Kinds of Mammalia

North American Mammals

Chase Phillips
Ashley MacDonald
Sara Serji
Justin Long
John Pickering
University of Georgia, Athens

Scientific name -- Other names
Ziphiidae -- Beaked Whales
   Berardius bairdii -- North Pacific Bottle-nosed Whale
   Hyperoodon ampullatus -- North Atlantic Bottle-nosed Whale
   Mesoplodon bidens -- North Atlantic Beaked Whale
   Mesoplodon carlhubbsi -- Arch-beaked Whale
   Mesoplodon densirostris -- Dense-beaked Whale
   Mesoplodon europaeus -- Gervais Beaked Whale
   Mesoplodon ginkgodens -- Ginkgo-toothed Whale
   Mesoplodon hectori -- Hectors Beaked Whale
   Mesoplodon mirus -- Trues Beaked Whale
   Mesoplodon stejnegeri -- Bering Sea Beaked Whale
   Ziphius cavirostris -- Goose-beaked Whale

Updated: 2017-02-07 17:20:40

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