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Andrena chylismiae Linsley & MacSwain, 1961
Andrena (Onagrandrena) thorpi Linsley and Macswain, 1962

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Onagrandrena

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Text used courtesy of the Illinois Natural History Survey from: LaBerge, W. E., Thorp, R. W., 2005. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part XIV. Subgenus Onagrandrena. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 37: 1-63.

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Andrena chylismiae is closely related to A. oenotherae which it resembles by the densely punctate metasomal terga but differs by the long sparse tibial scopal hairs of the females and the entirely black vestiture of the males. This species differs from either stagei or boronensis by the denser metasomal punctation as described below.

FEMALE: MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 20; length, 12-15 mm; width, 3.0-4.5 mm; WL, M = 4.34 0.293 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.04 0.004; FOVL/FOVW, M = 2.96 0.042.

DIAGNOSIS. Vestiture black; wing membranes hyaline, slightly infumate, veins dark brown to black; metasomal terga without metallic reflections. Galeae and labral process as in oenotherae. Clypeus sculptured as in oenotherae. Pronotum without humeral angle or ridge laterally; mesoscutum, scutellum, mesepisternum and propodeum sculptured as in oenotherae. Terga 2 and 3 with punctures dense as in as in oenotherae. Thoracic dorsum with hairs long as in oenotherae, propodeum without corbicula laterally, hairs long and plumose; scopal hairs long, simple sparse, not hiding surface.

MALE: MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 14; length, 11-12 mm; width, 3.0-3.5 mm; WL, M = 4.15 299 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.09 0.07; FS1/FS2, M = 1.191022.

DIAGNOSIS. Vestiture entirely black; wing membranes hyaline, only slightly infumate, veins dark brown to black; metasomal terga without metallic reflections. Galeae as in female; labral process bidentate; clypeus densely punctate, surface shiny; vertex above lateral ocellus equals about one ocellar diameter; flagellar segment 1 with minimum length about equal to segment 3, slightly longer than segment 2. Pronotum as in oenotherae female; mesoscutum and scutellum sculptured as in oenotherae female but punctures slightly smaller; propodeum and mesepisternum sculptured as in oenotherae female. Metasomal terga 2-5 with apical area punctures separated by one to three puncture widths, lightly shagreened if at all; basal area punctures separated usually by 1 to 2 puncture widths. Metasomal tergum 2 with basal area hairs long as in oenotherae; hind tibiae with long sparse hairs along anterior margin as in oenotherae. Sternum 7 similar to that of oenotherae but with apical lobes slightly narrower and less distinctly hairy; sternum 8 capitate with weak apicomedian emargination, somewhat angular laterally, neck region short, broad (Figs. 45 and 46).

TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype female of Andrena (O. chylismiae (CAS No. 6,700) was collected 10 miles S of Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, May 29, 1959, at flowers of Camissonia (as Oenotherae) claviformis cruciformis by P. H. Raven. The holotype female of A. (O.) thorpi (CAS No. 11, 281) was collected 11 miles N of Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nevada, June 8, 1961, from flowers of Oenothera deltoides piperi by. MacSwain.

DISTRIBUTION. � Andrena chylismiae is known from California west of the Sierra Nevada Mts., and southern Oregon east to western Wyoming and eastern Utah (Linsley, MacSwain, and Raven, 1963, p. 37) (Fig. 5). It has been collected from May 19 through June 18. A single female supposedly collected in the Santa Catalina Mts. in Pima Co. Arizona by Oslar is probably mislabeled (Thorp, 1970) and is not included in the localities listed below. In addition to the types and paratypes, 242 females and 23 males were examined from localities listed below.

