Discover Life in America

Chuck Parker - 23 November, 1998

December Meeting Update

Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 11:25:08 -0500
From: (Chuck Parker)
Subject: December Meeting Update
Cc:, (Nancy Keohane), (Dana Soehn), (Keith Langdon)

     Collecting and Sorting Team:

     As I promised last week, here is an update about the December meeting
     with the results of Friday's meeting.  Basically, if you want to
     attend the meeting and you need any financial assistance, please let
     me know ASAP.  Official invitations from DLIA will be posted tomorrow,
     and I would like to include each of you on the list.  [As a twig
     coordinator, Richard, you probably are coming under that guise, but it
     doesn't matter, really.  Please let me know regardless.]  DLIA doesn't
     have the money to fully support everyone, but they will try to support
     as many as the money holds up for.  They have secured rooms at
     $45/night double occupancy, if you let us make the arrangements for
     you (DLIA gets a 12% tax break since it is a non-profit, in addition
     to reduced rates as a special deal, anyway).

     The meeting actually will begin on the 15th, with the 14th reserved
     for travel, field trips into the park, and a social gathering.  On
     Tuesday, Keith and Pick will give an update on the ATBI and DLIA.
     Peter White will present the science plan for the structured
     inventory.  I will talk about our team's goals.  Other presentations
     will cover databasing, education, financing, etc.  The group will then
     be divided into sub-groups to work on the implementation of the ATBI
     for the first year or two.  We will meet as a group, with any others
     who choose to participate, and discuss the what, how, where, when,
     etc., of implementing the collecting and sorting process.  Actually,
     sorting may be divided off as an independent group.  All of this will
     require much input from people from all of the twigs, and I anticipate
     lively discussion.  On Wednesday, we will meet to discuss how each
     group is progressing, and to encourage people to attend discussions in
     other groups when we once again split into groups.  On Thursday we
     will present our plan of action for the first field season (or explain
     why we haven't been able to develop one) to the entire group.
     Thursday afternoon we will have the plenary session with Peter Raven
     as keynote speaker, along with federal agency people, Washington
     insiders, etc.  More information (possibly slightly different than
     presented here) will be provided tomorrow.

     Please let me know today, if at all possible, if you plan to attend.
     I already know that Chery and Wayne plan to attend.



Discover Life in America | Science | Collecting Planning | Parker - 23 November, 1998