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Anthophorula asteris Mitchell, 1963
Exomalopsis (Anthophorisca) asteris Mitchell, 1962

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Anthophorula
Subgenus: Anthophorisca

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IDnature guides
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1962 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 152.

Formerly named Exomalopsis asteris Mitchell

FEMALE: Length 6.5 mm., breadth of abdomen 2.5 mm.; black, the antennal flagellum brownish, mandibles dark red, apical tarsal segment testaceous, spurs pale yellow; tegulae black; wings hyaline, veins testaceous to brownish; cheeks slightly narrower than eyes; clypeus rather flat, its median length nearly half the distance between eyes below; eyes slightly convergent below; mandibles simple; labrum quite broadly rounded apically, its median length about half the basal width; basal segment of flagellum slightly longer than pedicel, slightly shorter than segments 2 and 3 combined, median segments about as broad as long; lateral ocelli about equally distant from eyes and each other; basitibial plate very small, broadly rounded, much broader than long; basal abdominal tergum not carinate basally; surface in general smooth and shining, punctures very minute and sparse on vertex and face above antennae, rather coarse and close on clypeus, those on scutum quite deep, distinct and rather close anteriorly, becoming minute and very sparse posteriorly, minute and rather sparse also on scutellum and propodeum, but pleura with quite coarse, close and deep punctures; abdominal terga shining, the punctures very minute and rather widely separated on 1 and 2, uniformly very fine and close on basal halves of 3-5, apical halves slightly depressed and more minutely punctate beneath the pale tomentum; pygidium subtriangular, apex rather narrowly rounded; pubescence quite short but rather copious over head and thorax, entirely pale, quite dense across face just above antennae, copious on pleura, on scutellum posteriorly and to some degree on scutum anteriorly, tinged with yellow on dorsum of thorax, more whitish laterally and below, entirely pale on front and mid pair of legs, the hind tibial scopa whitish, becoming fuscous on basitarsi, hairs quite densely plumose; pubescence of abdominal terga largely pale, rather copious and erect but short on basal abdominal tergum anteriorly, very short and inconspicuous on the discs medially, apical impressed areas of terga 3 and 4 completely whitish tomentose, forming broad, whitish fasciae, that on tergum 2 broadly interrupted medially, basal tergum with a tomentose patch on each extreme side, discal pubescence very thin and hardly evident; apical fascia of tergum 5 formed of more elongate, yellowish hairs; and tergum 6 brownish pubescent on each side of pygidium.

MALE: Length 6-6.5 mm., breadth of abdomen 2 mm.; black, antennal flagellum testaceous beneath, brownish above, mandibles piceous, clypeus and labrum yellow, apical tarsal segments testaceous, spurs pale yellow, tegulae black; wings hyaline, veins testaceous to brownish; cheeks slightly narrower than eyes; clypeus rather flat, its median length slightly more than half the distance between eyes below; eyes convergent below; mandibles simple; labrum broadly rounded apically, its median length about half the basal width; basal segment of flagellum slightly shorter than pedicel, and slightly shorter than segment 2, following segments somewhat more elongate; lateral ocelli very slightly nearer eyes than to each other; basal abdominal tergum not carinate basally; surface in general smooth and shining, punctures very minute and sparse over most of head, but closer around antennae, those on scutum fine and sparse, those on scutellum and pleura closer and coarser, those on propodeum very minute and well separated; abdominal terga less shining, punctures closer and deeper, very fine and well separated on basal tergum, but becoming quite coarse and almost crowded on the more apical terga, apical margins of all broadly but very shallowly depressed; pubescence quite short but rather copious over head and thorax, entirely pale. copious on pleura, on scutellum posteriorly, and to some degree on scutum, tinged with yellow on dorsum of thorax, more whitish laterally and below, entirely pale on legs; pubescence of abdominal terga darker in color and largely pale, rather copious and erect on basal abdominal tergum anteriorly, very short and inconspicuous on discs medially, apical impressed areas of terga 3 and 4 covered with white tomentum, forming broad, whitish fasciae, that on 2 broadly interrupted medially; sterna 7 and 8 and genital armature as shown (fig. 68).

TYPES: Holotype: Female, Brazos Co., Texas, October 10, 1954 (A. H. Alex, on Aster). Allotype: topotypical [both Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta.]. Paratypes: 5 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂topotypical; 1 ♀, Hovey Lake Ent. Recon. Station 17, Indiana, Oct. 3, 1958 (L. C. Chandler). Paratypes are in the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, and in collections of Purdue University, P. H. Timberlake and the author.

Scientific source:
Natural history
Two specimens collected from white asters in late September from Benton County, Arkansas.

Updated: 2025-02-06 19:37:06 gmt
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