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Anthidium dammersi Cockerell, 1937
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Anthidium
Subgenus: Anthidium

Anthidium dammersi, male, S8 apex profile, VG
© Kimberly Huntzinger, 2007 · 2
Anthidium dammersi, male, S8 apex profile, VG

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Anthidium dammersi, female, midleg, mtg
© Kimberly Huntzinger, 2007 · 1
Anthidium dammersi, female, midleg, mtg
Anthidium dammersi, male, T7, VG
© Kimberly Huntzinger, 2007 · 1
Anthidium dammersi, male, T7, VG

Anthidium dammersi, male, S6, VG
© Kimberly Huntzinger, 2007 · 1
Anthidium dammersi, male, S6, VG
Anthidium dammersi, male, S7, VG
© Kimberly Huntzinger, 2007 · 1
Anthidium dammersi, male, S7, VG

Anthidium dammersi, male, S8, VG
© Kimberly Huntzinger, 2007 · 1
Anthidium dammersi, male, S8, VG
Anthidium dammersi, female, T6, VG
© Kimberly Huntzinger, 2007 · 1
Anthidium dammersi, female, T6, VG

IDnature guides
Extracted from: Grigarick A.A., & Stange L.A., (1968). The Pollen Collecting Bees of the Anthidiini of California (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) Bulletin of the California Insect Survey Volume 9.

Anthidium dammersi cockerell, 1937. Amer. Mus. Novitates, 948:6; $, 9. Holotype $, Adelanto, 9 mi. N, California (AMNH).
Geographic range.—California deserts, Nevada.


California records.—IMPERIAL Co.: Palo Verde, 3 mi. S, 1 6", IV-9-63 (J. Powell, CIS). INYO Co.: Mazourka Canyon, Inyo Mts., 1 9, V—25—37, on Dalea fremontii (C. Michener,

UCR). RIVERSIDE CO.: Hopkins Well, 1 6\ IV-16-58 (P. Hurd, CIS). SAN BERNARDINO CO.: Adelanto, 9 mi. N, 7 $, 1 9, IV-20-37, on Astragalus Ientiginosus var. tremontii (C. Dammers, AMNH, LACM, UCR). Apple Valley, 1 6\ V-9-58, on Phacelia distans (P. Timberlake, UCR). Victorville, 5 mi. SW, 1 $, V—6—39, on Dalea Fremontii var. Saundersonii (P. Timberlake, UCR); 3.5 mi. SW, 1 9, V-3-39, on Astragalus Ientiginosus var. Fremontii (P. Timberlake, UCR).

The restricted markings of this black bee are cream to pale yellow. A. dammersi appears to be the desert counterpart of emarginatum. The differences between these two species are very slight, especially in the females. The median lobe of sternum VI of the male of A. dammersi is typically reddish-brown and has nearly parallel sides (fig. 38). Also, the apex of sternum VIII (fig. 39) is somewhat broader in dammersi than in emarginatum. For the females, the more convex tergum VI (in profile) and the lack of maculations will distinguish dammersi. The pronotal lobe is black in dammersi, usually yellow in emarginatum. Also, the southern California populations of emarginatum have a yellow clypeus in the female, whereas the clypeus is nearly all black in dammersi.

The distribution of this infrequently collected species (27 3,17 9 ) is almost completely in the Colorado and Mojave deserts. No sympatry with emarginatum is known, since in southern California emarginatum is found in mountainous and coastal areas. The few host associations are from the leguminose genera Astragalus and Dalea; or Phacelia of the Hydrophyllaceae.

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Chaenactis stevioides @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Boraginaceae  Phacelia distans @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Fabaceae  Astragalus lentiginosus @ UCRC_ENT (28)

Psorothamnus a @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Updated: 2025-02-08 10:53:11 gmt
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