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Hippoglossina bollmani Gilbert, 1890
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Hippoglossina bollmani
© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12
Hippoglossina bollmani

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Main identification features
  • body edges: 3-4 pair dark blotches
  • gill rakers: 11-13
  • blind side: scales rough behind lateral linearch
Eyes on left side; body height 36-38% of standard length; head length 33% of standard length; eyes parallel, large, close together; mouth large, 38-44% head length, ends under middle lower eye; teeth small, ~equal sized; 11-13 long, slender rakers on 1st gill arch; lateral line extending onto head, with branches to upper eye and below lower eye, strongly arched over pectoral fin; bases of pelvics symmetric; urinary papilla on eye side, immediately behind level of anus; eye-side pectoral 50% of head length; 60-65 dorsal rays; 46-51 anal rays; 67-75 lateral line scales; blind side scales rough rearwards from between gill opening and end of lateral line arch.

Eye side grey-brown, with small round blue spots, 3-4 large, conspicuous spots along each edge of body, tail with dark spots on base and 2 dark outer bars, dorsal and anal dark with small white spots and row of large dark spots near base, pectoral and pelvic dark; blind side white.

Size: 20 cm.

Habitat: soft and rubble bottoms.

Depth: 18-191 m.

Southern Baja and the Gulf of California to Peru, and Cocos.

Abundance: Common.
Cites: Not listed.
Climate Zone: Northern Subtropical (Cortez Province + Sinaloan Gap); Northern Tropical (Mexican Province to Nicaragua + Revillagigedos); Equatorial (Costa Rica to Ecuador + Galapagos, Clipperton, Cocos, Malpelo); South Temperate (Peruvian Province ); North Temperate (Californian Province &/or Northern Gulf of California).
Depth Range Max: 191 m.
Depth Range Min: 18 m.
Diet: octopus/squid/cuttlefish; bony fishes; mobile benthic worms; mobile benthic crustacea (shrimps/crabs).
Eastern Pacific Range: Northern limit=32; Southern limit=-7; Western limit=-115; Eastern limit=-78; Latitudinal range=39; Longitudinal range=37.
Egg Type: Pelagic; Pelagic larva.
Feeding Group: Carnivore.
FishBase Habitat: Demersal.
Global Endemism: Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) endemic; East Pacific endemic; All species.
Habitat: Sand & gravel; Soft bottom (mud, sand,gravel, beach, estuary & mangrove); Soft bottom only.
Inshore Offshore: Inshore; Inshore Only.
IUCN Red List: Not evaluated / Listed.
Length Max: 20 cm.
Regional Endemism: Island (s); Continent; Continent + Island (s); TEP endemic; All species.
Residency: Resident.
Salinity: Marine; Marine Only.
Water Column Position: Bottom; Bottom only;

Scientific source:

Links to other sites

  • Béarez, P., 1996., Lista de los Peces Marinos del Ecuador Continental., Revista de Biologia Tropical, 44:731-741.
  • Findley, L.T., Hendrickx, M.E., Brusca, R.C., van der Heiden, A.M., Hastings, P.A., Torre, J., 2003., Diversidad de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, Mexico., CD-ROM versión 1.0. Projecto de la Macrofauna del Golfo .  Derechos reservados de los autores y Conservación Internacional.
  • Fischer , W. , Krup , F. , Schneider , W. , Sommer , C. , Carpenter , K. E. and Niem, V. H., 1995., Guia FAO para la Identificacion de Especies de para los fines de la Pesca. Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Volumen III. Vertebrados - Parte 2., FAO3:1201-1813.
  • Gilbert, C.H., 1890., A preliminary report on the fishes collected by the steamer "Albatross" on the Pacific coast of North America during the year 1889, with descriptions of twelve new genera and ninety-two new species., Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 13:49-126.
  • Jimenez-Prado, P., Béarez, P., 2004., Peces marinos del Ecuador continental / Marine fishes of continental Ecuador., SIMBIOE/NAZCA/IFEA tomo 1 y 2.
  • Jordan , D.S. and Evermann, B.W., 1898., The fishes of North and Middle America: a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part III., Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 47:2183-3136.
  • Lopez , M. I. and Bussing, W. A., 1982., Lista provisional de los peces marinos de la Costa Rica., Revista de Biologia Tropical, 30(1):5-26.
  • Love, M.S., Mecklenburg, C.W., Mecklenburg, T.A., Thorsteinson, L.K., 2005., es of the West Coast and Alaska: a checklist of North Pacific and Artic Ocena species from Baja California to the Alaska-Yukon border., U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, 288pp.
  • Meek , S.E. and Hildebrand, S.F., 1928., The marine fishes of Panama. Part III., Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser. Publ., XV:709-1045.
  • Rubio , R. E. A. and Estupiñan, F., 1990., Ictiofauna del Parque Nacional Natural Sanquianga, un Analisis de su Estructura y Perspectivas para su Manejo., Memorias del VII Seminario Nacional de las Ciencias y Tecnologías del Mar. Comisión Colombiana de Oceanografía. Bogota, Colombia., :660-670.
  • Rubio, E.A., 1988., Estudio taxonomico de la ictiofauna acompañante del camaron en areas costeras del Pacifico de Colombia., Memorias del VI Seminario Nacional de las Ciencias del Mar. Comisión Colombiana de Oceanografía. Bogota, Colombia., :169-183.
  • Van der Heiden , A. M. and Findley, L. T., 1988., Lista de los peces marinos del sur de Sinaloa, México., Anales del Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia de la Universidad Autonoma Nacional de Mexico, 15:209-224.


I thank Ashley MacDonald and John Pickering, University of Georgia, for technical support in building this page.

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