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Andrena ziziaeformis Cockerell, 1908
Andrena (Derandrena) ziziaeformis Cockerell, 1908

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Uncertain

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Andrena ziziaeformis, male, cheek
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 2
Andrena ziziaeformis, male, cheek
Andrena ziziaeformis, figure31r
Mitchell, Bees of the Eastern United States, Vol. I, 1960 · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis, figure31r

Andrena ziziaeformis, figure32d
Mitchell, Bees of the Eastern United States, Vol. I, 1960 · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis, figure32d
Andrena ziziaeformis, female, face
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis, female, face

Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, antennae
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, antennae
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, flagellomeres
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, flagellomeres

Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, labral process
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, labral process
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, mandible basal tooth
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, mandible basal tooth

Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, S3 hair
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, S3 hair
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, strong pronotal angle
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, strong pronotal angle

Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, upturned clypeus rim
Deana Crumbling · 1
Andrena ziziaeformis M 071624, upturned clypeus rim

IDnature guides
Andrena ziziaeformis – Potentilla specialist that is most commonly collected April through June. Females have tergites with a granular texture, shiny scutellum, and slightly widened hind tibia with short scopal hairs.

Reprinted with permission from the University of Nebraska State Museum from: Ribble, D. W. 1968. Revisions of two subgenera of Andrena, Micrandrena Ashmead and Derandrena new subgenus (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 8: 1-124.

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Andrena ziziaeformis is the only eastern species belonging to Derandrena. Like hermosa and viridissima this species is isolated (Three specimens have been identified as species belonging to other subgenera.) and has its closest affinity with the vandykei group. It appears more closely related to this group than either hermosa or viridissima. The long plumose hairs on the anterior part of the propodeal corbicula would place ziziaeformis closest to californiensis. Andrena ziziaeformis differs from the vandykei group in several respects: the male lacks the genal process below the mandible, has a very wide labrum with a wide elevated process, very unusual terminalia (figs. 120-124), a flattened and slightly depressed center of the clypeus*, both sexes have a more granular surface on the mesosoma (especially noticeable on the propodeum), the female has a slightly widened tibia with shortened scopal hairs.

The descriptions below are based mainly on a male and a female from Washington, D. C. (May 7, 1944, G. E. Bohart). A total of 77 specimens of ziziaeformis were examined during this study.

FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. Length, 7.4 mm; width of mesothorax, 1.9 mm; wing length from tegula, 4.9 mm; facial length/width, 1.02; foveal length/width, 4.00.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Brown except: flagellum orange below; terga and sterna with wide amber apices; color otherwise as in vandykei.

STRUCTURE. Head as in vandykei except: scape reaching to one ocellar distance from middle ocellus, as long as flagellar segments 1-4; flagellar segment 1 as long as 2, 3 and 4 together; middle segments wider than long; mandible and subapical mandibular tooth rounded; genal surface with distinct, fine, reticular shagreening; maxillary palpus with segments in ratio of about 1.2:1.7:1.7:1.5:1.0:1.5; labial palpus with segments in ratio of about 2.2:1.0:1.0:1.4; labrum about three times as wide as long, apex truncate, laterally rounded, process weakly bilobed; supraclypeal area with shagreening becoming rugulose; genal area in lateral view as wide as eye; face above antennal fossae covered with rugulae; facial fovea dorsally nearly as wide as eye.

Mesosoma as in vandykei except: suture at base of posterior pronotal lobe indistinct, represented by large, shiny concavity; mesoscutum with more granular shagreening than in vandykei; scutellum shiny in center, shagreening faint in center; metanotum with surface granular; entire propodeum with much more granular shagreening than vandykei, anterior part of enclosure becoming rugose; metepisternum not granular like corbicular surface, like corbicular surface of vandykei; hind tibia slightly widened, half again as wide as basitarsus; anterior tibial spur with apical serrate part half as long as entire spur; wing with pterostigma moderately large, half again as wide as prestigma; first transverse cubital vein ending several vein widths from pterostigma.

Metasoma as in vandykei.

