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Superfamily APOIDEA

With the exception of the subfamily Ctenoplectrinae which is restricted to the Ethiopian,
Oriental and Australian regions, this family is represented in North America by three subfami-
lies also present in the Old World. None of these is known to occur in the Neotropical Region
and only a few species of the Dasypodinae (Genus Hesperapis) are known to be present in
northern Mexico. The generic relationships within this latter subfamily are in need of clarifica-
tion especially those centering about the genus Hesperapis. On the basis of accumulated in-
trafloral information it appears that many, if not most, members of this family have evolved as
oligoleges of both annual and perennial plants.

Taxonomy: Rozen and McGinley, 1974. Amer. Mus. Novitates 2545: 1-31, figs. 1-82, tables 1, 2

Biology: Hurd and Linsley, 1975. Smithsn. Contrib. Zool. 193: 32-33, fig. 13 (Larrea visiting


Genus MELITTA Kirby

Genus MELITTA Subgenus MELITTA Kirby

Melitta Kirby, 1802. Monographia Apum Angliae, v. 1, p. 117.

Type-species: Melitta tricincta Kirby. Desig. by Richards, 1935.
Cilissa Leach, 1812. In Brewster's Edinburgh Encycl., v. 9, p. 154.

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Top-1+1OriginalDatabase of Hymenoptera in America north of MexicoHighertaxa

Type-species: Aiidrena haemorrhoidaUs Fabricius. Desig. by Westwood, 1840.
Kirbya Lepeletier, 1841. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., v. 2, p. 145. Preocc.

Type-species: Melitta tricincta Kirby. Desig. by Sandhouse, 1943.
Melitta subg. Brachycephalapis Viereck, 1909. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 11: 47.
Type-species: Melitta califomica Viereck. Monotypic and orig. desig.

Melitta americana (Smith)
Maine to Ga., Miss. Pollen: Unknown, but visits flowers of Polycodium and
Cilissa americana Smith, 1853 Cat. Hym. Brit. Mus., v. 1, p. 123. ♀.

Taxonomy: Cockerell, 1906. Psyche 13: 5. ♀.

Melitta americaniformis Viereck
N. J.

Melitta americanifoiinis Viereck, 1909. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 11: 50. ♀.

Melitta wilmattae Cockerell
Ariz., Calif. Pollen: Unknown, but visits flowers of Coreopsis and Larrea.

Melitta wilmattae Cockerell, 1937. Amer. Mus. Novitates 948: 3. ♀.


Dolickochile Viereck, 1909. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 11: 49.

Type-species: Doliclwchile melittoides Viereck. Monotypic and orig. desig.

Melitta melittoides (Viereck)
Conn, to Ga., Tenn. Pollen: Unknown, but visits flowers of Polycodium,
Xolis7na and Zenobia.
Dolickochile melittoides Viereck, 1909. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 11: 49. ♀.

Taxonomy: Cockerell, 1911. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 8: 692.

Genus HESPERAPIS Cockerell
Revision: Cockerell, 1916. Psyche 23: 176-177.

Genus HESPERAPIS Subgenus HESPERAPIS Cockerell

Hesperapis Cockerell, 1898. Canad. Ent. 30: 147.

Type-species: Hesperapis elegantula Cockerell. Monotypic.
Zacesta Ashmead, 1899. Amer. Ent. Soc, Trans. 26: 73.

Type-species: Zacesta nifipes Ashmead. Monotypic and orig. desig.

Hesperapis arida Michener
Ariz., south. Calif., desert. Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers o{ Lan-ea tridentata.

Biology: Hurd and Linsley, 1975. Smithsn. Contrib. Zool. 193: 32-33 (floral relationships).
Hesperapis arida Michener, 1936. Ent. News 47: 183. ♂, ♀.

Hesperapis elegantula Cockerell
N. Mex.

Hesperapis elegantula Cockerell, 1898. Canad. Ent. 30: 148. ♀.

Hesperapis rufipes (Ashmead)
South. Calif. Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers of Hugelia.

Zacesta rufipes Ashmead, 1899. Amer. Ent. Soc, Trans. 26: 73. ♂.

