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Bombus mixtus Cresson, 1878
Bremus edwardsii var russulus Frison, 1927

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Bombus
Subgenus: Pyrobombus

Bombus mixtus FEM mm -. f
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Bombus mixtus FEM mm -. f

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IDnature guides

    Williams, Paul H., Robbin W. Thorp, Leif L. Richardson, and Sheila R. Colla. Bumble Bees of North America: An Identification Guide. Princeton University Press, 2014. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt6wpzr9.

    - has the best modern color guides for identification of both sexes, microscopic identification characters, range and natural history notes.

    Uses the common name of Fuzzy Horned Bumble Bee

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Bombus mixtus MALE mm - f
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Bombus mixtus MALE mm - f
Bombus mixtus
Lynette Schimming · 1
Bombus mixtus

Bombus mixtus, Barcode of Life Data Systems
Barcode of Life Data Systems · 1
Bombus mixtus, Barcode of Life Data Systems
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queen front top
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queen top

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queen rear
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queen rear tip

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queen side
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male front

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male front top
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male top

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male side
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male rear

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male rear tip
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worker front

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worker front top
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worker top

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worker rear tip

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worker side
Extracted from Jonathan Koch, James Strange ,Paul Williams.2012. Bumble Bees of the Western United States. A product of the U.S. Forest Service and the Pollinator Partnership with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Fuzzy-horned bumble bee

Status: Common

Select food plant genera: Rubus, Symphoricarpos, Trifolium, Lupinus, Senecio, Epilobium

Tongue Length: Medium

Distribution: Pacific coast, east to the Colorado Rocky Mountains; north to Alaska; primarily associated with high elevations and northern latitudes

Can be confused with B. frigidus

Thorax predominantly clouded with yellow and black, T1 yellow, T2 yellow sometimes black apically, T3 orange sometimes black basally, T4-5 orange, face square.

Mid leg basitarsus with the distal posterior corner rounded. Cheek as long as broad. Hair of the face black and yellow intermixed, corbicular fringes extensively pale orange. T2 anterolaterally sometimes with scattered black hairs intermixed. Hair length medium and uneven.

Extracted from Bumble Bees and Cuckoo Bumble Bees of California by Thorp, R. (1983).

Discussion. B. mixtus belongs to the group of species which includes B. edwardsii, melanopygus, sitkensis, and sylvicola. It appears a Sarcophagidae fly is the principal parasite in nests of B. mixtus.

Extracted from: Laverty T.M., & Harder L.D., (1988). The Bumble Bees of Eastern Canada. Can. Ent. 120: 965-987.

Description. All castes range from small to medium in body size. Head slightly elongate; malar space square in female, longer than wide in male. Tongue short. Color pattern as in Figure 11. Some females have black pile on the posterior margins of T2.

Scientific source:

Supported by

Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Apiaceae  Heracleum lanatum @ BBSL (3)

Heracleum maximum @ UCRC_ENT (2)
Apocynaceae  Apocynum @ EMEC (1)
Asteraceae  Achillea millefolium @ BBSL (1)

Achillea sp @ BBSL (1)

Agoseris aurantiaca @ BBSL__MOSCOW (1)

Antennaria sp @ BBSL (1)

Arnica cordifolia @ BBSL (2)

Arnica parryi @ RMBL_ENT (3)

Aster sp @ BBSL (19)

Chrysothamnus sp @ BBSL__JPS (3)

Cirsium arvense @ BBSL (5)

Cirsium sp @ BBSL (3)

Cirsium @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Erigeron sp @ BBSL (3)

Erigeron speciosus @ BBSL (6)

Helianthella quinquenervis @ RMBL_ENT (8)

Helianthella uniflora @ BBSL (1)

Helichrysum sp @ BBSL (1)

Heliomeris multiflora @ RMBL_ENT (27)

Heliomeris villosa @ RMBL_ENT (1)

Heterotheca villosa @ RMBL_ENT (6)