VESTITURE. Hairs as in vandykei except: most hairs amber to white, hairs at tip of hind femur and base of hind tibia brown; hairs on dorsum of thorax short, much branched, giving thorax a moss-like appearance; anterior half of propodeal corbicula with long plumose hairs, posterior half bare; tergal hairs (except for apical fasciae) moderate in length, apical fasciae on terga 2-4, incomplete medially on 2, complete on 3 and 4; tibial scopal hairs moderate in length.

MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. Length, 5.6 mm; width of mesothorax, 1.5 mm; wing length from tegula, 4.5 mm; facial length/width, 0.91; flagellar segment 1/segment 2, 2.83.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Color as in female except: clypeus yellow; abdomen all brown.

STRUCTURE. Head as in vandykei except: antenna reaching to scutellum; scape reaching to one and one-half ocellar distances from middle ocellus, much longer than flagellar segments 1-4; segment 1 nearly three times as long as 2 or 3; segments 2 and 3 tapered toward bases; middle segments as long as broad; mandible moderately bent in middle, in repose not reaching opposite corner of clypeus, apex and subapical mandibular tooth narrowly rounded, lobe on posterior margin at base of mandible large; maxillary palpus with segments in ratio of about 1.1:1.6:1.3:1.3:1.0:1.3; labial palpus with segments in ratio of about 2.0:1.2:1.0:1.6; labrum slightly more than three times as wide as long, slightly expanded at base, process greatly elevated above surface of labrum, very long, narrow; clypeus twice as broad as long, protruding beyond lower margin of eye by less than half width of eye in lateral view, center of clypeus flattened, slightly depressed, shagreening absent except laterally, center of clypeus nearly devoid of punctures, laterally punctures moderate in size, close, distinct; supraclypeal area with indistinct punctures, rugulose; gena with posterior margin not pointed, broadly rounded, process at base of mandible lacking; vertex only slightly elevated along posterior margin behind ocelli; face above antennal fossae rugose.

Mesosoma as in vandykei except: humeral angle sharp, ridge extending from humeral angle half way to anterior margin of pronotum, suture extending across base of posterior pronotal lobe represented by large, depressed, shiny area.

Metasoma as in vandykei except apex of sternum 6 with large v-shaped notch medially.

Terminalia large for size of bee. Sternum 7 deeply notched at apex, producing two large rounded lobes, each lobe bearing many, long, branched, subapical setae; sternum unshagreened (fig. 123). Sternum 8 highly unusual; apical third convex; base expanded into large, long, irregular plate (fig. 124); apex expanded, rounded, covered with simple setae and stout, spine-like setae; shaft short, bent downward. Gonocoxite highly unusual, bent downward; gonoforceps expanded near middle, apex directed outward in ventral view, dorsal surface with many simple setae; dorsal lobes reduced to a squared angle; ventral lobes present, small, slender. Penis valve bent downward, apex wide, only slightly expanded medially (figs. 120-122).

VESTITURE. Hairs as in vandykei except: hairs all white; except on dorsum of thorax hairs not noticeably longer than female; facial fovea reduced to a few hairs along eye margin; apical abdominal fasciae weak on terga 2-4.

VARIATION. The first m-cu vein may end near the middle or towards the apex of the second submarginal cell. The largest female (wing length from tegula, 5.9 mm) lacks apical abdominal fasciae and has the mesoscutum unshagreened in the center. A female, though stylopized, collected with this large female is normal in these respects. The large specimen (from Black Mt., N. C.) appears normal in other characters and is placed here for that reason.

Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960. Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE Length 7 mm.; clypeus broadly convex, projecting about one-third below suborbital line, shining, deeply but rather finely punctured, punctures well separated, becoming rather close at extreme sides; facial foveae rather narrow, occupying above very little more than half of area between eyes and ocelli, covered with silvery tomentum; space between margin of vertex and lateral ocelli subequal to their diameter; cheeks subequal to eyes in width, rounded posteriorly, rather smooth but without visible punctures, rather densely pubescent; malar space lacking, basal segment of flagellum nearly equaling segments 2-4 combined, these very short, much broader than long, segments of flagellum pale ferruginous beneath; process of labrum very broad and rather short, median length no more than one-third the basal width, quite broadly truncate apically; pubescence of head, thorax and legs whitish, rather short but quite dense; thoracic integument dull, finely tessellate, punctures of scutum very minute, obscure, well separated but not sparse, those on scutellum exceedingly minute and obscure, the surface shining; pleura without visible punctures; dorsal area of propodeum extensive, nearly horizontal, triangle rather coarsely granular; propodeal corbicula rather well developed, whitish, but anterior fringe very poorly developed; trochanteral floccus well developed, white; hind tibiae broadened apically, apex nearly twice breadth of basitarsi, scopa dense, of rather short, simple hairs, entirely whitish; front and middle basitarsi slightly narrower than their respective tibiae; 2nd submarginal cell considerably shorter than 3rd, receiving 1st recurrent toward apex; tegulae clear yellowish-hyaline; abdominal terga rather dull, microscopically tessellate, without distinct punctures, only very slightly depressed apically, depressed area occupying about one-third length of discs medially, discal pubescence very short, thin, suberect and entirely pale, terga 2-4 with very narrow, whitish, apical fasciae, tergum 5 with a pale yellowish-brown fimbria.

MALE Length 6 mm.; head considerably broader than thorax, face slightly broader than long, clypeus yellow, very broad and flat, projecting very slightly below suborbital line, its length only about half the total breadth, smooth and shining, with exceedingly minute and sparse punctures; space between margin of vertex and lateral ocelli very slightly greater than their diameter; cheeks considerably broader than eyes, more or less angulate posteriorly, the angle opposite middle of eye, surface quite smooth, microscopically punctate; malar space lacking; basal segment of flagellum subequal to 2nd and 3rd combined, remainder of flagellum pale ferruginous, slightly darker above; process of labrum extremely short and broad, linear in form; mandibles elongate and slender, slightly flexed toward base, with a distinct, inner, subapical tooth and with a low, inferior, basal, triangular projection, overlapping more than one-third; pubescence of head, thorax and legs whitish, somewhat tinged with yellowish above; thoracic integument dull, rather densely tessellate, punctures of scutum very minute, rather sparse and obscure, those on scutellum hardly visible, surface shining; pleura without visible punctures; dorsal area of propodeum rather extensive, nearly horizontal, triangle microscopically roughened; all basitarsi slender and elongate, considerably narrower than their respective tibiae; 2nd submarginal cell somewhat shorter than 3rd, receiving 1st recurrent toward apex; abdominal terga smooth, but not very shiny, punctures exceedingly minute and obscure, hardly visible, discs very slightly impressed apically, becoming yellowish-hyaline along rims, discal pubescence very short and obscure, suberect, entirely pale, terga 2-4 with very narrow, thin, whitish, apical fasciae; apical portion of sternum 8 slender just beyond base, but quite abruptly dilated apically, this portion more or less triangularly pointed, pubescence extremely short and obscure; penis valves extremely slender, hardly at all dilated toward base, gonocoxites slender, slightly but rather abruptly dilated at mid point, but becoming narrowed apically, gonocoxal lobes not at all produced.

DISTRIBUTION Massachusetts to Tennessee and Georgia; April and May.


Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Apiaceae  Lomatium sp @ BBSL (2)
Boraginaceae  Hackelia micrantha @ BBSL (31)

Hackelia patens @ BBSL (14)
Brassicaceae  Isatis tinctoria @ BBSL (1)

Lesquerella multiceps @ BBSL (1)
G. cangialosi  1031 @ JRYB__SHEN (14)

915 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)
Hydrophyllaceae  Phacelia sp @ BBSL (2)
J. rykken  1004 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

1007 @ JRYB__SHEN (2)

1028 @ JRYB__SHEN (10)

1029 @ JRYB__SHEN (4)

1031 @ JRYB__SHEN (6)

1037 @ JRYB__SHEN (24)

1064 @ JRYB__SHEN (4)

1073 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)
Liliaceae  Erythronium grandiflorum @ BBSL (2)
Rosaceae  Ivesia gordonii @ BBSL (2)

Potentilla sp @ BBSL (3)
Scrophulariaceae  Penstemon sp @ BBSL (1)

Updated: 2025-02-09 18:05:08 gmt
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