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Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt, 1833)
Porcellio pruinosus Brandt, 1833; Metoponorthus nigrobrunneus; Metoponorthus pruinosus Brandt; Metoponorthus swammerdami; Porcellio epirotes; Porcellio flavovittatus; Porcellio frontalis; Porcellio immaculatus Fitch; Porcellio jelskii; Porcellio maculicornis Koch; Porcellio neozelandicus; Porcellio pruinosis; Porcellio schwendki; Porcellio uniformis; Porcellio zealandicus; Porcellionides bagnalli; Porcellionides meleagris; Porcellionides nigrobrunneus; Porcellionides swammerdami

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  • Australian Faunal Directory

Reprinted from Richardson, H. 1905. Isopods of North America. Bulletin No. 54 of the United States National Museum.

Localities. —Columbus, Cincinnati, Andersons Ferry, Hamilton County, Ohio; Marion Center, Kansas; Oakland, California; Springfield, Ohio; Washington City; Provo, Utah: Las Vegas, Mesilla Park, New Mexico; Burlington, Ohio; Smiths Island, Virginia; Woodside, Maryland; Texas; Miami, Key West, Florida; Beverly and Salem, Massachusetts; San Antonio, Dallas, Texas; St. Thomas, West Indies; Hamilton Island, Bermudas; Mangrove Bay, Andros Island, Bahamas; also Europe; North Africa; Caracas, La Moka, and Merida, Venezuela; Praslin, etc. Found under logs; in greenhouses, dwellings, and on country roads; along walls and under decaying vegetable matter.

Body oblong-ovate, twice as long as wide, 4.5 mm.: 9 mm. Abdomen abruptly narrower than thorax. Head twice as wide as long, 1 mm.: 2 mm., with the anterior margin slightly convex; antero-lateral lobes small. The eyes are small, composite, and situated at the base of the antero-lateral lobes. The first pair of antennae are small and inconspicuous. The second pair have the first article short; the second is twice as long as the first; the third is equal in length to the second; the fourth is twice as long as the third; the fifth is one and a half times as long as the fourth. The flagellum is composed of two articles, the first of which is twice as long as the second, and both taken together are almost equal in length to the fifth article of the peduncle. The second antennae extend to the posterior margin of the fourth thoracic segment.

The first segment of the thorax is perhaps a little longer than any of the others, which are subequal. The antero-lateral angles of the first segment are produced forward to surround the head, and they extend to the base of the antero-lateral lobes of the head. The epimera are not distinctly separated from the segments.

The abdomen is abruptly narrower than the thorax. All six segments are distinct. The first two have the lateral parts covered by the seventh thoracic segment. The third, fourth, and fifth segments have the lateral parts small, not greatly expanded. The sixth or terminal segment is triangular in shape. It is 1 mm. wide at the base and is hardly more than 0.5 mm. long. The apex is acute, and there is slight concavity in its dorsal surface. The basal article or peduncle of the uropoda is not longer than the apex of the terminal abdominal segment. The outer branch is 1.5 mm. long and extends its entire length beyond the apex of the terminal abdominal segment. The inner branch extends about one-third the length of the outer branch.

All the legs are ambulatory in character.

The surface of the body is slightly granulated. In color the posterior and lateral margins are a uniform reddish brown. The other parts are a lighter color, formed of reddish brown with wavy lines of a light yellow on either side of the median line.

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