Leucanthemum ×superbum @ BBSL (3)

Rudbeckia sp @ BBSL (2)

Rudbeckia @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Senecio bigelovii @ RMBL_ENT (1)

Senecio crassulus @ BBSL (2); BBSL__MOSCOW (3)

Senecio lugens @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Senecio sp @ BBSL (3)

Senecio triangularis @ BBSL (2)

Senecio @ AMNH_BEE (2); RMBL_ENT (3)

Solidago @ EMEC (1)

Taraxacum officinale @ BBSL (2)

Wyethia amplexicaulis @ RMBL_ENT (2)
Berberidaceae  Berberis aquifolium @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Berberis vulgaris @ UCRC_ENT (2)
Boraginaceae  Cynoglossum officinale @ BBSL (1)

Eriodictyon @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Mertensia ciliata @ RMBL_ENT (2)

Phacelia @ AMNH_BEE (5); EMEC (1)
Brassicaceae  Brassica campestris @ BBSL (10)
Caprifoliaceae  Lonicera involucrata @ BBSL (3)

Lonicera sp @ BBSL (6)

Symphoricarpos albus @ BBSL (20)

Symphoricarpos sp @ BBSL__JPS (5); BBSL (51)
Clusiaceae  Hypericum perforatum @ BBSL (2)
Ericaceae  Arctostaphylos patula @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Arctostaphylos @ EMEC (35)

Gaultheria shallon @ BBSL (11)

Phyllodoce empetriformis @ BBSL (4); BBSL__MOSCOW (1)

Rhododendron occidentale @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Rhododendron @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Fabaceae  Astragalus miser @ BBSL (2)

Astragalus sp @ BBSL (1)

Lathyrus odoratus @ BBSL (11)

Lathyrus sp @ BBSL (7)

Lupinus sp @ BBSL (41)

Lupinus @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Melilotus alba @ BBSL (2)

Melilotus officinalis @ BBSL (6)

Melilotus sp @ BBSL__JPS (1); BBSL (9)

Trifolium pratense @ BBSL (17)

Trifolium repens @ BBSL (8)

Trifolium sp @ BBSL (37)

Trifolium @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Vicia gigantea @ BBSL (12)

Vicia sp @ BBSL (2)

Vicia @ EMEC (7)
Freilich, j.  1420 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1537 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1630 @ JRYA__OLYM (5)

605 @ JRYA__OLYM (2)
Geraniaceae  Geranium sp @ BBSL (26)
Grossulariaceae  Ribes sp @ BBSL (1); AMNH_BEE (2)
Herndon, j.d.  1348 @ JRYA__OLYM (7)

1424 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1449 @ JRYA__OLYM (2)

1470 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1476 @ JRYA__OLYM (4)

1487 @ JRYA__OLYM (6)

1537 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1584 @ JRYA__OLYM (3)

1594 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1609 @ JRYA__OLYM (2)

1639 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1799 @ JRYA__OLYM (8)

1806 @ JRYA__OLYM (2)
Hydrophyllaceae  Hydrophyllum sp @ BBSL (2)

Nemophila sp @ BBSL (1)

Phacelia leptosepala @ BBSL (1)

Phacelia sp @ BBSL (2)
Iridaceae  Iris missouriensis @ BBSL (1)
Lamiaceae  Agastache sp @ BBSL (9)

Monarda fistulosa @ BBSL (1)

Monarda sp @ BBSL (3)

Perovskia atriplicifolia @ BBSL (1)

Salvia sonomensis @ EMEC (3)
Larson, l.  1731 @ JRYA__NOCA (2)

2023 @ JRYA__NOCA (3)
Liliaceae  Zigadenus sp @ BBSL (4)
Malvaceae  Sidalcea oregana @ BBSL (4)
Mertensiidae  Mertensia sp @ BBSL (4)
Nyctaginaceae  Abronia latifolia @ BBSL (1)
Onagraceae  Chamerion angustifolium @ RMBL_ENT (6)