CALIFORNIA. INYO CO.: Big Pine; Big Pine Creek (8000 ft. alt.). LASSEN CO.: Ravendale (19 mi. SE). MONO CO.: Benton. NEVADA. EUREKA CO.: Emigrant Pass (4 mi. E); Eureka (2 and 28.5 mi. W. and 7.6, 17.1, 50.2 and 73.3 mi. N). HUMBOLDT CO.: Winnemucca (and 11 mi. N and 10 mi. S). LANDER CO.: Austin (2.5 and 12 mi. E, 9.5 mi. W); Reese River Valley (9.7 and 14.7 mi. W. of Austin; Railroad Pass (3 mi. E). WASHOE CO.: Reno (10 mi. S); Steamboat Springs (10 mi. S of Reno). OREGON. HARNEY CO.: Frenchglen(20mi.S). UTAH. UINTAH CO.: Brush Creek. WYOMING. LINCOLN CO.: LaBarge (6 mi. S).

FLORAL RECORDS. � This species is an oligolege of species of Camissonia (Linsley el al. 1973). It has been collected at flowers of the plants listed below.

Camissonia claviformis claviformis, C. c. cruciformis, C. c. integrior, Melilotus officinalis, Oenotherae sp., O. deltoides piperi, Sisymbrium altissimum, Stanleya pinnata. Stenotus (as Haplopappus) acaulis. Taraxacum officinale.

Female.-Integument black; pubescence black. Head with clypeus convex, densely punctate, without indication of a median longitudinal smooth line; labrum with apical process narrow, parallel-sided, longer than broad; vertex punctate between ocelli and compund eyes; antennae with first flagellar segment, measured along anterior margin, as long as second and third combined, flagellar segments black. Mesosoma with mesoscutum opaque, closely punctate, punctures mostly less than a diameter apart, interspaces finely reticulate, areas enclosed by reticulations sub-circular, distinctly impressed; mesoscutellum closely punctate; mesopleura a little more coarsely, densely punctate than mesoscutum; propodeum coarsely, subcontigously, reticulate-punctate, basal enclosure very coarsely, irregularly rugose, wings lightly tinted with blackish; legs with scopae of posterior tibiae moderately dense. Metasoma broad; second tergum with most anterior hairs long, predominantly plumose, surface moderately coarsely punctured, most punctures seperated by from one to three diameters, terga two to four without a broad, apical impunctate band, apica; impressed margin densely punctate. Length approx. 13.5 mm., anterior wing 10mm.

Male.- Integument black; pubescence eniterly black. Head with clypeus moderately, coarsely, densely punctate; labrum with process emarginate, bilobed; antennae with flagellum black, first segment about as long as second. Mesosoma with mesoscutum opaque, very densely punctate and reticulate, pubescence thin; not concealing surface; mesoscutellum densely clothed with very log erect hairs, propodeum sculptured much as in the female, enclosed area closely, somewhat regularly, longitidinally rugose, Metasoma with a narrow impuntate margin on terga two to five, length approximately 11mm., anterior wing, 9mm.

