Andrena senticulosa LaBerge, 1967 Life Insecta Hymenoptera Apoidea Andrenidae Andrena Subgenus: Callandrena_sensu_lato |
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Reprinted with permission of the University of Nebraska State Museum from: | LaBerge, W. E. 1967. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part I. Callandrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 7: 1-316. Please report text errors to: Leah at Discoverlife dot org. This is a medium-sized bee known only from Texas. It is closely related to A. sitiliae and A. verecunda. The female of senticulosa is distinctive in the form of the middle basitarsus which is 1101 markedly expanded medially but is generally broader than in other species of this group and has the anterior apical angle produced into a short sharp spine-like process. The posterior apical angle of the middle basitarsus forms a rounded right angle. Both sexes have terga 2-4 with more or less distinct apical pale pubescent bands (often interrupted medially on terga 2 and 3), the clypeus and terga dulled by fine reticular shagreening, and relatively short vertices. The male is marked by weak subapical sternal fimbriae and by sternum 6 being reflexed apically. FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 20; length, 12.0-13.5; width, 3.0-3.5 mm; wing length, M = 4.22 0.075 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.04 0.004; FOVL/FOVW, M = 2.42 0.041. INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible with apical half rufescent; flagellar segments 4 or 5 to 10 rufescent below; tegulae rufescent to piceous; wing membranes hyaline, slightly infumate apically, veins red to dark reddish-brown; terga 2-4 with narrow apical area slightly translucent; sterna 2-5 narrowly hyaline apically, yellow; distitarsi and often basitarsi dark rufescent; tibial spurs yellow. STRUCTURE. Antennae short, scape length equals about first three and one-half flagellar segments; flagellar segment 1 equal to about succeeding two and one-half segments; segment 2 subequal to segment 3 or 4 and shorter than 5. Eye about three and one-half times as long as broad, inner margins converging slightly towards mandibles. Malar space, mandible and galea as in verecunda. Maxillary palpus as in verecunda but segmental ratio about 1.2:1.1:1.0:0.8:0.7:0.8. Labial palpus as in verecunda but segment 1 less curved and less broadened apically, ratio about 1.8:1.0:0.6:0.7. Labral process as in verecunda. Clypeus punctate as in verecunda, surface dulled by fine dense reticular shagreening, opaque posteriorly and laterally, moderately dulled apicomedially. Supraclypeal area as in verecunda. Genal area in profile slightly broader than eye, sculptured as in verecunda. Vertex short, above lateral ocellus equals about one ocellar diameter, sculptured as in verecunda. Face above antennal fossae with contiguous punctures, dulled by weak shagreening, a few longitudinal rugulae evident laterally near foveae. Facial fovea long, extends to below level of middle of antennal fossa, extremely shallow and indistinct below, rounded above, separated from lateral ocellus by two-thirds to three-fourths of an ocellar diameter. Pronotum as in verecunda. Thoracic sculpturing as in verecunda except as follows: mesoscutal, scutellar and mesepisternal punctures extremely shallow, with bottoms dulled by fine tessellation, obscured by the general tessellation. Fore wing with three submarginal cells; second submarginal cell receiving vein 1st m-cu at or before middle of cell; second cell along posterior margin longer than halt of first cell, along dorsal margin twice as long as vein r from pterostigma to cell. Pterostigma long, about as broad as from inner margin prestigma to wing margin. Middle basitarsus about as broad as hind basitarsus, sides evenly and gently curved, anterior apical angles produced into a sharp spine-like process, posterior apical angle forming a rounded right angle. Claws and tibial spurs normal. Metasomal terga dulled by tine dense reticular shagreening, apical areas slightly shinier. Terga 1-4 with basal areas with minute indistinct punctures separated mostly by 2-4 puncture widths, apical areas with punctures slightly larger and more crowded. Pygidial plate large, apex bluntly rounded, broader basally. Sterna 2-5 as in verecunda but slightly duller. VESTITURE. Generally pale ochraceous on vertex and dorsum of thorax, white to cinereous at sides and below. Tergum 1 almost hairless above, with lung hairs laterally. Terga 2-4 with basal areas with short erect to suberect hairs, apical areas with pale pubescent fasciae but interrupted medially on terga 2 and 3. Terga 5 and 6 with long ochraceous to white hairs. Propodeal corbicula, trochanteral flocculus, and tibial scopa as in verecunda but scopal hairs not washed with brown posteriorly. MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 2; length, about 12 mm; width, about 3 mm; wring length, 3.90-3.99 mm; FL/FW, about 1.05; FS1/FS2, 2.36-2.80. INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible with apical third dark rufescent; flagellar segments 4-11 dark red below; tegulae piceous; wing membranes hyaline, infumate apically, veins red; terga 2-5 extremely narrowly translucent apically; sterna 2-5 hyaline apically, somewhat rufescent basally; distitarsi dark rufescent; tibial spurs yellow. STRUCTURE. Antennae short, in repose reaching middle of tegulae; scape equal in length to segments 1-3; flagellar segment 1 equal in length to slightly more than segment 2 plus 3, segments 2 and 3 subequal and each distinctly shorter than 4. Eye about three and one-third times as long as broad, inner margins converging towards mandibles. Malar space, mandibles and galeae as in female. Maxillary palpus as in female but ratio about 1.2:1.0:1.0:0.8:0.8:1.0. Labial palpus as in female but ratio about 2.0:1.0:0.9:1.3. Labrum, clypeus, supraclypeal area,, genal area, vertex and face above antennal fossae as in female. Thorax and metasomal sculpturing as in female except as follows: lateral propodeal surfaces less shiny; terga 1-5 like female terga 1-4; sterna 2-5 with punctures less abundant. Wing veins and pterostigma as in female. Claws and tibial spurs normal. Sternum 6 strongly reflexed apically, especially apicolaterally, medially with broad shallow V-shaped emargination. Genitalia and sterna 7 and 8 (Figs. 189-193) similar to tonkaworum but note following differences: sternum 7 with apical median emargination extremely shallow; sternum 8 with shallow apical median emargination. VESTITURE. Generally white to cinereous or white to ochraceous, cinereous or ochraceous on vertex and thoracic dorsum, paler at sides and below. Terga 2-5 with narrow apical pale pubescent fasciae but interrupted medially on terga 2 and 3. Sterna 2-5 with weak, short, white subapical fimbriae. Inner surfaces tarsi pale yellow. TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype (SECK) female was collected on Pyrrhopappus sp., 9 miles west of Giddings, Texas, April 11, 1953, L. D. Beamer and the allotype (SECK) male was collected at Edna, Texas, May 7, 1953, R. H. Beamer. Twenty-nine paratypes (SECK; INHS; USNM; RBR); all from Texas, are as follows: Edna. 1 female, May 25, 1907, F. C. Bishopp; 1 male on Englemannia bipinnatifida, May 7, 1953, R. H. Beamer. Giddings. 13 females, April 11, 1953, R. FT. Beamer; 4 females on Serinia oppositifolia, April 11, 1953, R. H. Beamer; 3 females on Berlandiera sp., April 12, 1953, L. D. and R. H. Beamer; 1 female on S. oppositifolia, April 12, 1953, L. D. and R. H. Beamer; 1 female, April 12, 1953, L. D. Beamer; 3 males (9 miles west) on Pyrrhopappus sp., April 11, 1953, L. D. Beamer. La Grange. 1 female, April 10, 1953, L. D. Beamer. Palmetto State Park, Gonzales County. 1 female, April 10, 1963, R. B. Roberts and M. Naumann. Names |
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