Map of Atypus affinis.
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To zoom in, click on the image or on a 'Zoom level'. Map of Atypus affinis.
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To zoom in, click on the image or on a 'Zoom level'. -- map overlay Atypus affinis 51.64689741459756°N 0.7713479116453316°W -- Click to see record GBIF298319977. Atypus affinis 54.18565193424718°N 2.842905450270404°W -- Click to see record GBIF359508088. Atypus affinis 47.95°N 16.77°E -- Click to see record GBIF7451059. Atypus affinis 51.3668932669°N 11.0116610985°E -- Click to see record INAT3410727. Atypus affinis 51.7505033°N 7.1255852°E -- Click to see record INAT14635600. Atypus affinis 43.6515672024°N 3.9308313176°E -- Click to see record INAT30766669. Atypus affinis 55.9807577015°N 9.488208532°E -- Click to see record INAT4630559.
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Atypus affinis @ Global Biodiversity Information Facility (109) [Natural England - Invertebrate Site Register - England. (39); Countryside Council for Wales - Welsh Invertebrate Database (WID) (22); Biologiezentrum Linz (16); Biological and palaeontological collection and observation data MNHNL (11); The Spider Collection at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (9); Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre - BRERC October 2009 (6); South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre - CCW Regional Data : South East Wales Non-sensitive Species Records (3); Suffolk Biological Records Centre - Suffolk Biological Records Centre (SBRC) dataset (3); Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre - Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre. Invertebrate Observation Records other than Lepidoptera. Pre-2010 for Cumbria (2); Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre - Local Wildlife Site Surveys Oxfordshire (1) accessed through the GBIF Data Portal. Each record tells when. See dataset links for citations & terms of use.]; iNaturalist (12)