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Clematis terniflora DC.
Sweetautumn Clematis

Life   Plantae   Dicotyledoneae   Ranunculaceae   Clematis

Clematis terniflora, Yam-leaved Clematis
© Copyright Sheryl Pollock 2011 · 7
Clematis terniflora, Yam-leaved Clematis

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Clematis terniflora, Yam-leaved Clematis
© Copyright Sheryl Pollock 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora, Yam-leaved Clematis
Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora

Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora
Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora

Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora
Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora

Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora
Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora

Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora
Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora

Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora
Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora

Clematis terniflora
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Clematis terniflora
Clematis terniflora
© Les Mehrhoff, 2008-2010 · 4
Clematis terniflora

Clematis terniflora
© Les Mehrhoff, 2008-2010 · 4
Clematis terniflora
Clematis terniflora, Yam-leaved Clematis
© Copyright Sheryl Pollock 2011 · 3
Clematis terniflora, Yam-leaved Clematis

Clematis terniflora
© Les Mehrhoff, 2008-2010 · 3
Clematis terniflora
Clematis terniflora
© John Pickering, 2004-2023 · 1
Clematis terniflora

Clematis terniflora
© John Pickering, 2004-2023 · 1
Clematis terniflora

IDnature guides
Scientific source:
Associates · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Agaricaceae  Phoma clematidis-terniflorae @ BPI (1)
Coleosporiaceae  Coleosporium clematidis @ BPI (8)
Halictidae  Lasioglossum imitatum @ AMNH_BEE (6)

Lasioglossum zephyrum @ AMNH_BEE (10)
Miridae  Spanagonicus albofasciatus @ NCSU_ENT (1)
Nabidae  Hoplistoscelis sordidus @ NCSU_ENT (2)
Reduviidae  Sinea spinipes @ NCSU_ENT (3)
Updated: 2024-09-21 01:21:13 gmt
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