MAP (Aliases)

HOME:		/home/web/dl				(press 'd')
DATABASES:	/home/db				(press 'b')
ID GUIDES:	/home/web/dl/nh/id/20q			(press '2')
USERS:		/home/users				(press 'u')
IMAGES:		/home/IM				(press 'i')
CHECKLISTS:	/home/web/dl/nh/cl			(press 'c')
TAXA:		/home/web/dl/nh/tx			(press 't')
INDEX:		/home/IN				(press 'n')
PROGRAMS:	/home/users/programs			(press 'p')


^C				stops whatever command is in process and starts you over
bak				backs file
vi				views file
cd				change directory
cd ..				changes directory up a level
md				makes a directory
dir 				lists files in directory
ls				lists files in directory (takes up less space than 'dir')
mv				move
	EX: mv day.txt night.txt, you just changed the name of the file
	EX: mv day.txt /home/users/l/Lewis,_CS, you just moved day.txt into CS Lewis' directory
cp 				copy
	EX: cp day.txt night.txt, you just made a file called night.txt that is identical to day.txt
	EX: cp /home/web/dl/day.txt . , you just copied day.txt to the directory that you are currently in (the . is synonymous with 'here'-- you just 'pulled' in the file)
	EX: cp day.txt /home/web/dl, you just copied day.txt to a directory in dl -- you 'pushed' the file to a different directory.
rm				remove
grep 				get record and print
	EX: grep 'almond' nuts.txt >>junk ; grabbed every line inside nuts.txt that contained the word 'almond' and put all those lines into a file called junk.
cat				concatenate (follow this command with all files you want to open)
sort				alphabetizes
wc				gives a word count
uniq				gets rid of adjacent identical lines (so use sort first)
	cat junk | sort > junk1		alphabetizes the lines of junk into a file called junk1
	cat junk crap | sort | uniq >junk	combines junk and crap, alphabetizes all lines, and removes identical lines, placing the output in a file called junk.
	-v		do the reverse (EX: grep -v 'bus' file will give you all the lines in file that do NOT contain 'bus'.
	-i		ignore case (EX: grep -i 'bus' file will give you all the ines in file that contain 'bus' or 'Bus' or 'BUS', etc.
	-c		used with uniq, gives a count of the number of times a line occurred. (EX: cat file | sort | uniq -c >junk will give an alphabetized output
			in junk that lists beside each line the number of times that line occurred in file.


0			goes to beginning of line
$			substitutes the word dollar for the word tab throughout the file
1G			top of file (50G goes to line 50)
G			bottom of file
w			goes to next word
i			insert where cursor is
a			insert after cursor
cw			change word (5cw changes the next 5 words)
dw			delete word
dd			delete line
d$			delete from cursor to end of line
yy			yanks line (12yy yanks 12 lines)
p			pastes the last thing you yy or dd into line under cursor (yy/p is like copy/paste;dd/p like cut/paste)
u			undo
.			repeats last command
r			replaces that letter
/bus			searches for the word 'bus'; pressing 'n' goes to the next 'bus'
?bus			searches UP the file for the word 'bus'
:w			saves
:q			quits
:r			reads in a new file
ma			marks a line in file
'a			goes back to that line
:'a,'bw! junk		puts everything between a and b into a file called junk
:%s/tab/dollar/g	substitutes the word 'dollar' for the word 'tab' throughout the file
:e!			refreshes file without saving
:g/was/d		deletes every line containing 'was'
:!g/was/d		deletes every line NOT containing 'was'

1. Create a directory within your users directory called 'play'. This is where you will practice unix/vi/html.
2. Using the Aliases, practice navigating around in terminals. use 'dir' and 'ls'. get familiar with where stuff is located.
3. In /home/web/dl/who/CV, work on your html skills by updating your CV (See Becka if you don't have a CV template there).
4. There is a directory within this directory called 'becka'. Copy the file 'list.txt' from there to your play area (push it) and follow the instructions inside.
5. Also in the becka directory is a file called 'leap_day.txt'. From your play directory, copy this file to your play area (pull it) and follow the instructions inside.