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Anthophora canescens Brullé, 1832
Megilla subterranea Germar, 1825, nomen dubium; Anthophora subterranea (Germar, 1825); Anthophora canescens Brullé, 1832; Anthophora nigro-cincta Lepeletier, 1841; Anthophora nigrocincta Lepeletier, 1841; Megilla lanata Klug, 1845; Podalirius lanatus (Klug, 1845); Anthophora subterranea Gistel, 1850, junior primary homonym and possible synonym; Anthophora subterranea_homonym Gistel, 1857, possible synonym; Anthophora dalmatiensis Strand, 1917 , replacement name and possible synonym; Anthophora senescens canescens_homonym Dours, 1870; Anthophora lati-cincta Dours, 1870; Anthophora laticincta Dours, 1870; Anthophora procera Costa, 1883; Anthophora nigrocincta var flavescens_homonym Gribodo, 1893; Anthophora nigrocincta var procera Costa, 1883; Anthophora subterranea procera Costa, 1883

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Anthophora
Subgenus: Anthophora

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Updated: 2024-09-21 01:08:49 gmt
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