Ecology Course Evaluation Summary
Course: ECOL 3070
Instructor: Pickering, John
Semester/Year: Fall 2012

1.17	1.  Was this course required for your degree?
		(2 = yes, required; 1 = no, not required )
1.67	2.  On average, how many hours per week did you devote to this course outside of class?
		(5 = 8 hours or more; 4 = 6-7 hours; 3 = 4-5 hours; 2 = 2-3 hours; 1 = 0-1 hours )
4.50	3.  Assignments and activities were useful for helping me learn.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.83	4.  This course challenged me to think and learn.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.33	5.  The instructor explains concepts clearly.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.67	6.  The instructor was helpful.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.83	7.  The instructor facilitates critical thinking.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.83	8.  The instructor presented a positive and constructive teaching skill.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.17	9.  This course met my expectations.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.17	10.  This course was well organized.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.33	11.  I understood clearly where i stood in this course.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.33	12.  The visual aids used in this course were effective.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.83	13.  The instructor stimulated interest in the subject matter.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.50	14.  The grading policy was fair and clear.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
2.00	15.  This course was required for my degree.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.50	16.  I would recommend this course to other students.
		(5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; 1 = strongly disagree )
4.53	Total Score

6 Number of Evaluations Submitted

What did you like most about this course?
* Far more personal connection with classmates and teacher than any other class I've taken.
  It was really dynamic and kept me interested.
* The camping trip
* How we were small and intimate, sitting around a table and conducting the discussion ourselves
  with creative push and guidance from Dr. Pickering. He got us excited about what we were working
  on and has a great sense of humor
* Though tough, the hiking trip was fantastic. It was a fun experience.
* I liked the non-traditional format of the class. The round table settle up really stimulated thought
  and forced students to leave their comfort zone.

How could this course be improved?
* I think it could have been a little more structured, but this wasn't a big problem by any means.
* Maybe have a more organized first night on the camping trip in order for everyone to get to know
  each other a bit better.
* A little better time management. Many things end up happening at the very end of the semester,
  which can get stressful. The hiking trip could also be improved a bit. I understand that he enjoys
  that trail specifically, but not everyone is a trained hiker. It is not for the inexperienced.
* The book reports were very one-sided. It put more work on the person being interviewed than the
  interviewer. There should be a better way to even the playing field.