
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To zoom in, click on the image or on a 'Zoom level'. -- map overlay Hygronoma dimidiata 52.870836043020134°N 1.2830984515885036°W -- Click to see record GBIF673931291. Hygronoma dimidiata 59.0857°N 12.5287°E -- Click to see record GBIF763587170. Hygronoma dimidiata 68.1547°N 21.7838°E -- Click to see record GBIF706276529. Hygronoma dimidiata 59.4069°N 18.156°E -- Click to see record GBIF751060718. Hygronoma dimidiata 48.2°N 14.38°E -- Click to see record GBIF11672804. Hygronoma dimidiata 48.6605415344°N 19.9888591766°E -- Click to see record GBIF237467062. Hygronoma dimidiata 54.07954921534747°N 1.464978224205806°W -- Click to see record GBIF689113639. Hygronoma dimidiata 61.460515°N 28.168962°E -- Click to see record GBIF205298930. Hygronoma dimidiata 63.0767°N 16.8878°E -- Click to see record GBIF750375978. Hygronoma dimidiata 47.0103219045°N 15.4430826938°E -- Click to see record INAT25302095.
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Hygronoma dimidiata @ Global Biodiversity Information Facility (511) [Artdata (149); Biological Records Centre - Derek Lott Coleoptera Dataset (119); Leicestershire and Rutland Environmental Records Centre - Leicestershire & Rutland Coleoptera (92); Natural England - Invertebrate Site Register - England. (55); Biologiezentrum Linz (30); South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre - CCW Regional Data : South East Wales Non-sensitive Species Records (14); Countryside Council for Wales - Welsh Peatland Invertebrate Survey (WPIS) (12); Countryside Council for Wales - Welsh Invertebrate Database (WID) (9); National Trust - Wicken Fen nature reserve species data held by The National Trust (9); Sheffield Biological Records Centre - Sheffield Biological Records Centre- Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups. (8); Suffolk Biological Records Centre - Suffolk Biological Records Centre (SBRC) dataset (7); Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Rotherham Biological Records Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups (6); Finnish Entomological Database: Coleoptera (6); North & East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre - North and East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre - Non-sensitive Records from all taxonomic groups. (6); Biological and palaeontological collection and observation data MNHNL (4); Shropshire Ecological Data Network - Shropshire Ecological Data Network Database (3); Shire Group of Internal Drainage Boards - Shire Group IDB species data 2004 to present (2); Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Non-sensitive records from all taxonomic groups (2); BioFokus (2); Naturkundemuseum im Ottoneum Kassel, Entomological Collection (2); Staffordshire Ecological Record - SER Site-based Surveys (1); Beetles (LSM) (1); Balfour-Browne Club - Water Beetle Surveys from Britain and Ireland (1); EDIT - ATBI in Gemer area (Slovakia) (1); Entomological Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan (1); Tullie House Museum - Tullie House Museum Natural History Collections. (1); Nottinghamshire Biological and Geological Records Centre - UK abstract from Nottingham City Museums & Galleries (NCMG) Insect Collection Baseline database (1); Coleoptera of Białowieża Forest (1); National Trust - Hatfield Forest species data held by The National Trust. (1); Biodiversity records from Ireland - general (1); Royal Horticultural Society - RHS monitoring of native and naturalised plants and animals at its gardens and surrounding areas (1); Staffordshire Ecological Record - SER Species-based Surveys (1); Lund Museum of Zoology - Insect collections (MZLU) (1) accessed through the GBIF Data Portal. Each record tells when. See dataset links for citations & terms of use.]; iNaturalist (2)