Discover Life in America

John Pickering - 29 July, 1999

Collections Management Plan

Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 17:43:54 -0400
To: (Keith Langdon)
From: (John Pickering)
Subject: Collections Management Plan


Delighted to have Tom help sort.  However, before he starts I want to have
a collections management strategy in place and it approved by the
appropriate taxonomic teams.  We also need to make sure that we have
barcodes and databasing in place.  If anyone starts sorting before these
are ready, they are likely to set us back rather than moving us forward.
Specimens need to be processed, labelled, and tracked in specific ways so
that everyone gets what they want and nothing gets lost.  I suggest that
Tom assess what needs to be done and then help Tammy work on the
collections management plan.

Hope all goes well.


>Pick - We still have those malaise trap samples from the cove hardwood and O.G.
>pine sites in the freezer, the WHOLE freezer, actually.  Tom Rogers (have you
>met him ?) is planning to sort them to "TWiG" level.  He plans to come up this
>weekend to scope out the effort, and perhaps do some limited sorting, as a
>volunteer.  We don't have barcodes yet, which is an increasing problem, but do
>you have any problems with that, or suggestions ?

Discover Life in America | Science | Collection Management of Arthropods | John Pickering - 29 July, 1999