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Andrena boronensis Linsley & MacSwain, 1962
Andrena (Onagrandrena) eulobi Linsley and Macswain, 1963

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Onagrandrena

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Text used courtesy of the Illinois Natural History Survey from: LaBerge, W. E., Thorp, R. W., 2005. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part XIV. Subgenus Onagrandrena. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 37: 1-63.

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Andrena boronensis is closely related to A. oenotherae from which it can be separated in both sexes by the more sparse metatergal punctation. In the female, terga 2 and 3 have the apical area punctures separated largely by three to five puncture widths and the punctures are minute in size.

FEMALE: MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 20; length, 12-14 mm; width, 3-4 mm; WL, M = 3.88 0.193 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.0910.007; FOVL/FOVW, M = 3.15 0.058.

DIAGNOSIS. Vestiture black; wing membranes hyaline, slightly infumate apically. veins dark brown to black; metasomal terga black without metallic reflections. Galeae as in oenotherae; labral process with narrowed apical portion occasionally narrow as in oenotherae, usually about as broad as base of scape or almost so, occasionally weakly emarginate apically. Clypeus sculptured as in oenotherae. Vertex and ocelli as in oenotherae. Pronotum without humeral angle or vertical ridge laterally; mesoscutum, scutellum, mesepisternum and propodeum sculptured as in oenotherae. Terga 2 and 3 with apical areas with punctures separated mostly by 3 to 5 puncture widths, punctures minute, basal areas with punctures separated by 1 to 3 or more puncture widths, sparse especially in median third, surfaces shiny. Thoracic dorsum with hairs long: propodeum without distinct corbicula laterally, hairs long and plumose; scopal hairs long, simple, moderately abundant, hiding surface to some degree.

MALE: MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 20; length, 9-10 mm; width, 2-3 mm; WL, M = 3.51 0.143 mm; FL/FW, M = i.l4 0.009; FS1/FS2, M = i.25 0.019.

DIAGNOSIS. Head with vestiture white except as follows: long black hairs mixed with white on vertex, on face along inner margins of compound eyes and occasionally mixed with black on face above clypeus, on labrum, and on genal area (some white usually present on lower genal area below level of mandible). Thorax white dorsally, usually including a few to many long white hairs on dorsal surface of propodeum; pleural hairs black with white at least dorsally near wings. Leg hairs black but some white hairs often present on femora. Metasomal hairs black with long white hairs dorsally on tergum 1 and a few mediobasally on tergum 2. Wing membranes hyaline, slightly infumate apically at most, veins dark reddish brown to black; metasomal terga black, without metallic reflections. Galeae as in female; labral process bidentate; clypeus densely, finely punctate, surface shiny; vertex above lateral ocellus equals about one ocellar diameter; flagellar segment 1 with minimum length usually slightly longer than segment 2, about equal to segment 3. Pronotum and thoracic sculpturing, including propodeum, as in oenotherae female. Metasomal terga sculptured much as in female but punctures usually sparser; tergum 2 with basal area hairs and tibial hairs as in oenotherae. Sternum 7 with apical teeth small, crowded together. median emargination weak with fine hairs; sternum 8 much as in oenotherae but apical hairy lobe somewhat narrower (Figs. 43 and 44).

TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype female of Andrena (O.) boronensis (CAS No. 11, 274) was collected at Boron, Kern County, California, April 3, 1959 at flowers of Camissonia campestris (as dentata) by. MacSwain. The holotype female of A. (O.) eulobi (CAS No. 11, 277) was collected 14 miles south of San Quintin, Baja California del Norte, Mexico, March 30, 1962, at flowers of Camissonia (as Oenothera) crassifolia by P. H. Raven. Linsley and MacSwain, 1963, cite this locality as 14 miles north of San Quintin, but the label on the holotype clearly has the locality as 14 miles south of San Quintin.

DISTRIBUTION. Andrena boronensis occurs in southern California and in Baja California del Norte (Fig. 5). It has been collected from March 2 to August 5 but chiefly from the end of March to early June. In addition to the type material, a total of 422 females and 106 males were examined from localities listed below.

CALIFORNIA. IMPERIAL CO.: Travertine Rock. INYO CO.: Goodale Creek (N of Lone Pine). KERN CO.: Boron; Mojave (and 6 mi. E); Red Rock Canyon; Short Canyon (6.5 mi. NW of lnyokern); Walker Pass Summit (0.7 and 7.2 mi. NW); Weldon (0.5 mi. S). LOS ANGELES CO.: Claremont; Little Rock (and 1 mi. W); Pearblossom (5 mi. S); Palmdale; Valyermo. RIVERSIDE CO.: Thousand Palms. SAN BERNARDINO CO.: Apple Valley; Barstow (2 mi. W); Desert Springs; Kramer Hills; Salt Wells (7 mi. W). San Diego Co.: Anza-Borrego State Park; Descanso-Alpine; Oak Grove; Pegleg Smith Monument; Shelter Valley. TULARE CO.: Johnsondale. MEXICO. BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL NORTE: Guerro Negro; San Quintin (14 miles N).

NEST BIOLOGY. Linsley et al. (1964) give the following account of the nesting of this species. Most burrows of A. boronensis were found in or near the borders of hard-packed, unpaved roadbeds. Several were excavated al Little Rock. They were 7 mm in diameter and slanted down from the ground surface at an angle of about 45 degrees to a depth of 11 to 14 cm; from this point they progressed vertically to a depth of 36 to 47 cm and then laterally for 12 to 20 cm where a horizontal cell was placed."

FLORAL RECORDS. Andrena boronensis is an oligolege of the genus Camissonia (Linsley et al. 1973). It has been collected from flowers of the plants listed, below.

Baccharis viminea, Camissonia bistorta, C. brevipes, C. campestris, C. claviformis aurantiaca, C. c. claviformis, C. crassifolia, C. kernensis, Coreopsis bigelovii, C. californica, Cryptantha intermedia, Encelia farinosa, Ericameria linearifolia, Eriophyllum confertiflorum, Layia glandulosa, Potentilla sp., Salix exigua, S. lasiolepis.

Scientific source:
Andrena (Onagrandrena) boronensis Linsley and MacSwain, 1962, Pan-Pacific Ent. 38: 49-51; Linsley, MacSwain, and Raven, 1963, Univ. California Pub. Ent., 33: 69-71. Andrena (Onagrandrena) eulobi Linsley and MacSwain, 1963, Pan-Pacific Ent., 39: 197; Linsley, MacSwain, Raven, and Thorp, 1973, Univ. California Publ. Ent., 71: 31-32. New synonymy.

Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Fabaceae  Astragalus lentiginosus @ BBSL (4)
Onagraceae  Camissonia claviformis @ BBSL (1)

Camissonia crassifolia @ BMEC_ENT (2)

Camissonia sp @ BBSL (5)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (1)

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