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Auxis thazard brachydorax
© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12
Auxis thazard brachydorax

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Auxis rochei eudorax
© Copyright John Rangall, 2006 · 0
Auxis rochei eudorax
Auxis thazard brachydorax
© Copyright Photographer/SFTEP, 2002 · 0
Auxis thazard brachydorax

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12

Main identification features
  • 1st dorsal fin short base
  • 1st dorsal fin and 2 well separated
  • rear back: oblique bars


Body elongate, rounded; no fatty eyelid; jaw teeth slender, conical; top of tongue with 2 ridges; 2 dorsal fins widely separated; 1st dorsal X spines; ~8 finlets behind 2nd dorsal fin, ~7 behind anal fin; a single long bony process between pelvic fins; 1 lateral line; 1 large + 2 small keels on tail base; with well developed corselet of scales on front of body.

A worldwide genus in tropical and temperate waters; with 2 circumglobal species, each of which has a subspecies endemic to our region.

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I thank Ashley MacDonald and John Pickering, University of Georgia, for technical support in building this page.

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