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Ashmeadiella rufipes Titus, 1904
Ashmeadiella haematopoda Cockerell, 1924; Ashmeadiella rhodopus Michener, 1936; Ashmeadiella haematopoda; Ashmeadiella rhodopus

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Ashmeadiella
Subgenus: Ashmeadiella

Ashmeadiella rufipes, female, face
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Ashmeadiella rufipes, female, face

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Ashmeadiella rufipes, female, side
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Ashmeadiella rufipes, female, side
Ashmeadiella rufipes, female, top
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Ashmeadiella rufipes, female, top

Ashmeadiella rufipes, female, wing
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Ashmeadiella rufipes, female, wing
Species account taken from: "A Revision of the Genus Ashmeadiella (Hymen., Megachilidae) Author(s): Charles D. Michener Source: American Midland Naturalist,Vol. 22, No. 1 (Jul., 1939), pp. 1-84"

Listed originally under a separate species. Ashmeadiella haematopoda Cockerell, 1924, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., (4)12 :555, 9; Michener, 1936, Pan-Pac. Ent., 12:58, S 8 ; Michener, 1936, Am. Mus. Nov., 875:12, 14 (key).

This large species is probably the most abundantly pubescent form in the genus. Moreover, the black body, red legs, and broad bands of snowy hair make it a most striking species.

Female: Inner margins of eyes converging below; pubescence covering face except clypeus; flagellum brown beneath; punctation of head rather fine and dense, finer on clypeus than on vertex and frons; clypeus with slightly emarginate truncation, shorter than distance from end of truncation to lateral angle of clypeus, angles at ends of truncation weaker than in bigeloviae; mandibles with red subapical band; distance between first and third mandi- bular teeth less than width of eye and less than length of last three antennal segments together; anterior ocellus posterior to midpoint between antennal bases and posterior edge of vertex; distance between posterior ocelli greater than distance to nearest eye margin, hardly greater than distance to posterior edge of vertex; cheeks narrower than eyes, seen from side. Scutum with band of pubescence all the way around, with two broad areas in transverse anterior part; punctures of scutum of same size as, or slightly larger than, those of vertex and separated by very little shiny surface; tegulae testaceous; wings clear; mesepisterna punctured about as scutum, perhaps a little more finely so; legs red, coxae usually black; inner margin of inner hind tibial spur finely serrate with about fourteen small teeth; outer margin of inner hind tibial spur with eight to eleven teeth; both margins of outer spur with six or seven oblique teeth. Abdomen rather finely though distinctly punctate; tergites one to five with broad apical bands of white pubescence, scopa dull white. Length 5 to 7 mm.

Male: Similar to female. Face densely covered with white hair; anterior margin of clypeus with weak emargination, distinctly shorter than basal width of clypeus, and demarked laterally by distinct, rounded angles; pubescent band across anterior margin of scutum broad; inner margin of inner hind tibial spurs minutely and inconspicuously serrate, outer margin and margins of outer spurs with few, inconspicuous, strongly oblique, teeth; lateral teeth of sixth tergite longer than basal width; median teeth over twice as long as basal width, but little widened basally; teeth of sixth tergite usually red. Length 5 to 7 mm.

The number and shape of the teeth of the outer margin of the inner hind tibial spur vary. They are few and low and oblique in specimens from Inyo County, California, although the variation in a single series is great.

This species occurs on the deserts of Sonora and California. CALIFORNIA: Westmoreland, May 31, 1930, on Heliotropium curassavicum and Parosela emoryi (P. H. Timberlake), May 15, 1933 (collector unknown); Dos Pal- mos, March 19, 1934; Edom, April 7, 1936, on Palafoxia linearis; west shore of Owens Lake, Inyo County, June 2, 1937, on Petalonyx thurberi (C. D. Michener). Type: female; Fresh Water Bay, Tiburon Island, Gulf of California, in the California Academy of Sciences.

The type is a little more coarsely punctate and smaller than most Cali- fornian specimens, but until additional material from Sonora is known, it would not be wise to attempt to distinguish a northern form. At the present time only the type specimen itself is known from south of the Mexican border

Scientific source:

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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Geraea canescens @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Palafoxia arida @ BBSL (1)
Boraginaceae  Cryptantha intermedia @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Heliotropium curassavicum @ UCRC_ENT (15)
Euphorbiaceae  Croton @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Fabaceae  Astragalus lentiginosus @ BBSL (1)

Dalea mollis @ UCRC_ENT (63)

Dalea sp @ BBSL (10)

Psorothamnus emoryi @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Psorothamnus polydenius @ BBSL (12)

Psorothamnus schottii @ UCRC_ENT (2)
Hydrophyllaceae  Nama sp @ BBSL (2)
Lamiaceae  Hyptis emoryi @ BBSL (1)
Loasaceae  Petalonyx thurberi @ BBSL (43); UCRC_ENT (14)
Zygophyllaceae  Larrea tridentata @ BBSL (3)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (66)

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