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Andrena gibberis Viereck, 1924
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Parandrena

Andrena gibberis FEM mm x ZS PMax
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Andrena gibberis FEM mm x ZS PMax

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IDnature guides
Reprinted with permission of the American Entomological Society from: LaBerge, W. E., Ribble, D. W. 1972. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part V: Gonandrena, Geissandrena, Parandrena, Pelicandrena. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 98: 271-358.

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This little-known western species is similar to A. papagorum in the shiny, unshagreened mesoscutum of both sexes. It differs from papagorum and is similar to wellesleyana in the complete tergal bands of long hairs and the long hair of tergum 1 and the basal area of tergum 2. Both sexes of gibberis have narrow, triangular labral processes with somewhat attenuate tips (especially in females). The female clypeus is protuberant along the impunctate midline as in wellesleyana and concinnula. The male of gibberis has the apicolateral teeth of sternum 6 widely separated so that the apex of sternum 8 (which is narrow and long) is no broader than two-fifths of the distance between the sternal teeth.

FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 10; length, 10-11 mm; width, 2.5-3.0 mm; wing length, M = 3.80 0.181 mm; FL/FW, M = 0.94 0.004; FOVL/FOVW, M = 3.66 0.076.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black as in dark females of andrenoides except as follows: flagellum dark reddish-brown below; wing membranes colorless, veins dark reddish-brown.

STRUCTURE. Antenna as in andrenoides except antennal scape length equals about first three and three-fourths flagellar segments. Eyes each about four times as long as broad, inner margins parallel. Mandible and galea as in andrenoides but galea opaque, dulled by fine dense tessellation. Labial palpus as in andrenoides but segmental ratio about as 1.0:0.6:0.4:0.4. Maxillary palpus as in andrenoides but ratio about as 1.0:0.9:0.7:0.7:0.4: 0.4. Labral process small, narrow, triangular with apex somewhat attenuate. Clypeus rounded from side to side with impunctate midline protruding above surface; punctures laterally separated mostly by half a puncture width; surface shiny medially, slightly dulled laterally by delicate reticular shagreening. Supraclypeal area impunctate or minutely punctate, moderately shiny. Pace, facial fovea, vertex and genal area as in andrenoides.

Pronotum as in andrenoides but with a few to several minute longitudinal rugulae present both above and below oblique suture. Mesoscutum shiny and sparsely punctate as in papagorum. Scutellum, mesepisternum and propodeum as in andrenoides but propodeal dorsal enclosure granular mediobasally. Tibial spurs and wing venation as in andrenoides.

Metasomal terga as in andrenoides but punctures less evident (but slightly more distinct than in papagorum). Pygidial plate and sterna as in andrenoides.

VESTITURE. White to pale ochraceous; form and distribution as in andrenoides except as follows: terga 1 and 2 with basal areas with long, weak, suberect hairs; terga 3-4 basal areas with hairs distinct, moderately long; terga 2-4 with complete pale apical fasciae of long hairs (occasionally narrowly interrupted or weak medially on tergum 2).

MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 2; length, about 8 mm; width, about 1.5 mm; wing length, 3.28-3.30 mm; FL/FW, 0.90-0.91; FS1/FS2, 1.67-2.00.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Generally as in andrenoides except as follows: mandibular base without pale spot; wing membranes slightly milky or colorless, veins dark red.

STRUCTURE. Antennae as in andrenoides except scape length equals about first two and one-third flagellar segments; flagellar segment 1 about as long as segment 3 and longer than 1; segment 1 quadrangular, others longer than broad. Eyes each about three times as long as broad in profile, inner margins converging slightly towards mandibles. Mandibles decussate, long, in repose reaching beyond middle of labrum by almost two-fifths its own length. Galea as in female. Labial palpus as in andrenoides but segmental ratio about as 1.0:0.4:0.4:0.4. Maxillary palpus as in andrenoides but ratio about as 1.0:0.8:0.8:0.7:0.5:0.7. Labral process as in female; labrum below process shiny but barely silicate. Clypeus nearly flat, midline extremely slightly raised; with small round punctures separated mostly by half a puncture width, slightly sparser along midline; surface shiny, delicately shagreened. Supraclypeal area unshagreened mediobasally, minutely punctate and shagreened elsewhere. Face, vertex and genal area as in andrenoides.

Pronotum with oblique suture deeply impressed, dorsoventral ridge well-formed, and several longitudinal rugulae paralleling ridge; surface moderately shiny. Mesoscutum sparsely punctate and shiny as in papagorum. Scutellum, mesepisternum and propodeum as in andrenoides but propodeal dorsal enclosure granular. Venation and tibial spurs as in andrenoides.

