Discover Life in America

Robert Colwell - 8 July, 1999

Re: Barcodes on insect specimens

Subject: Re: Barcodes on insect specimens
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 15:47:57 -0000
From: "Robert K. Colwell" <>
To: "John Pickering" <>
cc: "Jack Longino" <>


>Code 49 may not be dead.  I have a meeting with Sprague Ackley in Athens on
>Monday.  Sprague is Chief Scientist at Intermec and, by my understanding,
>the inventor of code 49.  I'm working with him to find a Code 49 solution
>that will be acceptable to the museum community as a whole.

Bless you!
>Intermec's sales force and literature suggest that Code 49 is no longer
>supported.  However, according to my understanding through conversations
>with Sprague, this is not the case.  Intermec's new high-density printer
>series (models 3240 and 3440) will print the code 49 labels that we are
>currently using and their new imager (model 1470) will read code 49 labels.
>What I'm still trying to find out is how to best interface their 1470
>imager with our plethora of different software applications and platforms.
>This imager currently interfaces through a RS-232 serial port and should,
>within 4 months, interface through a USB port.  However, I hope that we can
>convince Intermec to find us a solution that interfaces through a wedge
>reader that appears to our software applications as a keyboard, thus
>avoiding the need for each of us to write the software to accept input from
>RS-232/USB ports in addition to our keyboards.

Question: As far as I know, Macs do not have an RS-232 port. Is it
possible to get a card that has one or something?  How about USB ports on
cards for older macs?


>If my information is correct and the 1470 imager reads code 49 and the 3x40
>printers print the labels, I would recommend that we stick with code 49,
>even if a wedge reader is not available for months to come.  It would be a
>lot easier to stick with our current labels and write software interface
>code for each application than to re-label 4 million plus specimens or have
>multiple barcodes to read.  I also stongly recommend that we keep a unique
>institutional identifier in each barcode.  This is important when we share
>material, as we are.  Doing otherwise would be short-sighted and ultimately
>a disaster.
>I will let you and the others know what transpires during my meeting with
>Sprague.  Hold off on any final decisions until then.

Discover Life in America | Science | Unique Identifiers & Barcodes | Correspondence | Robert Colwell - 8 July, 1999