Kinds of Fish

Species listed are from

Scientific name -- Other names
Dactyloscopidae -- Sand Stargazers
   Dactylagnus mundus Gill, 1862 -- Giant Sand Stargazer
   Dactylagnus parvus Dawson, 1976
   Dactylagnus peratikos Böhlke and Caldwell, 1961
   Dactyloscopus amnis Miller and Briggs, 1962
   Dactyloscopus boehlkei Dawson, 1982
   Dactyloscopus byersi Dawson, 1969
   Dactyloscopus comptus Dawson, 1982
   Dactyloscopus crossotus Starks, 1913 -- Bigeye Stargazer
   Dactyloscopus fimbriatus (Reid, 1935) -- Dactyloscopus fimbriata
   Dactyloscopus foraminosus Dawson, 1982
   Dactyloscopus lacteus (Myers and Wade, 1946) -- Milky Sand Stargazer
   Dactyloscopus lunaticus Gilbert, 1890
   Dactyloscopus metoecus Dawson, 1975
   Dactyloscopus minutus Dawson, 1975
   Dactyloscopus moorei (Fowler, 1906) -- Speckled Stargazer
   Dactyloscopus pectoralis Gill, 1861 -- Whitesaddle Stargazer
   Dactyloscopus poeyi Gill, 1861 -- Shortchin Stargazer
   Dactyloscopus tridigitatus Gill, 1859 -- Sand Stargazer
   Dactyloscopus zelotes Jordan and Gilbert, 1896
   Gillellus arenicola Gilbert, 1890 -- Sandy Stargazer
   Gillellus chathamensis Dawson, 1977 -- Cocos Stargazer
   Gillellus greyae Kanazawa, 1952 -- Arrow Stargazer
   Gillellus healae Dawson, 1982 -- Masked Stargazer
   Gillellus inescatus Williams, 2002
   Gillellus jacksoni Dawson, 1982
   Gillellus ornatus Gilbert, 1896
   Gillellus searcheri Dawson, 1977 -- Searcher Stargazer
   Gillellus semicinctus Gilbert, 1890 -- Half-banded Stargazer
   Gillellus uranidea Böhlke, 1968 -- Warteye Stargazer
   Heteristius cinctus (Osburn and Nichols, 1916)
   Leurochilus acon Böhlke, 1968 -- Smooth-lip Stargazer
   Myxodagnus belone Böhlke, 1968 -- Dartfish
   Myxodagnus macrognathus Hildebrand, 1946
   Myxodagnus opercularis Gill, 1861
   Myxodagnus sagitta Myers and Wade, 1946
   Myxodagnus walkeri Dawson, 1976
   Platygillellus altivelis Dawson, 1974 -- Sailfin Stargazer
   Platygillellus brasiliensis Feitoza, 2002
   Platygillellus bussingi Dawson, 1974 -- Bussings Stargazer
   Platygillellus rubellulus (Kendall and Radcliffe, 1912) -- Shortfin Sand Stargazer
   Platygillellus rubrocinctus (Longley, 1934) -- Saddle Stargazer
   Platygillellus smithi Dawson, 1982
   Sindoscopus australis (Fowler and Bean, 1923)
   Storrsia olsoni Dawson, 1982

Updated: 2015-05-06 21:40:39

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