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Andrena sonorensis LaBerge, 1967
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Callandrena_sensu_lato

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Reprinted with permission of the University of Nebraska State Museum from:
LaBerge, W. E. 1967. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part I. Callandrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 7: 1-316.

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This is a small species related to A. helianthi. Both sexes of sonorensis differ from those of helianthi in lacking an impunctate median longitudinal line on the clypeus, having the terga and sterna with broad reddish-orange bands, the posterior pronotal lobes reddish-orange, the wing tips deeply infumate, and the labral process long and scarcely emarginate medially. A. sonorensis is known from only two specimens, a male and a female, collected separately. It is possible that these are incorrectly associated as the two sexes of the same species, but this seems unlikely due to the close correspondence of both structural and color characteristics. This species is named here, despite the paucity of material, because its distinctiveness makes the possibility of its being a race or a variety of any other known form extremely doubtful.

FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 1; length, about 12 mm; width, 3.5 mm; wing length, about 4.83 nun; FL/FW, about 1.00; FOVL/FOVW, about 2.88.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible with apical third rufescent; labral process rufescent; scape orange except brown tip; flagellar segments 3-10 dark reddish-brown below; posterior pronotal lobe reddish-orange; tegulae testaceous; wing membranes with apical third or less deeply infumate, brown, only slightly infumate basally, veins dark reddish-brown; tergal apices hyaline, yellowish, subapical and basal bands (including terga 1 and 5) reddish-orange leaving irregular piceous median bands; sterna rufescent with hyaline yellow apices; legs orange to reddish-orange except brown coxae and trochanters; tibial spurs testaceous.

STRUCTURE. Scape subequal to flagellar segments 1-3; flagellar segment 1 slightly longer than segments 2 plus 3, segment 2 subequal to 3 or 4. Eye slightly more than four times as long as broad, inner margins converging slightly toward mandibles. Malar space, mandible, galea as in helianthi. Maxillary palpus as in helianthi but segmental ratio about 1.0:1.0:0.7:0.8:0.8:0.9. Labial palpus as in helianthi but segmental ratio about 1.7:1.0:0.7:0.8. Labral process trapezoidal, less than twice as broad as long, extremely slightly emarginate medially. Clypeus not much flattened medially, protruding beyond lower ends of eyes by one-third its median length; punctures round, small, separated mostly by half to one puncture width, slightly sparser medially but not with impunctate median longitudinal area, surface shiny except posteriorly finely shagreened. Supraclypeal area moderately shiny, with minute close-set punctures. Genal area slightly broader than eye in profile, with minute punctures separated by one to two puncture widths, surface shiny near eye, moderately dulled posteriorly by fine reticular shagreening. Vertex as in helianthi but fine rugulae between facial fovea and lateral ocellus longitudinal, not following contour of fovea above. Face above antennal fossae as in helianthi but interrugal punctures crowded. Facial fovea shallow, reaching below to level of lower margins antennal fossae, narrow, separated from lateral ocellus by about one ocellar diameter.

Pronotum as in helianthi. Mesoscutum, scutellum and metanotum as in helianthi but punctures shallower, indistinct and sparser. Tegulae normal, impunctate. Propodeum as in helianthi but dorsolateral and posterior areas with punctures indistinct a)id crowded. Mesepisternum and metepisternum as in helianthi. Middle basitarsus distinctly narrower than hind. Tibial spurs and claws normal. Wing venation as in helianthi.

Metasomal terga and sterna sculptured as in helianthi but terga 1-4 with minute basal area punctures indistinct and slightly sparser. Pygidial plate V-shaped, apex narrowly rounded, not truncate.

VESTITURE. Generally pale ochraceous to yellow. Tergum 1 lacks pale apical fascia, terga 2-5 with well-developed pale apical fasciae, although weak medially on tergum 2. Sterna 2-5 with subapical fimbriae of long suberect hairs. Pollen collecting hairs as in helianthi but internal propodeal corbicular hairs barbed. Legs as in helianthi.

MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 1; length, about 12 mm; width, about 3 mm; wing length, about 4.51 mm; FL/FW, about 1.00; FS1/FS2, about 1.89.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible with apical half rufescent; scape orange-red with brownish tip; flagellar segments 2-11 brown below, 2-8 with pale apical rims; posterior pronotal lobes orange-red; tegulae testaceous; wing membranes deeply infumate apically, brown, basally hyaline, veins reddish-brown; terga 1-6 with apices hyaline, yellowish, 1-3 red basally and subapically with median transverse piceous bands of increasing size posteriorly, 1 with median piceous bands extending from side to side and almost obliterating subapical and basal red areas, 5 and 6 piceous basally; sterna 2-5 red with hyaline apical areas, 6 piceous with orange apex; legs orange-red except piceous coxae and trochanters. Tibial spurs testaceous.

STRUCTURE. Antenna as in helianthi but segments 2-4 subequal in length to each other. Eye about three and one-half times as long as broad, inner margins converging towards mandibles. Malar space, mandible, galea as in female. Maxillary palpus as in female but segmental ratio about 1.2:1.0:0.9:0.8:0.7:0.9. Labial palpus as in female but segmental ratio about 1.9:1.0:0.7:0.7. Labral process as in female but median emargination slightly deeper. Clypeus, vertex, genal area, and face above antennal fossae as in female. Thoracic sculpturing and venation as in female but with propodeal lateral surfaces duller. Tibial spurs and claws normal. Tergal and sternal sculpturing as in female but tergal basal area punctures slightly more abundant. Basitibial plate U-shaped, small.

Genital capsule and sterna 7 and 8 (Figs. 99-103) similar to those of braccata but note shorter gonoforceps and shorter apical area of sternum 8.

VESTITURE. Generally pale ochraceous to yellow. Tergum 1 with complete but weak apical pale fascia. Terga 2-5 with complete apical pale fasciae. Sterna 2-5 with subapical fimbriae of moderately long, suberect, pale hairs.

TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype (UCB) male was collected by P. D. Hurd, at Carrizozo, Lincoln Co., New Mexico, September 10, 1961, on Gutierrezia macrocephala. The allotype (PHT) female was collected by P. H. Timberlake, 29 miles S. W. of Show Low, Gila Co., Arizona, September 12, 1957, on G. macrocephala.

Scientific source:
This is a small species related to A. helianthi. Both sexes of sonorensis differ from those of helianthi in lacking an impunctate median longitudinal line on the clypeus, having the terga and sterna with broad reddish-orange bands, the posterior pronotal lobes reddish-orange, the wing tips deeply infumate, and the labral process long and scarcely emarginate medially. A. sonorensis is known from only two specimens, a male and a female, collected separately. It is possible that these are incorrectly associated as the two sexes of the same species, but this seems unlikely due to the close correspondence of both structural and color characteristics. This species is named here, despite the paucity of material, because its distinctiveness makes the possibility of its being a race or a variety of any other known form extremely doubtful.

FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS: N = 1; length, about 12 mm; width, 3.5 mm; wing length, about 4.83 nun; FL/FW, about 1.00; FOVL/FOVW, about 2.88.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR: Black except as follows: mandible with apical third rufescent; labral process rufescent; scape orange except brown tip; flagellar segments 3-10 dark reddish-brown below; posterior pronotal lobe reddish-orange; tegulae testaceous; wing membranes with apical third or less deeply infumate, brown, only slightly infumate basally, veins dark reddish-brown; tergal apices hyaline, yellowish, subapical and basal bands (including terga 1 and 5) reddish-orange leaving irregular piceous median bands; sterna rufescent with hyaline yellow apices; legs orange to reddish-orange except brown coxae and trochanters; tibial spurs testaceous.

STRUCTURE: Scape subequal to flagellar segments 1-3; flagellar segment 1 slightly longer than segments 2 plus 3, segment 2 subequal to 3 or 4. Eye slightly more than four times as long as broad, inner margins converging slightly toward mandibles. Malar space, mandible, galea as in helianthi. Maxillary palpus as in helianthi but segmental ratio about 1.0:1.0:0.7:0.8:0.8:0.9. Labial palpus as in helianthi but segmental ratio about 1.7:1.0:0.7:0.8. Labral process trapezoidal, less than twice as broad as long, extremely slightly emarginate medially. Clypeus not much flattened medially, protruding beyond lower ends of eyes by one-third its median length; punctures round, small, separated mostly by half to one puncture width, slightly sparser medially but not with impunctate median longitudinal area, surface shiny except posteriorly finely shagreened. Supraclypeal area moderately shiny, with minute close-set punctures. Genal area slightly broader than eye in profile, with minute punctures separated by one to two puncture widths, surface shiny near eye, moderately dulled posteriorly by fine reticular shagreening. Vertex as in helianthi but fine rugulae between facial fovea and lateral ocellus longitudinal, not following contour of fovea above. Face above antennal fossae as in helianthi but interrugal punctures crowded. Facial fovea shallow, reaching below to level of lower margins antennal fossae, narrow, separated from lateral ocellus by about one ocellar diameter.

