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Andrena carolina Viereck, 1909
Andrena carolina Viereck, 1909; Andrena (Conandrena) carolina Viereck, 1909; Andrena (Andrena) longifacies LaBerge, 1980

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Andrena

Andrena carolina, female side
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Andrena carolina, female side

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Andrena carolina, female, face
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Andrena carolina, female, face
Andrena carolina, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Andrena carolina, Mid-Atlantic Phenology

Andrena carolina FEM CFP comp
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Andrena carolina FEM CFP comp
Andrena carolina MALE CFP comp
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Andrena carolina MALE CFP comp

Andrena carolina f on Salix 20120330 003
© Copyright Micheal Veit 2010 · 7
Andrena carolina f on Salix 20120330 003
Andrena carolina f on Salix 20120330 005
© Copyright Micheal Veit 2010 · 7
Andrena carolina f on Salix 20120330 005

Andrena carolina f on Salix 20120330 007
© Copyright Micheal Veit 2010 · 7
Andrena carolina f on Salix 20120330 007
Andrena carolina, f on Rhododend --
© Copyright Micheal Veit 2010 · 6
Andrena carolina, f on Rhododend --

Andrena carolina, male, cheek
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 2
Andrena carolina, male, cheek
Andrena carolina, figure45d
Mitchell, Bees of the Eastern United States, Vol. I, 1960 · 1
Andrena carolina, figure45d

Andrena carolina, figure46h
Mitchell, Bees of the Eastern United States, Vol. I, 1960 · 1
Andrena carolina, figure46h
Andrena carolina, Barcode of Life Data Systems
Barcode of Life Data Systems · 1
Andrena carolina, Barcode of Life Data Systems

Andrena carolina, female, face
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Andrena carolina, female, face
Andrena carolina female, propodeum
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena carolina female, propodeum

Andrena carolina female, labrum
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena carolina female, labrum
Andrena carolina female, malar space
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena carolina female, malar space

Andrena carolina F, 071420 fovea length
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena carolina F, 071420 fovea length
Andrena carolina F, narrow hind tibia
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena carolina F, narrow hind tibia

Andrena carolina F 071432, T2 indistinct pits
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena carolina F 071432, T2 indistinct pits

IDnature guides
Identification Notes: Often associated with Vaccinium shrubs. Female with a long face, relatively wide malar space, hairs reflecting pale in the facial fovea, facial fovea wide near the top of the eye and less than one ocellar distance from the lateral ocelli, tiny shiny area below the pronotal ridge near the collar where the integument is not tessilated, scopal hairs all pale
Andrena carolina – Female is a specialist on blueberries (Vaccinium sp.) and noted for its elongate head and malar space 1/3 to ¼ the width of the mandible. Male has no tooth at the base of the mandible and F1 is equal to F2.

Reprinted from Viereck, H.L. 1909. A new species of Andrena. Entomological News 20: 126. The copyright has expired on this work.

Please report text errors to: Leah at Discoverlife dot org.

FEMALE. Length about 10mm; occipito clypeal distance (the distance between the highest point on the vertex and the middle of apex of the clypeus) greater than the ocular distance (the distance between the outermost point of each eye), facial fovea extending below the antennal line (an imaginary straight line drawn tangent to the lowest point in the edge of each antennal fossa), the former with its greatest width greater than two-thirds of the shortest distance between the lateral ocellus and nearest eye, third joint of antennae longer than fourth, plus fifth, but shorter than fourth, plus fifth, plus sixth, clypeus punctured, polished, with a median longitudinal impunctate area, process of labrum broadly rounded; abdomen with the second dorsal segment depressed less than one-half the distance between base and apex of the same segment, abdomen fasciate. Tegument almost throughout black or very dark brown in color, most of the hairs pale ochreous, the great majority of the hairs of the tibial scopa not branched but simple.

Type locality, North Carolina, USA. Type in the collection of the Amer. Ent. Soc., Phil., Pa.

Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960. Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE Length 9 mm.; face slightly longer than broad; clypeus broadly convex, somewhat protuberant, projecting slightly more than one-half below suborbital line, smooth and shining, punctures moderately coarse and deep, well separated on each side of an indistinct, median line; facial foveae quite broad, occupying above most of area between eyes and ocelli, covered with pale ochraceous tomentum; space between margin of vertex and lateral ocelli subequal to their diameter; cheeks broader than eyes, rounded posteriorly, somewhat shining, punctures minute, well separated below, becoming quite close above; length of malar space equal to about one-third basal width of mandible; basal segment of flagellum subequal to 2nd and 3rd combined; process of labrum triangular, with narrowly rounded apex; mandibles rather elongate with a small, inner, subapical tooth located about one-fourth of its length from apex, not noticeably dilated beneath toward base, overlapping about one-third; pubescence of head, thorax and legs pale ochraceous; thoracic integument dull, tessellate, punctures of scutum shallow and rather indistinct, quite close anteriorly, becoming rather sparse in center posteriorly where surface is more shining, and scutellum shining with punctures more distinct but quite irregular, rather sparse; pleura with vague, shallow and rather sparse punctures anteriorly, these becoming inevident posteriorly; dorsal area of propodeum nearly vertical, triangle finely substriate along basal margin; propodeal corbicula rather short, pale ochraceous, anterior fringe poorly developed; trochanteral floccus quite well developed, pale ochraceous; hind tibiae narrow and elongate, apex only slightly broader than basitarsi, scopa rather thin, hairs somewhat elongate, entirely simple, pale ochraceous; front and mid basitarsi slightly narrower than their respective tibiae; 2nd submarginal cell somewhat shorter than 3rd, receiving 1st recurrent about one-third from apex; abdominal terga rather dull, microscopically tessellate, punctures exceedingly minute and obscure, hardly visible, rather sparse, apical impressed areas very shallow, occupying medially about one-third length of disc, becoming narrowly brownish-hyaline along rims, discal pubescence very sparse, thin, erect, entirely pale, apical fasciae very poorly developed, tergum 5 with a pale ochraceous, apical fimbria.

MALE Length 8 mm.; head broader than thorax; clypeus only slightly convex, projecting about one-half below suborbital line, strongly narrowed apically, surface smooth and shining, very minutely and quite sparsely punctate, the punctures becoming somewhat deeper, coarser and closer at extreme sides; space between margin of vertex and lateral ocelli subequal to their diameter; cheeks much broader than eyes, rather flat, posterior margin quite conspicuously angulate, the rounded angle opposite upper third of eye, surface smooth and shining, minutely punctate, punctures well separated but hardly sparse; length of malar space equal to about one-third basal width of mandible; basal segment of flagellum subequal to 2nd segment; process of labrum short, rather broad, slightly narrowed to the broadly truncate apical margin; mandibles elongate, strongly bowed, with a distinct, inner, subapical tooth located about one-fourth of length from tip, overlapping nearly one-half; pubescence of head, thorax and legs greyish-white, slightly tinged with yellow; thoracic integument dull, tessellate, punctures of scutum very minute and obscure, hardly visible, rather close but very obscure, barely visible on the somewhat shining scutellum; pleura with a very few shallow, obscure punctures anteriorly; dorsal area of propodeum oblique, triangle finely tessellate, very obscurely substriate along basal margin; basitarsi more or less testaceous, very slender and elongate, considerably narrower than their tibiae; 2nd submarginal cell considerably shorter than 3rd, receiving 1st recurrent near apex; abdominal terga rather smooth, somewhat shining, punctures exceedingly minute and obscure, barely visible, well separated but not sparse, apical impressed areas very shallow, not at all hyaline, occupying medially nearly one-third length of discs, discal pubescence extremely short, sparse and obscure, apparently entirely pale, fasciae not developed; apical portion of sternum 8 narrow, sides nearly parallel, apex narrowly truncate, clothed beneath with short, pale pubescence; penis valves slender apically, quite conspicuously dilated basally, dilated area grooved laterally, gonocoxites rather slender, somewhat dilated apically, gonocoxal lobes quite strongly produced, rather narrow, narrowly rounded apically.

DISTRIBUTION Minnesota to the New England states and Nova Scotia, south to Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia; April to July.

FLOWER RECORDS Azalea, Rhodora and Vaccinium. Recorded by Brittain and Newton (1934) on Claytonia, Dentaria, Ledum, Pyrus malus and Pyrus spp.

Extracted from Joel Gardner. "The mining bees of Minnesota (unpublished manuscript)"

Andrena carolina has the longest face and malar space of any Andrena s. str.,

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Hieracium sp @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Berberidaceae  Berberis thunbergii @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Ericaceae  Chamaedaphne calyculata @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Gaylussacia baccata @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Gaylussacia @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Vaccinium angustifolium @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Vaccinium corymbosum @ AMNH_BEE (1); UCMS_ENT (1)

Vaccinium hirsutum @ BBSL (1)

Vaccinium pallidum @ AMNH_BEE (3)

Vaccinium sp @ BBSL (1); CUIC_ENT (5); UCMS_ENT (2)

Vaccinium stamineum @ AMNH_BEE (6); CUIC_ENT (30)

Vaccinium @ AMNH_BEE (8); CUIC_ENT (2)
J. rykken  667 @ JRYB__SHEN (2)
_  blueberry @ NLA (1)

Updated: 2024-10-08 05:04:02 gmt
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