Where and How to Find Monotropa uniflora

( Courtesy of Ecoindiana)
The plant may be found just about anywhere in the United States where there is relatively soft top soil and tree growth.  However chances are much greater of finding the plant and higher altitudes than at sea level, though it has been found growing in Florida at elevations around sea level (Baker 1971).  In wooded areas it can be found near the bases of trees in shaded areas.  The plant may seen as a solitary unit or in colonies.  The account of one naturalist in Indiana near the Kankakee river illustrates the random patterns of re-growth of this plant.

"... it was so common that it reminded one of a woods in winter when the snow was on the ground.  Acres of this woods were carpeted with it.  I revisited this woods several years at the same time of year but I was able to find only a plant here and there."  (Deam, 1940)
The plant is prolific throughout the the eastern United States especially in the mountainous regions and well into Canada.

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