Metasomal terga 1-5 sculptured as in female terga 1-4. Sterna 2-5 with basal areas sparsely and evenly punctate; surfaces moderately shiny, reticularly shagreened. Sternum 6 with apicolateral angles at right angles to surface or almost so, slightly twisted, widely separated from one another so that sternum 8 with apex no broader than two-fifths distance between teeth. Terminalia as figured (Figs. 69-70); note the following. Genital capsule as in bucculenta. Sternum 7 distinctly emarginate apically. Sternum 8 slightly expanded apically (but not as in concinnula), hairs slender, long.

VESTITURE. Generally white; form and distribution of hairs as in wellesleyana.

Extracted From: Andrena (Parandrena) gibberis Viereck, 1924 Can. Ent. 5, p. 241 Andrena (Parandrena) gibberis n. sp.

Related to andrenoides Cresson.

Female. Length 9 mm. : body black. mostly covered with pale ochreous almost white to whitish hairs; head covered with whitish hairs. fovea filled with pale ochreous to whitish hairs. face nearly polished, with distinct punctures that are as many as three or more puncture widths apart. clypeus elevated above the apical margin to a point above the center, with a hunched appearance. convex. finely reticulate and with large. adjoining or nearly adjoining punctures. that are much larger than those of the face, clypearea present. polished. well-defined. clypeus thinly hairy. its sculpture not at all hidden by hairs. labrarea triangular. nearly pointed. labrum without a median longitudinal crista the labrarea and apical of antennae almost yellowish to brownish beneath. mandibles typical. palpi nearly typical: thorax covered with an abundance of pale ochreous and whitish hairs that are apparently shorter on the dorsulum where they are darker than the whitish hairs on the mesopleura, dorsulum shining. finelv sculptured and with sparse distinct punctures. scutel hairv and sculptured much like the dorsulum but partly polished, legs blackish except for the small joints of the tarsi which are more or less brownish. covered with pale ochreous and whitish hair, and scopa atypical, compact. pale ochreous. almost white. hairs at base above darkened ; propodeum with its enclosure poorly. defined. dullish and finely reticulated. mostly finely wrinkled. rest of upper face of propodeum covered with ochreous hairs that are finer thatl the mesoplettra: abdomen with its tergtlm shining. second. third and fourh tergites with an apical whitish hair band reminiscent of the conspicuous banding in some species of Colletes apical edge of first. third and fourth tergites . with a stramineous border. pygidium nearly planate. embossed down the middle. broadly rounded at apex. tergum with inconspicuous. appressed hair. in addition to the hair bands. fimbria pale ochreous.

Male. Length 7-5 mm. ; body black mostly covered with whitish hair ; temples produced. almost right angular. the angle apparently below the middle of eye. clypeus somewhat concave, yellowish white. with black triangular mark on each Side. not more distinctly punctured than the face. clypearea wanting. sculpture of the clypeus not hidden by the moustache. lateral face mark nearly an equilateral triangle and concolorous with the clypeus. labrarea triangular. polished. nearly nodose at apex where it is rounded. joint 3 antennae is to 4 as 7 is to 4. flagel. almost straight in outline. antennae blackish. joint 4 and the following joints yellowish beneath. blackish above. mandibles nearly typical. very slender. Extending beyond the outer edge of the labrum and apparently beyond the end of the basal third of their fellow. palpi nearly typical: thorax covered with whitish hairs. hairs of dorsulum seemingly shorter than hair of mesopleura. dorsulum partly nearly polished. Finely sculptured and with widely separated punctures. scutel hairy like the dorsulum. polished. punctate. metanotum hairy like the membrane nearly colorless legs blackish excepting the small joints of the tarsi which are more or less translucent brownish. legs covered with whitish hairs; propodeum with its enclosure poorly defined. with irregular transverse wrinkles on basal half. finely reticulated on apical half. rounded off at apex. rest of upper face with whitish hair. propodeal pleura with whitish hairs; abdomen with its tergum nearly polished, finely reticulated and indistinctly punctured. First and second tergites with longer erect whitish hairs than on the other tergites, third and following tergites with shorter erect or nearly erect sparse hairs, sixth sternite with its lateral apical corners reflexed outwardly, anal process slightly concave at apes, seventh sternite almost triangularly emarginate, sides of the second, third, and fourth tergites with distinct whitish apical hair bands, hair at apex of abdomen whitish, pygidium slightly concave.

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