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Ashmeadiella salviae Michener, 1939
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Ashmeadiella
Subgenus: Arogochila

Ashmeadiella salviae, female, clypeus
© Kimberly Huntzinger, 2007 · 1
Ashmeadiella salviae, female, clypeus

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IDnature guides
Species account taken from: "A Revision of the Genus Ashmeadiella (Hymen., Megachilidae) Author(s): Charles D. Michener Source: American Midland Naturalist,Vol. 22, No. 1 (Jul., 1939), pp. 1-84"

Ashmeadiella howardi Cockerell, 1910, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8)5: 22, ,' not 9 Cockerell, 1925, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., (4)14: 206, ,3; Michener, 1936, Am. Mus. Novit., 875: 3, ,, not 9.

This is a rather large species, with the abdomen red laterally. The pub- escence is rather sparse, and that of the dorsum of the head and thorax is ochraceous. The female is distinguished from cazieri, timberlakei and australis by the erect, snout-like median lobe of the clypeus. The black legs suggest cazieri, but the male is distinguished from that species by the coarser puncta- tion, especially of the clypeus.

Female: Head rather large, cheeks as broad as eyes seen from side, a little more finely punctate than rest of head; inner margins of eyes diverging below; anterior margin of clypeus with small, rounded, lateral lobes, separated from median lobe by broad, shallow emarginations; snout-like median lobe keeled above, its upper margin, seen in profile, at an angle hardly greater than 900 with adjacent disc of clypeus, and seen in profile, wider apically than basally; median lobe of clypeus somewhat roughened, not closely punctured; apex of labrum deeply emarginate; mandibles with inner tooth beveled; hypostomal carinae each produced to a tooth behind; anterior ocellus somewhat posterior to midpoint between antennal bases and posterior edge of vertex; head densely punctured, front a little duller than clypeus or vertex. Scutum and scutellum punctured about as vertex; no pair of hair spots at anterior edge of scutum; mesepisterna slightly more finely and less closely punctured than scutum; tegulae dark testaceous; wings slightly dusky; legs black; inner margin of inner hind tibial spurs finely serrate with a dozen or more small teeth, outer margin with nine larger teeth, basal two of which are small; both margins of outer spurs with about five, very oblique teeth. Abdomen distinctly and rather strongly punctured, posterior tergites dull with close punctures, anterior ones more shiny, with sparser punctures; anterior tergites with posterior margins slightly more closely punctured than discs; larger punctures of abdomen as large as those of scutum, or those of sides of tergites even larger; abdominal bands narrow, that of fifth tergite inconspicuous; sixth tergite, and to a lesser extent fifth, slightly pruinose; scopa dull white; anterior four tergites broadly red at sides, fourth with a little less red than others; fifth tergite with spot of red on each side (absent in some paratypes). Length 7 mm. (6 1/2 in some paratypes).

Male: Inner margins of eyes slightly converging toward clypeus, except for lower thirds, which diverge; flagellum hardly reddish beneath; punctures of disc of clypeus slightly separated by shiny surface, fairly coarse; punctures of anterior margin of clypeus, except for impunctate edge, finer and close; anterior margin of clypeus slightly emarginate medially, without any distinct angles forming ends of truncation, though there are slight sublateral depres- sions in the margin; apex of labrum slightty emarginate; mandibles reddish subapically; anterior ocellus distinctly posterior to midpoint between antennal bases and posterior margin of vertex; cheeks a little narrower than eyes, seen from side; punctures of vertex closer than those of clypeus and about the same size. Anterior part of scutum with finer punctures than vertex; mesepis- terna with considerably separated punctures, about same size as those of posterior part of scutum and of vertex; teeth of hind tibial spurs about as in female., Punctures of abdomen rather strong, though finer than those of scutum; sides of tergites one to five red, red much reduced on fourth and fifth tergites (nearly absent on these tergites in some paratypes); posterior margins of tergites reddish; pubescent fasciae on posterior margins of tergites inconspicuous.

Holotype female, (Calif. Acad. Sci., Ent. No. 4740), allotype male (Calif. Acad. Sci., Ent. No. 4741), and three paratypes: Eagle Rock, California, May 9, 1936, on Salvia mellifera (C. D. Michener). Additional paratypes: four, same locality and flower, April 7, 1936 (C. D. Michener); two, same locality, on Rhamnus crocea, April 14, 1933 (C. D. Michener); five, Alta- dena, California, July 3, 1936, on Salvia mellifera (C. D. Michener, M. E. Gartz); one San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, 3000 feet, May 28, 1910 (F. Grinnell, U. S. N. M.) I have seen specimens also from Bryson, Monterey County, California, May 18, 1920 (E. P. Van Duzee); Monte Bello, California, May 1, 1934 (D. Burke); Santa Paula, California, June 5, 1927, on Salvia mellifera (P. H. Timberlake); and Ontario, Califor- nia, June 22, 1918 (H. A. Scullen). A specimen which appears to be this species is from Westgard Pass, Inyo County, California, June 3, 1937 (E. C. Van Dyke).

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Boraginaceae  Cryptantha sp @ BBSL__KWC (2)

Eriodictyon parryi @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Lamiaceae  Lepechinia calycina @ BBSL__KWC (3)

Salvia dorrii @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Salvia mellifera @ UCRC_ENT (2)

Salvia sp @ BBSL__KWC (5); BBSL (1)

Trichostema parishii @ BBSL (1)

Trichostema sp @ BBSL__KWC (2)
Polemoniaceae  Gilia sp @ BBSL__KWC (1)
Scrophulariaceae  Penstemon grinnellii @ BBSL__KWC (1)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (151); BBSL__PINN (7)

Updated: 2024-10-27 18:37:00 gmt
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