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Andrena bruneri Viereck & Cockerell, 1914
Andrena laramiensis Viereck and Cockerell, 1914; Andrena viridibasis Cockerell, 1930; Andrena (Elandrena) bruneri Viereck and Cockerell, 1914; Andrena (Elandrena) viridibasis Cockerell, 1930

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Scaphandrena

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Reprinted with permission of the American Entomological Society from: Ribble, D. W. 1974. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Subgenus Scaphandrena. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 100: 101-189.

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The male of this species is known from only two specimens collected in 1893 with females but were given a different name (see Type Material). These males and the male of A. vestali are the only specimens in the merriami species group without at least some dark hairs. Andrena bruneri has light colored parocular areas, white hairs on the dorsum of the thorax and a bluish-black abdomen while vestali has dark parocular areas, all golden yellow hairs and a dark brown abdomen. The females of bruneri are most like those of hicksi but have shorter hairs on the dorsum of the thorax and a more punctate abdomen.

The descriptions below are based on specimens from Laramie, Wyoming.

FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. Length, 10.8 mm; width, 3.1 mm; wing length, 7.9 mm; FL/FW, 1.08; FOVL/FOVW, 5.17.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Color as in merriami but body with bluish-black luster.

STRUCTURE. Antennal scape nearly as long as first four flagellar segments; flagellar segment 1 as long as segments 2 plus 3; antenna otherwise as in merriami. Eyes and mandible as in merriami. Galea as in merriami but shagreening slightly coarser. Stipes with mostly straight hairs. Labial palpus as in merriami but ratio about 1.0:0.6:0.4:0.6. Maxillary palpus as in merriami but ratio about 1.0:1.0:0.9:0.9:0.8:0.8. Labrum as in merriami. Clypeus as in merriami but with narrow impunctate area along midline, shagreening weak to absent in center. Supraclypeal area, face above antennal fossae, vertex and genal area as in merriami but surfaces moderately shiny. Facial fovea as in merriami.

Pronotum as in merriami but punctures moderate in size, surface shinier. Mesoscutum as in merriami but punctures closer. Scutellum sculptured as mesoscutum but shinier, unshagreened in center. Propodeum as in merriami but dorsal triangular area basally more granular than rugulose, dorsolateral and posterior surfaces with slightly coarser shagreening. Mesepisternum as in merriami but shagreening coarser. Wings as in merriami but pterostigma slightly narrower. Tarsal claws untoothed, hind tibia as in merriami.

Metasomal terga 1-4 as in merriami but punctures small to moderate in size, close. Tergum 5 and pygidial plate as in merriami. Sterna 2-5 as in merriami but punctures larger, closer.

VESTITURE. Entirely dark otherwise as in merriami except thoracic dorsum with short hairs.

MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. Length, 9.8 mm; width, 2.6 mm; wing length, 7.4 mm; FL/FW, 1.08; FS1/FS2, 1.75.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Color as in female but clypeus light yellow except apex and two small dark spots, parocular area along clypeal margin with light yellow maculation.

STRUCTURE. Antenna as in merriami but segment 1 as long as segment 2 plus half of 3. Eyes each 3.2 times as long as broad, inner margins slightly converging towards mandibles. Mandible and galea as in female. Stipes moderately setose. Labial palpus as in female but ratio about 1.0:0.4:0.4:0.6. Maxillary palpus with first three segments in ratio about as 0.9:0.9:1.0, apical segments missing. Labral process moderate in size, expanded at base, deeply notched at apex; labrum below process as in merriami. Clypeus as in merriami but without impunctate area. Supraclypeal area as in merriami but with moderate-sized punctures. Face above antennal fossae, vertex and genal area as in female.

Pronotum as in female. Mesoscutum as in female but shinier, unshagreened in center. Scutellum, propodeum and mesepisternum as in female. Wings as in female but vein 1st m-cu meets second submarginal cell in basal third of cell, second submarginal cell greatly narrowed anteriorly. Legs as in merriami.

Metasomal terga as in female but punctures not as close. Pygidial plate absent. Sterna 2-5 as in female but punctures smaller and further apart. Sternum 6 bent downward at apex, not emarginate.

Terminalia as in figures 80-84; note the following: gonocoxite with dorsal lobes moderate in length, broadly rounded, apex moderate in width; penis valve moderately wide with large subtriangular dorsal lamellae, apex short, thick, broadly rounded, slightly expanded at apex in ventral view; sternum 7 with large apical notch; sternum 8 slightly widened at apex, apex deeply emarginate.

VESTITURE. Generally dirty white, long, abundant except as follows: legs and abdomen with mostly amber hairs; tergum 1 with hairs of moderate length, on terga 2-4 hairs short, suberect, apical abdominal fasciae absent; sterna 2-5 with subapical fimbriae.

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Updated: 2024-07-27 01:59:40 gmt
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