Kinds of Fish

Species listed are from

Scientific name -- Other names
Peristediidae -- Armored Searobins or Armored Gurnards
   Gargariscus prionocephalus (Duméril, 1869)
   Heminodus japonicus Kamohara, 1952
   Heminodus philippinus Smith, 1917
   Paraheminodus murrayi (Gunther, 1880) -- Murrays Armoured Gurnard
   Peristedion altipinnis Regan, 1903
   Peristedion amblygenys Fowler, 1938
   Peristedion antillarum Teague, 1961
   Peristedion barbiger Garman, 1899
   Peristedion brevirostre (Gunther, 1860) -- Flathead Searobin
   Peristedion cataphractum (Linnaeus, 1758) -- African Armoured Searobin
   Peristedion crustosum Garman, 1899
   Peristedion ecuadorensis Teague, 1961
   Peristedion gracile Goode and Bean, 1896 -- Slender Searobin
   Peristedion greyae Miller, 1967
   Peristedion imberbe (Poey, 1861)
   Peristedion investigatoris (Alcock, 1898)
   Peristedion liorhynchus (Gunther, 1872) -- Armoured Gurnard
   Peristedion longispatha (Goode and Bean, 1886)
   Peristedion miniatum (Goode, 1880) -- Armored Searobin
   Peristedion moluccense Bleeker, 1851 -- Black-finned Armoured-gurnard
   Peristedion nierstraszi Weber, 1913
   Peristedion orientale Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
   Peristedion paucibarbiger Castro-Aguirre and Garcia-Domínguez, 1984
   Peristedion riversandersoni (Alcock, 1894)
   Peristedion thompsoni Fowler, 1952 -- Rimspine Searobin
   Peristedion truncatum (Gunther, 1880)
   Peristedion unicuspis Miller, 1967
   Peristedion weberi Smith, 1934
   Satyrichthys adeni (Lloyd, 1907)
   Satyrichthys amiscus (Jordan and Starks, 1904)
   Satyrichthys clavilapis Fowler, 1938
   Satyrichthys engyceros (Gunther, 1872)
   Satyrichthys hians (Gilbert and Cramer, 1897)
   Satyrichthys isokawae Yatou and Okamura, 1985
   Satyrichthys laticephalus Kamohara, 1952
   Satyrichthys lingi (Whitley, 1933)
   Satyrichthys longiceps (Fowler, 1943)
   Satyrichthys magnus Yatou, 1985
   Satyrichthys orientale (Fowler, 1938)
   Satyrichthys piercei Fowler, 1938
   Satyrichthys quadratorostratus (Fourmanoir and Rivaton, 1979)
   Satyrichthys rieffeli (Kaup, 1859) -- Spotted Armoured-gurnard
   Satyrichthys serrulatus (Alcock, 1898)
   Satyrichthys welchi (Herre, 1925) -- Robust Armoured-gurnard

Updated: 2015-05-06 21:40:39

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