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Andrena linsleyana Thorp, 1987
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Onagrandrena

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Text used courtesy of the Illinois Natural History Survey from: LaBerge, W. E., Thorp, R. W., 2005. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part XIV. Subgenus Onagrandrena. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 37: 1-63.

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Andrena linsleyana is a large species related to Andrena anograe. The female of linsleyana is like the black specimens of anograe from Utah but has the ocelli enlarged and the scutellum entirely dull. The male of linsleyana has the vestiture entirely black, as does the male of Andrena chylismiae, but can be recognized by the slightly enlarged ocelli, the more finely sculptured propodeum outside of the enclosure, and the more densely punctate metasomal terga.

FEMALE: MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 5, length, 14-15 mm; width about 4.5 mm; WL, M = 4.99 0.322 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.10 0.002; FOVL/FOVW, M = 2.97 0.149.

DIAGNOSIS. Vestiture entirely black; wing membranes hyaline, slightly infumate, yellowish, veins dark reddish-brown to black; metasomal terga black without metallic reflections. Galeae as in anograe; labral process subtriangular or with thick apical part and concave sides (as in anograe), in two specimens with three angles apically, shiny. Clypeus with distinct, round, dense punctures, surface shiny, usually without complete median impunctate line or thin, if present; vertex above lateral ocellus equals distinctly less than one ocellar diameter, ocelli distinctly enlarged. Pronotum as in anograe. Mesoscutum sculptured as in anograe; scutellum densely punctate as in anograe and dulled by shagreening (not shiny in anterior fourth). Propodeum distinctly sculptured, as in anograe; mesepisterna with distinct punctures (not punctatorugose) and dulled by fine dense shagreening. Metasomal terga 2-4 densely punctate basally, punctures separated by half to one puncture width; apical areas punctate except narrow apical rim, surfaces shiny. Thoracic dorsum

with hairs long to moderately long, much longer than width of flagellum; propodeum without developed corbicula laterally, hairs long and plumose, grading from short below to longest dorsally; scopal hairs long, simple, moderately abundant.

MALE: MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 18; length, 11-13 mm; width, 2.5-3.5 mm; WL, M = 4.30 0.340 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.16 0.016; FS1/FS2, M = 1.16 0.019

DIAGNOSIS. Vestiture entirely black as in female. Wing membranes hyaline, slightly infumate, veins reddish brown to dark brown; metasomal terga black, without metallic reflections. Galeae as in female; labral process broad, reflexed, bidentate. Clypeus as in female but without median line in any specimens; vertex above lateral ocellus equals slightly less than one ocellar diameter, ocelli enlarged; flagellar segment 1 longer than segment 2 and longer or equal to segment 3. Pronotum and mesoscutum as in anograe female. Scutellum as in female but usually shiny along anterior margin (basal fourth or less); propodeum and mesepisterna sculptured as in anograe male. Metasomal terga 2-5 sculptured as in female terga 2-4 but punctures slightly sparser. Metasomal tergum 2 with basal area hairs moderately long, almost half as long as those of tergum 1; hind tibiae with outer surface hairs long, sparse, along anterior margin almost as long as dorsal femoral hairs. Genital capsule illustrated by Thorp (1987, p. 197). Sternum 7 flattened apically with minute medial indentation, hairs sparse; sternum 8 as in anograe but without apical emargination (Figs. 29 and 30).

TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype female (USNM) of linsleyana was collected at Bullfrog Campground, Kane County (about 72 mi S of Hanksville, Wayne Co.), Utah, April 21, 1983 by F. D. and J. H. Parker.

DISTRIBUTION. Andrena linsleyana is known only from Utah (Fig. 2). Males and females were collected on April 21 with females flying through July 10. A total of 27 females and 58 males were examined from the localities listed below.

UTAH: EMERY CO.: Gilson Butte (4 airline miles N); Wildhorse Creek N of Goblin Valley. GRAND CO.: Cisco; Elgin (E of). KANE CO.: Bullfrog Campground at Lake Powell (ca. 72 mi. S of Hanksville. Wayne Co.); Green River (7 mi. S). MILLARD Co.: Hatton.

FLORAL RECORDS. Andrena linsleyana has been collected from Oenothera pallida, Hymenopappus filifolius, and Stanleya pinnata and is presumably an oligolege of flowers of the genus Oenothera.

REMARKS. Thorp (1987) placed this species in a species complex including Andrena chylismiae, nevadae, thorpi, and stagei. However, we now consider this bee to be related to Andrena anograe, as evidenced by the sculpturing of the dorsum of the thorax, the mesepisterna, and the propodeum, as well as the shape of the labral process. It resembles chylismiae and keys out with it in our key because of the entirely black male vestiture.

Scientific source:

Andrena (Onagrandrena) linsleyana Thorp, 1987, Pan-Pacific Ent., 63: 194-198.

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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Apocynaceae  Cycladenia humilis @ BBSL (1)
Brassicaceae  Streptanthella longirostris @ BBSL (3)
Lamiaceae  Poliomintha incana @ BBSL (6)
Malvaceae  Sphaeralcea sp @ BBSL (2)
Onagraceae  Oenothera sp @ BBSL (7)
_  Asteraceae sp @ BBSL (3)

Withheld @ BBSL (26)

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