Clarkia rhomboidea @ EMEC (2)

Clarkia sp @ BBSL (1)

Clarkia stellata @ EMEC (1)

Epilobium angustifolium @ BBSL (19); EMEC (9)

Epilobium latifolium @ BBSL (5)

Epilobium parviflorum @ BBSL (11)

Epilobium sp @ BBSL (1)

Epilobium @ EMEC (2)
Orobanchaceae  Pedicularis @ RMBL_ENT (1)
Plantaginaceae  Linaria vulgaris @ DART_ENT (2)

Penstemon alpinus @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Polemoniaceae  Collomia rawsoniana @ BBSL (1)

Gilia sp @ BBSL (1)
Polygonaceae  Eriogonum sp @ BBSL (2)
Primulaceae  Dodecatheon alpinum @ BBSL (1)
Ranunculaceae  Delphinium nuttallianum @ BBSL (2)

Delphinium sp @ BBSL (3)

Ranunculus sp @ BBSL (1)
Rhamnaceae  Ceanothus integerrimus @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Ceanothus @ AMNH_BEE (1); EMEC (2)

Ranunculus californicus @ UCRC_ENT (4)
Rosaceae  Chamaebatia @ EMEC (1)

Horkelia tridentata @ EMEC (1)

Potentilla sp @ BBSL (10)

Potentilla @ RMBL_ENT (1)

Prunus avium @ EMEC (2)

Rosa nutkana @ BBSL (1)

Rosa sp @ BBSL (11)

Rubus allegheniensis @ BBSL (7)

Rubus discolor @ BBSL (34)

Rubus loganobaccus @ BBSL__JPS (2)

Rubus parviflorus @ BBSL (37); AMNH_BEE (2)

Rubus sp @ BBSL (9)

Sorbus @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Spiraea douglasii @ BBSL (11)
Rykken, j.  1281 @ JRYA__NOCA (4)

1320 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1322 @ JRYA__NOCA (1)

1348 @ JRYA__OLYM (3)

1361 @ JRYA__OLYM (4)

1379 @ JRYA__OLYM (3)

1458 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1463 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1487 @ JRYA__OLYM (7)

1497 @ JRYA__OLYM (2)

1509 @ JRYA__OLYM (25)

1527 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1535 @ JRYA__OLYM (14)

1537 @ JRYA__OLYM (10)

153 @ JRYA__NOCA (1)

1545 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1559 @ JRYA__OLYM (5)

1562 @ JRYA__OLYM (8)

1564 @ JRYA__OLYM (2)

1565 @ JRYA__OLYM (5)

1669 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1670 @ JRYA__OLYM (3)

1745 @ JRYA__NOCA (2)

1793 @ JRYA__NOCA (2)

1808 @ JRYA__NOCA (2)

1821 @ JRYA__NOCA (1)

1871 @ JRYA__NOCA (2)

1880 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

1927 @ JRYA__NOCA (2)

1934 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

2010 @ JRYA__NOCA (2)

215 @ JRYA__OLYM (1)

504 @ JRYA__NOCA (3)

507 @ JRYA__NOCA (1)

725 @ JRYA__NOCA (1)
Saxifragaceae  Ribes @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Scrophulariaceae  Linaria vulgaris @ BBSL (1)

Pedicularis bracteosa @ BBSL (2)

Pedicularis contorta @ BBSL__MOSCOW (1)

Pedicularis groenlandica @ BBSL (4)

Penstemon confertus @ BBSL (1)

Penstemon rydbergii @ BBSL (1); BBSL__MOSCOW (1)

Penstemon sp @ BBSL__JPS (1); BBSL (9)

Penstemon washingtonensis @ BBSL (1)

Scrophularia californica @ BBSL (22); EMEC (1)
Tiliaceae  Tilia sp @ BBSL (4)
_  Asteraceae sp @ BBSL (3)

Withheld @ BBSL__YOSE (41); BBSL (111)

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