Higher Taxon||Citations

Rubus idaeus strignosisMichx

Nancy Tilden Campbell

American Red Raspberry

The American Red Raspberry is a form of R. idaeus L called R. idaeus strigosus Michx. Further classification follows. It was identified by Andre Michaux, 1746-1803 (Brummitt, 1992). Michaux' collection is stored in Paris in the Museum d'Historie Naturelle, Bibliotheque Centrale, in a separate herbier historique (Stafleu, 1981).

Class Angiospermae
Subclass Dicotyledonae
Order Rosalis
Family Rosaceae
Tribe Rubeae
Genus Rubus
Subgenus Idaeobatus
Species R. idaeus strigosus

This is a diploid form with round fruits and inflorescences. It has hardy, thin erect canes. Flowering time is not related to location. It exhibits polymorphism for hairy or glabrous canes as well as berry color. They are usually red but occasionally yellow fruit is seen (Jennings, 1988). The flowers are white with 5 petals and 5 sepals. The sepals stay until the fruit is ripe reflexed away from the fruit. There are many stamens and pistils. After pollination each pistil produces a seed and a drupelet. These mature to form the fruit. Epidermal hairs hold the drupelets together. The fruit ripens in 30 to 36 days after pollination and all drupelets ripen together. At harvest raspberries separate from the torus and have a hollow center (Agnello et al, 1989).

R. idaeus strigosus is widely distributed in mountain and lowland areas of North America. It is found in the wild in Canada, Washington, and Oregon. The natural history of R. idaeus strigosus parallels that of R. argutus.

Permission applied for to use a photo ofR. idaeus from Norheast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service

Higher Taxon||Citations