Pronotum as in helianthi. Mesoscutum, scutellum and metanotum as in helianthi but punctures shallower, indistinct and sparser. Tegulae normal, impunctate. Propodeum as in helianthi but dorsolateral and posterior areas with punctures indistinct a)id crowded. Mesepisternum and metepisternum as in helianthi. Middle basitarsus distinctly narrower than hind. Tibial spurs and claws normal. Wing venation as in helianthi.

Metasomal terga and sterna sculptured as in helianthi but terga 1-4 with minute basal area punctures indistinct and slightly sparser. Pygidial plate V-shaped, apex narrowly rounded, not truncate.

VESTITURE: Generally pale ochraceous to yellow. Tergum 1 lacks pale apical fascia, terga 2-5 with well-developed pale apical fasciae, although weak medially on tergum 2. Sterna 2-5 with subapical fimbriae of long suberect hairs. Pollen collecting hairs as in helianthi but internal propodeal corbicular hairs barbed. Legs as in helianthi.

MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS: N = 1; length, about 12 mm; width, about 3 mm; wing length, about 4.51 mm; FL/FW, about 1.00; FS1/FS2, about 1.89.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR: Black except as follows: mandible with apical half rufescent; scape orange-red with brownish tip; flagellar segments 2-11 brown below, 2-8 with pale apical rims; posterior pronotal lobes orange-red; tegulae testaceous; wing membranes deeply infumate apically, brown, basally hyaline, veins reddish-brown; terga 1-6 with apices hyaline, yellowish, 1-3 red basally and subapically with median transverse piceous bands of increasing size posteriorly, 1 with median piceous bands extending from side to side and almost obliterating subapical and basal red areas, 5 and 6 piceous basally; sterna 2-5 red with hyaline apical areas, 6 piceous with orange apex; legs orange-red except piceous coxae and trochanters. Tibial spurs testaceous.

STRUCTURE: Antenna as in helianthi but segments 2-4 subequal in length to each other. Eye about three and one-half times as long as broad, inner margins converging towards mandibles. Malar space, mandible, galea as in female. Maxillary palpus as in female but segmental ratio about 1.2:1.0:0.9:0.8:0.7:0.9. Labial palpus as in female but segmental ratio about 1.9:1.0:0.7:0.7. Labral process as in female but median emargination slightly deeper. Clypeus, vertex, genal area, and face above antennal fossae as in female. Thoracic sculpturing and venation as in female but with propodeal lateral surfaces duller. Tibial spurs and claws normal. Tergal and sternal sculpturing as in female but tergal basal area punctures slightly more abundant. Basitibial plate U-shaped, small.

Genital capsule and sterna 7 and 8 (Figs. 99-103) similar to those of braccata but note shorter gonoforceps and shorter apical area of sternum 8.

VESTITURE: Generally pale ochraceous to yellow. Tergum 1 with complete but weak apical pale fascia. Terga 2-5 with complete apical pale fasciae. Sterna 2-5 with subapical fimbriae of moderately long, suberect, pale hairs.

TYPE MATERIAL: The holotype (UCB) male was collected by P. D. Hurd, at Carrizozo, Lincoln Co., New Mexico, September 10, 1961, on Gutierrezia macrocephala. The allotype (PHT) female was collected by P. H. Timberlake, 29 miles S. W. of Show Low, Gila Co., Arizona, September 12, 1957, on G. macrocephala.

Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Ericameria nauseosa @ BBSL (1)

Gutierrezia microcephala @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Gutierrezia sp @ BBSL (2)

Gutierrezia @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Updated: 2024-10-12 15:49:02 gmt
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