Map of Curimatopsis macrolepis.
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To zoom in, click on the image or on a 'Zoom level'. Map of Curimatopsis macrolepis.
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To zoom in, click on the image or on a 'Zoom level'. -- map overlay Curimatopsis macrolepis 10°S 55°W -- Click to see record GBIF188811844. Curimatopsis macrolepis 4°S 53°W -- Click to see record GBIF241211981. Curimatopsis macrolepis 2°S 77.5°W -- Click to see record GBIF666567210. Curimatopsis macrolepis 1°S 71.9°W -- Click to see record GBIF624076326. Curimatopsis macrolepis 5°N 59°W -- Click to see record GBIF473378819. Curimatopsis macrolepis 10°S 76°W -- Click to see record GBIF188811838. Curimatopsis macrolepis 17°S 65°W -- Click to see record GBIF188811866.
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Curimatopsis macrolepis @ Global Biodiversity Information Facility (276) [Fishbase (106); NMNH Vertebrate Zoology Fishes Collections (44); UF FLMNH Ichthyology (38); Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection (25); NRM-Fishes (25); CAS Ichthyology (ICH) (14); Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (13); Colecci�n ictiol�gica del Instituto Alexander von Humboldt (11); Collection Ichthyologie - SNSD (9); Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Biodiversity Survey Database (6); TCWC Vertebrates (5); Fish specimens (3); Collection Pisces SMF (2) accessed through the GBIF Data Portal. Each record tells when. See dataset links for citations & terms of use.]