Kinds of Fish

Species listed are from

Scientific name -- Other names
Saccopharyngidae -- Swallowers
   Saccopharynx ampullaceus (Harwood, 1827) -- Gulper Eel
   Saccopharynx flagellum Cuvier, 1829 -- Gulper
   Saccopharynx harrisoni Beebe, 1932
   Saccopharynx hjorti Bertin, 1938
   Saccopharynx lavenbergi Nielsen and Bertelsen, 1985
   Saccopharynx paucovertebratis Nielsen and Bertelsen, 1985
   Saccopharynx ramosus Nielsen and Bertelsen, 1985
   Saccopharynx schmidti Bertin, 1934 -- Whiptail Gulper
   Saccopharynx thalassa Nielsen and Bertelsen, 1985
   Saccopharynx trilobatus Nielsen and Bertelsen, 1985
   Saccopharynx_ berteli Tighe and Nielsen, 2000

Updated: 2015-05-06 21:40:39

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