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Andrena vanduzeei Linsley, 1938
Andrena (Melandrena) vanduzeei Linsley, 1938

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Onagrandrena

Andrena vanduzeei, f, back, Mariposa, CA
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Andrena vanduzeei, f, back, Mariposa, CA

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Andrena vanduzeei, f, face, Mariposa, CA
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Andrena vanduzeei, f, face, Mariposa, CA
Andrena vanduzeei, f, left side, Mariposa, CA
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Andrena vanduzeei, f, left side, Mariposa, CA

Andrena vanduzeei, m, back, Mariposa, CA
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Andrena vanduzeei, m, back, Mariposa, CA
Andrena vanduzeei, m, face, Mariposa, CA
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Andrena vanduzeei, m, face, Mariposa, CA

Andrena vanduzeei, m, right side, Mariposa, CA
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Andrena vanduzeei, m, right side, Mariposa, CA

IDnature guides
Text used courtesy of the Illinois Natural History Survey from: LaBerge, W. E., Thorp, R. W., 2005. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part XIV. Subgenus Onagrandrena. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 37: 1-63.

Please report text errors to: Leah at Discoverlife dot org.

Andrena vanduzeei is a small species in which the metasomal terga often show weak metallic reflections (especially terga 4 and 5 of the female and terga 4-6 of the male). The female is marked also by moderately shiny mesoscutum, moderately dense scopal hairs, and an impunctate, narrow, median, clypeal line. The male has dark hairs mixed with the while on the mesoscutum, the first two metasomal terga usually with pale hairs and few pale hairs on the head.

FEMALE: MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 10; length, 10-11 mm; width, about 3 mm; WL, M = 3.86 0.158mm; FL/FW, M = 1.05 0.004: FOVL/FOVW, M = 3.26 0.084.

DIAGNOSIS. Vestiture entirely black; wing membranes hyaline, yellow, moderately infumate, veins dark reddish brown to dark brown; metasomal terga black with extremely weak metallic reflections especially on apical areas of terga 4 and 5, reflections usually violaceous. Galeae as in oenotherae; labral process with sides concave as in oenotherae but apical part short and broad, at least as broad as base of scape. Clypeus with punctures dense except medially near apical margin and usually with complete, narrow, impunctate midline: vertex above lateral ocellus equals about one ocellar diameter or slightly less. Pronotum as in oenotherae. Mesoscutum as in oenotherae but interpunctural shagreening light, moderately shiny at least posteromedially: scutellum often shiny along anterior margin. Propodeum Finely or moderately finely punctatorugose, surface dulled: mesepisterna with shallow but distinct punctures, not punctatorugose, interpunctural space dulled by fine tessellation. Terga 2-4 with apical area punctures minute, separated mostly by two to four puncture widths, apical rim impunctate, basal areas with punctures separated by half to one or two puncture widths, surfaces shiny; pygidial plate V-shaped with narrowly rounded or pointed apex. Thoracic dorsum with hairs much longer than width of scape; propodeum without distinct corbicula laterally, hairs long and plumose; scopal hairs long, simple, moderately abundant.

MALE: MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 17: length 9-10 mm; width. 2.0-2.5 mm; WL, M = 3, 36 0.21S mm: FL/FW, M = 1.10 0.004: FS1/FS2, M = 1.29 0.015.

DIAGNOSIS. Vestiture black except as follows: clypeus with hairs in apicomedial band white, occasionally white hairs extend to base along midline but always less than 50% of clypeal hairs pale; vertex with pale hairs; genae occasionally with several pale hairs especially below; mesoscutum and scutellum with pale hairs but black hairs present posteromedially on mesoscutum and medially on scutellum; propodeum often with pale hairs dorsally; pleural areas rarely with pale hairs; terga 1 and 2 with basal area hairs pale or largely so. Wing membranes hyaline, only slightly infumate; metasomal terga (especially terga 4-6 often with weak metallic reflections, especially apically. Galeae as in female; labral process bidentate, reflexed; clypeus with dense round punctures, with weak median impunctate line, especially in apical half, surface shiny; vertex above lateral ocellus equals about one ocellar diameter; flagellar segment 1 longer than segment 2 but about equal in length to segment 3. Pronotum as in oenotherae female; mesoscutum and scutellum as in female, but punctures smaller and slightly sparser; propodeum and mesepisternum sculptured relatively weakly, much as in female. Metasomal terga 2-5 sculptured as in female terga 2-4 but punctures somewhat sparser and apical area punctures often restricted to basal half of apical area. Metasomal tergum 2 with basal area hairs long, mediobasally half as long as those of tergum 1 or longer; hind tibiae with outer surface hairs long, sparse, along anterior margin some hairs almost as long as dorsal femoral hairs. Sternum 7 with apicomedian lobes similar to those of deserticola, not flattened apically as in raveni, hairs sparse, weak; sternum 8 with apex flattened, not markedly capitate, moderately densely hairy (Figs. 57 and 58).

TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype female (CAS No. 4,543) o( Andrena (O.) vanduzeei was collected from Huntington Lake, Fresno Co., California, July 4, 1919, by E. P. Van Duzee.

DISTRIBUTION. Andrena vanduzeei is known to occur only in the high Sierra region of California (Fig. 4). It has been taken from April 10 through August 11, but mainly in June and July. In addition to the holotype, a total of 22 females and 22 males were examined from localities listed below.

CALIFORNIA. A1LPTNE CO. EL DORADO CO.: Echo Lake; Ice House Road (5 mi. N); Phillips. FRESNO CO.: Cherry Gap Summit; Huntington Lake; Shaver Lake; Sulphur Meadow. PLUMAS CO.: Buck. TULARE CO.: General Grant Grove and Giant Forest Grove, Sequoia Natl. Park. TUOLUMNE CO.: Mill Creek Camp; Strawberry.

FLORAL RECORDS. Andrena vanduzeei was collected from only a few species of plants; therefore, little is known concerning its flower preferences. Pollen in its pollen collecting hairs indicate that it probably is an oligolege of Onagraceae, presumably Gayophytum, based on its late flight period, distribution, and limited flower records. It has been collected from flowers of Gayophytum diffusum, G. d. parviflorum, Potentilla sp., and Rhamnus sp.

Scientific source:
Andrena vanduzeei Linsley, 1938, Proc. California Acad. Sci., ser. 4. 23: 266. 267, 280-281.

Andrena (Melandrena) vanduzeei: Lanham, 1949, Univ. California Publ. Ent., 8: 221; Linsley and MacSwain, 1955, Pan-Pacific Ent., 31: 172; Linsley, MacSwain and Smith, 1955, Pan-Pacific Ent., 31: 176.

Andrena (Onagrandrena) vanduzeei. Linsley and MacSwain. 1956, Pan-Pacific Ent., 32: 112.

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