Discover Life's Directory Structure

Denise Lim
University of Georgia, Athens
24 June, 2003

Under Construction

Discover Life | Education | Training Guides | Directory Structure

This page will help you to navigate within the directory structure of Discover Life.

Home Directory

The home directory appears when you open a new shelltool. Thus, it is your home or starting point that you can return to at any time by simply typing cd.

Top Directories

The top directories are located under dl. They contain most of the information needed to work on Discover Life.

  • /home/web/dl/ed
    This directory is the area where most of our education directories are located.

    1. /home/web/dl/ed/tg This directory holds the training guides used on

  • /home/web/dl/nh
    This directory is the area where the directories pertaining to natural history are kept.

    1. /home/web/dl/nh/id This directory holds the identification guides for all of our taxa.
    2. /home/web/dl/nh/tx This directory holds all directories for the taxa.

  • /home/web/dl/im
    This directory holds images and a database for UGCA.

    1. /home/web/dl/im/JP800... These are directories containing scanned images.
    2. /home/web/dl/im/UGCA This database contains information about all photographed specimens that have a UGCA database number associated with them.


These sub-directories are within each major directory.

  • /images
    This directory holds temporary images from that have been imported from the digital camera or any other types of images applicable to that directory.
  • /OTHER
    This directory hold extraneous files that may be needed to build pages or work on files within the main directory.
  • /OLD
    This directory holds the backups of vi files or copies of other files that need to be saved.


Each account on the Web server has a home directory (or folder). When you login, you will be in your home directory. Within your UNIX account you should use the following:

Directories and Files