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Bees; Apoid Wasps

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera

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Exaerete smaragdina
© Copyright Dave Roubik, 2006-2010 · 1
Exaerete smaragdina

  • Apoidea is a superfamily composed of the bees and apoid wasps. At this point in time this page primarily presents information on North American bees. We encourage others to expand these guides to bees world wide as well as develop those for the sphecoid wasps.


  • Andrenidae - Andrena, Calliopsis, Panurginus, Perdita, Protandrena, Pseudopanurgus
  • Apidae - Anthophora, Anthophorula , Apis, Bombus, Cemolobus , Centris, Ceratina, Epeoloides, Epeolus, Ericrocis, Eucera, Euglossa, Exomalopsis, Florilegus, Habropoda, Holcopasites, Melecta, Melissodes, Melitoma, Neolarra, Nomada, Peponapis, Ptilothrix, Svastra, Tetraloniella, Triepeolus, Xenoglossa, Xeromelecta, Xylocopa
  • Halictidae - Agapostemon, Augochlora, Augochlorella, Augochloropsis, Dieunomia, Dufourea, Halictus, Lasioglossum, Nomia, Sphecodes
  • Colletidae - Caupolicana, Colletes, Hylaeus
  • Megachilidae - Anthidiellum, Anthidium, Ashmeadiella, Chelostoma, Coelioxys, Dianthidium, Heriades, Hoplitis, Lithurgus, Megachile, Osmia, Paranthidium, Stelis, Trachusa
  • Mellitidae - Hesperapis, Macropis, Melitta
  • General bee body parts - Click on pictures to enlarge and print.
  • Currently, although many identification guides now encompass all relevant bees for the whole of the United States, a large number of the bee species guides remain specific only to those bees present East of the Mississippi. Ultimately, all North American bees will be included and we hope to collaborate with other researchers to create or link to identification guides for the bees and sphecid wasps of the world.

    The links below are organized by bee genera as well as a guide to the identity of the genera of Eastern North American bees.

    You can email Sam Droege to obtain a more detailed document on how to use these identification guides.

    Methods and Identification Tools

    Scientific source:

    Geographic distribution

    World Bee Diversity


    Currently based on data from the American Museum of Natural History, Leah Larkin's Andrena Database, the Snow Entomology Museum at the University of Kansas entered from an NSF grant, Sam Droege's USGS collections, and other databases, including ones contributed through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Note that there are many more genera than are listed on the links below. which largely cover only Eastern bee species in the United States for which we have identification guides. Eventually we will have lists for all species on all continents. In the meantime species not listed below can be viewed by going to the Global Mapper and typing in the species' name. This same site can be used to map any individual species.
    Please contact Sam if you have geo-referenced data that can be added to this site.

    • Gauld, Ian D. and Barry Bolton (Eds.) 1988. The Hymenoptera. British Museum (Natural History). Oxford University Press, New York. ISBN 0-19-858521-7.
    • Michener, Charles D. 2000. The Bees of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. ISBN 0-8018-6133-0.
    • Native Pollinator References


    Funding for this project provided by:

    We thank Denise Lim, Rachelle Wallace, and Amberlie McKee for technical support in developing this page.

    Supported by
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