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Andrena neomexicana LaBerge, 1967
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Callandrena_sensu_lato

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Reprinted with permission of the University of Nebraska State Museum from:
LaBerge, W. E. 1967. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part I. Callandrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 7: 1-316.

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A. neomexicana is closely related to A. isocomae which it resembles in the form of the female facial foveae, the large yellow parocular maculae and the short second flagellar segments of the male, and the distinct apical fascia on the first metasomal tergum. A. neomexicana differs from isocomae in being smaller, having the vestiture white, in the coarser punctures of the terga, and in the pale hind basitarsi and tibiae of both sexes.

FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 5; length, 8-9 mm; width, 2.5-3.0 mm; wing length, M = 2.76 0.100 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.01 0.015; FOVL/FOVW, M = 2.27 0.038.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible rufescent; flagellum brown or reddish-brown below; tegulae testaceous; wing membranes hyaline, colorless, veins yellow to orange; terga, 1-5 hyaline apically, colorless; sterna 2-5 narrowly hyaline apically, dark rufescent basally; distitarsi red to orange; hind basitarsi (and occasionally middle and fore basitarsus) yellow to orange; hind tibiae yellow to orange (holotype) or at least pale in apical third; tibial spurs pale yellow.

STRUCTURE. Antennae short; scape length equals first three and one-half flagellar segments; flagellar segments as in isocomae. Eye almost three and three-fourths times as long as broad, inner margins converging toward mandibles. Malar space, mandible and galea as in gardineri or isocomae. Maxillary palpus slightly exceeding tip of galea, segmental ratio about 0.7:1.0:0.7:0.7:0.6:0.8. Labial palpus as in gardineri but segmental ratio about 2.0:1.0:0.9:1.0. Labral process bidentate but not as sharply so as in isocomae. Clypeus as in gardineri but punctures separated by half to one puncture width, surface scarcely dulled by delicate reticular shagreening. Supraclypeal area moderately dulled by minute crowded punctures and delicate shagreening. Genal area as in gardineri but somewhat shinier. Vertex above lateral ocellus equals about one ocellar diameter, with crowded punctures above ocelli, sparse punctures laterally, surface moderately shiny, tessellate. Face above antennal fossae as in gardineri. Facial fovea extends below at least to level of lower margins antennal fossae, broad and rounded above, separated from lateral ocellus by half an ocellar diameter or slightly more.

Pronotum as in gardineri but shiny, shagreening delicate. Mesoscutum, tegulae, scutellum and metanotum as in gardineri but mesoscutal and scutellar surfaces with reticular shagreening absent or delicate medially. Propodeum with dorsal enclosure with sides curving inward, with fine anastomizing rugulae roughening internal triangle and forming small areoli, elsewhere tessellate; dorsolateral and posterior surfaces with coarse punctures separated by one 01 two punctures widths, surface opaque, tessellate; corbicular area f shiny, with small punctures in anterodorsal two-thirds and delicate reticular shagreening. Mesepisternum as in gardineri. Metepisternum as in gardineri but upper third shiny, delicately shagreened and with minute punctures. Middle basitarsus distinctly broader than hind basitarsus medially. Fore wing as in gardineri.

Metasomal terga as in gardineri except as follows: tergum 1 with basal area punctures irregularly separated by one to five punctures widths except in narrow subapical zone where crowded; terga 2-4 with basal area punctures separated mostly by one puncture width or less; surfaces shiny, unshagreened. Pygidial plate V-shaped with rather acute apex, without visible internal raised area. Sterna as in gardineri but basal area punctures more crowded and surface shiny, unshagreened.

VESTITURE. Generally white but vertex and thoracic dorsum extremely pale ochraceous and inner surfaces tarsi pale ochraceous or yellowish. Terga 1-4 with thick, complete, white, apical, pubescent fasciae. Terga 5 and 6 with long white or slightly yellowish hairs. Corbicular, trochanteral and scopal hairs arranged as in gardineri.

MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 2; length, about 8 mm; width, about 2 mm; wing length, 2.46-2.52 mm; FL/FW, about 1.13; FS1/FS2, about 2.43.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Generally as in isocomae with the following differences: clypeus and parocular maculae white or slightly creamy in color; tegulae testaceous; wing membranes hyaline, veins yellow to orange; distitarsi and basitarsi orange to yellow; hind tibiae largely orange, middle tibiae with apices orange.

STRUCTURE. Antennae short, not surpassing tegulae in repose; scape length equals slightly less than flagellar segments 1-3; flagellar segment 1 distinctly shorter than segments 2 plus 3; segment 2 distinctly shorter than 3 which is slightly shorter than segment 4; segments 3-10 subquadrate to quadrate, segment 1 longer than broad. Eye, malar space, mandible and galea as in gardineri. Maxillary palpus as in gardineri but segmental ratio about 0.9:1.0:0.7:0.7:0.9. Labial palpus as in gardineri but segmental ratio about 1.6:1.0:0.7:0.9. labral process bidentate. Clypeus, supraclypeal area, genal area, vertex and face as in female.

Thorax as in female but with the following differences: mesoscutum with posteromedian area sparsely punctate, shiny and unshagreened; scutellum medially with sparse punctures, shiny, unshagreened; propodeal dorsal enclosure roughened by extremely line, irregular rugulae, but scarcely areolar; propodeal lateral surface more coarsely shagreened. Terga as in female except as follows: terga 1-6 like female terga 1-4; tergum 1 with slightly more crowded punctures basally. Pseudopygidial area distinct, about three times as long as broad, testaceous. Sterna 2-5 as in female but sterna 4 and 5 somewhat dulled by fine shagreening. Sternum 6 with apex reflexed as in gardineri.

Genitalia and sterna 7 and 8 (Figs. 272-276) much as in isocomae. but penis valves not bulbous at tips, sternum 7 with apicolateral lobes larger and rounded, and sternum 8 with extremely narrow neck region and apex rounded.

VESTITURE. Generally white and as in female except as follows; terga 1-5 with distinct, apical, white, pubescent fasciae like female terga 1-4; sterna 2-5 with subapical fimbriae of moderately long, white, suberect, barbed hairs; inner surfaces tarsi slightly yellowed.

TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype (UCB) female from 3 miles west of Bingham, Socorro Co., New Mexico, was collected September 12, 1961, on Baileya pleniradiata, by P. D. Hurd. The allotype (SECK) male from Snowflake, Navajo Co., Arizona was collected August 29, 1957. Four female paratypes and one male paratype (UCB; UCD; INHS; UCNH; PHT) are as follows: ARIZONA: 1 9, 15 miles west of Holbrook, Navajo Co., September 3, 1930, on Erigeron sp., P. H, Timberlake. NEW MEXICO: 1 male, 1 female, same data as holotype; 1 female, Rio Puerco, Bernalillo Co., September 8, 1951, A. T. McClay; 1 female, White Sands National Monument, Otero Co., September 1, 1940, Hugo G. Rodeck.

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