Holotype female (Calif. Acad. of Sciences, Entomogly) from Steamboat Springs, 10 miles south of Reno, Washoe County, NEvada, Amy 29, 1959, at flowers od Oenothera clavaeformis cruciformis at 7:44 am. (P.H. Raven), allotype male (Calif. Acad. of Sci., Ent.). same locality, June 10, 1960, at flowers of OEnothera clavaeformis cruciformis at 7:30am (E.G. Linsley), and 206 paoatypes (calif. Inscect Survey, University of California, Berkeley) as follows: 9 females from Steamboat springs, 10 miles south of Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, May 29,1959, collecting pollen from Oenothera Clavaeformis Cruciformis, between 7:20-8:28 am (P.H.Raven); 7 females, Reno, 10 miles south on U.S. Highway 395, Washoe Co., Nevada, June 18, 1959, visiting flowers of Oenothera clavaeformis cruciformis between 6:40 am and 7:44 am (E.G. Linsley, R.W. Thorp); 31 females, same locality, June 10, 1960, visiting flowers of Oenthera clavaeformis cruciformis (15 with pollen), between 5:40 and 7:40 am. ( E.G. Linsley, J.W. MacSwain); 5 males , Big Pine Creek, Inyo Co., Calif. elevation 8000ft., May 19, 1947 (R.M. BOhart); 3 males, 28.5 miles west of Eureka, Eureka county, Nevada, June 7, 1959, visiting Oenothera clavaeformis integrior between 11:30 am and 12:15 pm. (J.W. MacSwain); 8 femaless 9.5 west of Austin, Lander County, Nevada, June 6-7, 1959, visiting flowers of Oenothera clavaeformis integrior at 9:00-9:10am. and between 8:22-8:59 am.; 21 females of same locality and flowers, June 7, 1960 (10 with pollen), between 5:18 and 7:10 pm (J.W. MacSwain); 5 females, Reese River Valley, 9.7miles west of Austin, June 6, 1960, visiting flowers of Oenothera clavaeformis integrior ( 4 with pollen), between 5:46 and 7:08 am.; 1 male, Reese River Valley, 14.7miles west of Austin, June 5, 1960 at flowers of Sisymbrium altissium at 4;44 pm.; 7 females east of Railroad pass, lander county, nevada, june 7, 1960, visiting flowers of Oenothera clavaeformis integrior (without pollen), between 5:59 and 6:55 am.; 2 males, 2.5 miles east of Austin, Lander Co., Nevavda, June 6 1960, visiting flowers of Taraxacum offinale (E.G. Linsley); 1 female, 12 miles east of Austin, June 11, 1960, visting flowers of Oenthera clavaeformis integrior (J.W. MacSwain).; 26 females, 28.5 miles west of Eureka, Eureka county, Nevada, June 8 1960, visiting flowers of Oenothera clavaeformis integrior (16 with pollen), between 6:48 and 8:15 am.; 19 femlaes, same locality and date visiting flowers of Stanleya pinnata (without pollen) between 7:27 and 9:17 am )e.G. Linsley, J.W. MacSwain); 1 male, same locality and date, visiting flowers of Haplopappus acaulis, at 9:00am. (e.G. Linsley) ; 42 females same locality, june 9 1960, visiting flowers of Oenothera clavaeformis integrior (35 with pollen), between 7:08 and 8:05 am.; 2 females, 7.6 miles north of Eureka, June 13, 1960, visiting flowers of Oenothera clavaeformis integrior ( without pollen), between 5:45 and 5:55 am; 1 female, 17.1 miles north of Eureka, June 13, visiitng the flowers of OEnothhera clavaeformis integrior (without pollen), between 6:05 and 6:15 am; 1 female, 50.2 miles north of Eureka, June 13, 1960, visiting the flowers of Oenothera Clavaeformis integrior (without pollen), between 6:55 and 7:00 am ; 4 females, 73.3 miles north of Eureka, June 13, 1960, visiting the flowers of Oenothera clavaeformis integrior (without pollen), between 7:30 and 7:45 am; 3females, 4 miles east of Emigrant Pass, eureka co., Nevada, June 14, 1960, visiting flowers of OEnothera clavaeformis integrior (2 with pollen), between 6:005 and 6:35 am (J. W. MacSwain).

This species is apparently related to the following, but females of the two may be readily distingushed by the sculturing of the propodeal enclosure and the punctation of the second metasomal tergite. The male differs from all others known to us in the wholly black pubescence.

Scientific source:

Andrena chylismiae Linsley and MacSwain, 1962, Pan-Pacific Ent., 37: 121-123; Linsley, MacSwain, and Raven, 1963, Univ. California Publ. Ent. 33: 31, 37-38.

Andrena thorpi Linsley and MacSwain, 1962, Pan-Pacific Ent., 38: 51; Linsley, MacSwain, and Raven, 1963, Univ. California Publ. Ent., 33: 31, 38-39. New synonymy.

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