Taxonomy: Michener, 1936. Ent. News 47: 182. 6,9. —Michener, 1953. Kans. Univ. Sci. Bui.
35: 1040, figs. 281-287 (larva).

Genus HESPERAPIS Subgenus AMBLYAPIS Cockerell

Amblyapis Cockerell, 1910. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 5: 362.

Type-species: Halictoides ilicifoliae Cockerell. Monotypic and orig. desig.
ilicifoliae (Cockerell). Calif. Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers of Adenostoma.

Halictoides ilicifoliae Cockerell, 1910. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 5: 361. ♂.


Panurgomia Viereck, 1909. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 11: 48.

Type-species: Panurgomia fuchsi Viereck. Monotypic.

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Hesperapis arenicola Crawford
Ariz., Nev., Calif, deserts; Mexico. Pollen: Oligolectic on spring flowering
Compositae including but apparently not limited to Dyssodia, Encelia, Gemea,
Helicintluis, and Rafinesquia.
Hesperapis arenicola Crawford, 1917. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 19: 167. ♂.

Hesperapis carinata
***authority mismatch
carinata Stevens. N. Dak., Idaho.

Hesperapis carinata Stevens, 1919. Canad. Ent. 51: 209. ♂.

Taxonomy: Stevens, 1921. Canad. Ent. 53: 65. ♀.

Hesperapis carinata
***authority mismatch
rodecki Cockerell. Colo.

Hesperapis cari^iata rodecki Cockerell, 1934. Canad. Ent. 66: 153. ♀.

Hesperapis eumarpha (Cockerell)

Parandrena eiDiiarpha Cockerell, 1898. Amer. Ent. Soc, Trans. 25: 187. ♂.

Hesperapis eumorpha Cockerell, 1902. South. Calif. Acad. Sci., Bui. 1: 70. Emend.

Hesperapis fuchsi (Viereck)

Panurgomia fuchsi Viereck, 1909. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 11: 49. ♀.

Taxonomy: Cockerell, 1911. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 8: 671.

Hesperapis fulvipes Crawford
Calif., deserts. Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers of Geraea canescens.
Hesperapis fulvipes Crawford, 1917. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 19: 166. ♂.

Biology: Hurd, 1957. Kans. Ent. Soc, Jour. 30: 10 (seasonal synchronization with pollen

Hesperapis larreae Cockerell
Tex. to Utah and South. Calif, deserts; Mex. Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers of
Larrea tridentata.
Hesperapis larreae Cockerell, 1907. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 19: 535. ♂.

Biology: Hurd and Linsley, 1975. Smithsn. Contrib. Zool. 193: 33, fig. 13 (floral relationships).

Hesperapis laticeps Crawford
Calif, deserts and adjacent Nev. and Ariz. Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers of
Hesperapis laticeps Crawford, 1917. Ent. Soc. Wash., Proc. 19: 166. ♂.

Hesperapis leucura Cockerell
Calif.; Mexico (Baja California). Pollen: Possibly oligolectic on flowers of
Dalea, but is known to visit flowers of Cryptantha.
Hesperapis lencurus Cockerell, 1916. Pomona Jour. Ent. Zool. 8: 44. ♂.

Hesperapis nitidula Cockerell
Calif.; Mexico (Baja California). Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers of Oenothera.

Hesperapis nitidiilns Cockerell, 1916. Pomona Jour. Ent. Zool. 8: 45. ♂.

Taxonomy: Cockerell, 1941. San Diego Soc Nat. Hist., Trans. 9: 348. ♀.

Hesperapis oliviae (Cockerell)
N. Mex.

Panurgus oliviae Cockerell, 1897. Amer. Ent. Soc, Trans. 24: 149. ♂.

Hesperapis parva Michener
Calif, deserts; Mexico. Pollen: Unknown, but visits flowers of Acacia,
Cryptantha, Eriogonum, Eschscholzia, Oenothera, and Phacelia.

Hesperapis parva Michener, 1937. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 19: 327. ♂, ♀.

Hesperapis pellucida Cockerell
Calif. Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers of Eschscholzia califoniica.

Hesperapis pellucidus Cockerell, 1925. Calif. Acad. Sci., Proc. (4) 14: 198. ♂.

