Kinds of Mammalia

North American Mammals

Chase Phillips
Ashley MacDonald
Sara Serji
Justin Long
John Pickering
University of Georgia, Athens

Scientific name -- Other names
Bovidae -- Antelopes; Buffaloes; Bulls; Cows; Goats; Sheep
   Ammotragus lervia -- Barbary Sheep; Aoudad
   Antilope cervicapra -- Blackbuck
   Bison bison -- American bison; Bos bison; American buffalo
   Bos taurus -- Domestic cattle; Milk cow; Domestic bull; Beef cattle
   Boselaphus tragocamelus -- Nilgai
   Capra hircus -- Goat
   Capra ibex -- Ibex
   Hemitragus jemlahicus -- Himalayan Tahr
   Oreamnos americanus -- Mountain Goat
   Oryx gazella -- Gemsbok
   Ovibos moschatus -- Muskox
   Ovis aries -- European Mouflon Sheep
   Ovis canadensis -- Mountain Goat
   Ovis dalli -- Dalls Sheep; Thinhorn Sheep

Updated: 2017-02-07 17:20:40

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