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Dorosoma petenense (Gunther, 1867)
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Dorosoma petenense Copyright Michel Lamboeuf · 0
Dorosoma petenense

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Main identification features Body deep, compressed; mouth small, at front, with notch between front of upper jaws; sides of lower jaw curved in below when viewed from front; ventral profile a strongly convex keel; last dorsal fin ray long, filamentous; anal fin short, 17-27 rays, origin just behind base of dorsal fin; scales large, regularly arranged, in 41-48 lateral rows.

Grey-brown to blue-black above; sides silver; a black spot a little behind upper edge of operculum.

Size: 33 cm.

Habitat: common in mouths of rivers; lives in rivers and freshwater lakes.

Depth: 0-10 m.

A west Atlantic species introduced into rivers of the eastern Gulf of California.

Abundance: Common.
Cites: Not listed.
Climate Zone: North Temperate (Californian Province &/or Northern Gulf of California); Northern Subtropical (Cortez Province + Sinaloan Gap).
Depth Range Max: 10 m.
Depth Range Min: 0 m.
Diet: zooplankton; pelagic fish larvae; pelagic fish eggs; phytoplankton.
Eastern Pacific Range: Northern limit=32; Southern limit=28; Western limit=-115; Eastern limit=-111; Latitudinal range=4; Longitudinal range=4.
Egg Type: Pelagic; Pelagic larva.
Feeding Group: Planktivore.
FishBase Habitat: Pelagic.
Global Endemism: West Atlantic Introducee; TEP non-endemic; All species.
Habitat: Estuary; Water column; Freshwater.
Inshore Offshore: Inshore; Inshore Only.
IUCN Red List: Not evaluated / Listed.
Length Max: 33 cm.
Regional Endemism: Continent; Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) non-endemic; Eastern Pacific non-endemic; Continent only; All species.
Residency: Resident.
Salinity: Brackish; Freshwater; Marine.
Water Column Position: Near Surface; Surface; Water column only;

Scientific source:

Links to other sites

  • Castro-Aguirre, J.L., 1999., Ictiofauna estuarino-lagunar y vicaria de México., Editorial Limusa S.A. de C.V.: 1-629pp.
  • Eschmeyer , W. N. , Herald , E. S. and Hamman, H., 1983., A field guide to Pacific coast fishes of North America from the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California. Peterson Field Guide Ser. 28., Houghton Mifflin:336pp.
  • Findley, L.T., Hendrickx, M.E., Brusca, R.C., van der Heiden, A.M., Hastings, P.A., Torre, J., 2003., Diversidad de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, Mexico., CD-ROM versión 1.0. Projecto de la Macrofauna del Golfo .  Derechos reservados de los autores y Conservación Internacional.
  • Fischer , W. , Krup , F. , Schneider , W. , Sommer , C. , Carpenter , K. E. and Niem, V. H., 1995., Guia FAO para la Identificacion de Especies de para los fines de la Pesca. Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Volumen II. Vertebrados - Parte 1., FAO2:647-1200.
  • Günther, A., 1867., On the Fishes of the States of Central America, founded upon specimens collected in the fresh and marine waters of various parts of that country by Messrs. Salvin and Godman and Capt. J. M. Dow., Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866:600-604.
  • Love, M.S., Mecklenburg, C.W., Mecklenburg, T.A., Thorsteinson, L.K., 2005., es of the West Coast and Alaska: a checklist of North Pacific and Artic Ocena species from Baja California to the Alaska-Yukon border., U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, 288pp.
  • Minckley, W.L., 2002., Fishes of the lowermost colorado river, its delta, and estuary: a commentary on biotic change. En: Lozano-Vilano, M. L. (Ed.). Libro Jubilar en Honor al Dr. Salvador Contreras Balderas., Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León:63-78.
  • Whitehead, P.J.P., 1985., Clupeoid fishes of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, anchovies and wolf-herrings. Part 1. Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae. FAO species catalogue. Vol. 7., FAO Fish. Synop. No 125, 125(1):1-303.


I thank Ashley MacDonald and John Pickering, University of Georgia, for technical support in building this page.

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