Hesperapis regularis (Cresson)
Calif. Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers of Clarkia.

Pa7iurgus regularis Cresson, 1878. Amer. Ent. Soc, Trans. 7: 62. ♂.

Biology: Burdick and Torchio, 1959. Kans. Ent. Soc, Jour. 32: 83-87, 7 figs. — MacSwain,
Raven and Thorp, 1973. Calif. Univ. Pubs. Ent. 70: 16-20 (floral relationships).

Hesperapis rhodocerata (Cockerell)
N. Mex., Calif.

Panurgus rhodoceratus Cockerell, 1897. Amer. Ent. Soc, Trans. 24: 148. ♀, ♂.

Hesperapis semirudis Cockerell
Calif. Pollen: Appears to be oligolectic on vernal flowering Compositae
including Chaenactis, Coreopsis, Layia, and Malacothrix.
Hesperapis sejuirudis Cockerell, 1910. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 5: 24. ♀.

Hesperapis wilmattae Cockerell
Calif., Ariz., Nev. deserts. Pollen: Chaenactis, Encelia, Malacothrix,

Oenothera, Rafinesquia, Sphaeralcea and Tetrad yvtia, but also visits a wide variety of

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other flowers including Abro7i.ia, Astragalus, Baileya, Calycoseris, Cryptantha,
Eynophyllum, Escliscliolzia, Gemea, Maiva, Nama, and Pliacelia for nectar.
Hesperapis wihnattae Cockerell, 1933. Pan-Pacific Ent. 9: 26. ♀.

Taxonomy: Michener, 1936. Ent. News 47: 184. ♂.


Genus MACROPIS Panzer

Revision: Michener, 1938. Psyche 45: 133-135.

Genus MACROPIS Subgenus MACROPIS Panzer

Megilla Fabricius, 1804. Systema Piezatorum, p. 328.

Type-species: Megilla labiata Fabricius. Desig. by Westwood, 1840.
Macropis Panzer, 1809. Faunae Ins. German., h. 107, No. 16.

Type-species: Megilla labiata Fabricius. Monotypic.

This is the only subgenus present in North America, and all of the species are believed to be
oligolectic on flowers of Steironema.

Macropis ciliata
***authority mismatch
Patten. Wis. to Que. and Maine south to Ga. Pollen: Unknown, but visits flowers of
Apocynum, Hoiistonia, and Hydrangea.
Macropis ciliata Patton, 1880. Ent. Monthly Mag. 17: 31. ♀.

Macropis clypeata Swenk

Macropis clypeata Swenk, 1907. Ent. News 18: 293. ♂.

Macropis longilingua Provancher

Macropis longilingua Provancher, 1888. Addit. Corr. Faune Ent. Canada, Hym., p. 424. ♀.

Macropis nuda (Provancher)
Colo., Mont., and south. Canada to N. Y., New England States and N. S.
Pollen: Unknown, but has been taken at flowers of Apocynum, Geranium, Rubus, and
Eucera nuda Provancher, 1882. Nat. Canad. 13: 174. ♀.
Macropis (Macropis) morsei Robertson, 1897. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, Trans. 7: 338. ♂, ♀.

Taxonomy: Mitchell, 1960. N. C. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bui. 141: 527 (tax. status, synonymy).
pateliata Patton. Vt. to N. C, west to Nebr., and Mo. Pollen: Oligolectic on flowers of
Macropis pateliata Patton, 1880. Ent. Monthly Mag. 17: 33. ♂.

Macropis steironematis
***authority mismatch
opaca Michener. Wash.

Macropis steironematis opaca Michener, 1938. Psyche 45: 134. ♂.

Macropis steironematis
***authority mismatch
steironematis Robertson. Iowa and Mo. to Va., N. C, and Ga. Pollen:

Presumably oligolectic on flowers of Steironema, but has been taken at flowers of
Apocynum, Ceanothus, Melilotus, and Seriocarpus.
Macropis steironematis Robertson, 1891. Amer. Ent. Soc, Trans. 18: 63. ♀, ♂.

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Top-1+1OriginalDatabase of Hymenoptera in America north of MexicoHighertaxa

Discover Life | Proceedings | Database of Hymenoptera in America north of Mexico | Highertaxa

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