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Calliopsis callops (Cockerell and Porter, 1899)
Hypomacrotera callops Cockerell and Porter, 1899

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Calliopsis   Calliopsis
Subgenus: Hypomacrotera

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Types. -Holotype, male; data: NEW MEXICO. SAN MIGUEL Co.: Las Vegas, 1 Aug [no year], T. D. A. Cockerell, Chamaesaracha coronopus\ deposited: American Museum of Natural History, New York. Cockerell & Porter (1899) designated an unknown number of males and females as the original type series. Cockerell (1937:3) later designated one male from this series as the holotype

Description: Female. Head: (1) width 1.7-2.12 mm (5c = 1.95 0.04; n = 10); (2) 1.39-1.47 (5c = 1.43 0.01; n = 10) times broader than long; (3-19) as in C. persimilis except (7) head coloration dark brown to black with minute, creamy white spots on paraocular area immediately above mandibular acetabulum in some specimens; (9) eyes blue. Mesosoma: (20-33) as in C. persimilis except20) lateral surfaces of pronotum distinctly shiny, glabrous, not imbricate; (26) intertegular distance 1.16-1.50 mm (5c = 1.30 0.03; n = 10); (27) forewing length 3.40-4.20 mm (5c = 3.86 0.08; n = 10); wings without dark spot at apex; (28) legs brown with white spots at base of both foretibia and mesotibia; mesobasitarsus broad (length 1.75-2.4 times width; Fig. 2g). Metasoma: (34-41) as in C. persimilis except (38) pygidial plate slightly more acute.

Male. Head: (42) width 1.4-2.1 mm (x = 1.71 0.04; n = 10); (43) 1.26-1.38 (* = 1.33 0.01; n = 10) times broader than long; (44) clypeus granulate-punctate; (45) frons shiny, glabrous except for widely-scattered punctation; (46) vertex shiny with scattered punctation; (47) gena weakly imbricate, shiny; (48) head black to dark brown with white maculation as in C. persimilis except less extensive, barely reaching above antennal sockets and often evanescent or absent on subantennal plates and subantennal area; (49) head setae as in C. persimilis but setae on clypeus much more dense, mostly obscuring surface of clypeus; (50-60) as in C. persimilis. Mesosoma: (61-72) as in C. persimilis except (61) lateral surface of pronotum more shiny; (67) intertegular distance 0.75-1.10 mm (5c = 0.99 0.02; n = 25); (68) forewing length 3.20-4.65 mm (5c = 3.98 0.06; n = 25); (69) yellow on legs as in C. persimilis but dark spots on outer surface of mid and hind tibiae larger. Metasoma: (73-82) as in C. persimilis except (76) T7 with broad (width >0.16 mm), weakly-defined, blunt pygidial plate (Fig. 2f); surface mostly shiny, weakly rugulose; (78) median process on S5 shorter (length two-thirds width of sternite along midline; Fig. 2c); apex laterally flattened, blade-like with dense apical setae (Fig. 2c); (79) apical prongs of S6 more slender in lateral view but with similar comb of setae (Fig. 2a); (80) S7 with distal lamellate lobes broad and horizontal (Fig. 2b); (81) S8 tapering to acute apex, not notched apically (Fig. 2d); (82) genital capsule as in Fig. 2e, foramen large.

Diagnosis. This species is very similar to C. persimilis but is slightly larger and differs in the following structural features: Male: apex of S8 rounded, coming to a point medially (Fig. 2d); apical prong of S5 less acutely pointed and shorter (Fig. 2c); apical paired projections of S6 acutely pointed in lateral view (Fig. 2a); large foramen in the genital capsule (Fig. 2e); male T7, pygidial plate broader and less deeply concave (Fig. 2f); male clypeus with more dense covering of hairs, which overlap the labrum; yellow of clypeus rarely extending above the fronto-clypeal suture along midline of face. Female: pygidial plate more acute; meso-basitarsus broad (length 1.75-2.4 times width; Fig. 2g); black spot at apex of wing lacking; well-developed yellow or white spot at base of pro- and mesotibiae; eyes blue in pinned specimens.

Material Examined. USA. ARIZONA. COCHISE Co.: Douglas, 22 Aug 1968, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [11, 7]; Douglas, 1 Sep 1968, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [0, 1]; Douglas, 14 Aug 1969, J. G. 6 K. C. Rozen, AMNH [0, 1]; Douglas, 31 Aug 1968, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [1, 0]; Douglas, 17 Aug 1970, AMNH [0, 1]; Douglas, 3 May 1969, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [2, 2]; Douglas, 1.6 km E, 17 Aug 1971, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [4, 0]; same loc., 21 Aug 1968, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [2, 1]; same loc., 20 Aug 1968, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [1, 0]; same loc., 31 Aug 1971, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [2, 0]; same loc., 18 Aug 1971, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [1, 0]; same loc., 29 Aug 1971, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [4, 0]; same loc., 21 Aug 1974, J. G. & B. L. Rozen, AMNH [1, 1]; same loc., 29 Aug 1971, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [0, 1]; same loc., 19 Aug 1968, J. G. Rozen, AMNH [2, 1]; same loc., 24 Aug 1970, J. G. Rozen, AMNH [0, 1]; Douglas, 28.3 km E, 4 Aug 1958, P. A. Opler, LACM [0, 1]; Portal, 24 Aug 1971, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [1, 0]. COLORADO. BAVA Co.: Regnier, 1372 m, 6 Jun 1919, T. D. A. Cockerell, AMNH [0, 1]. PROWERS Co.: Lamar, 1097 m, 4 Jun 1919, T. D. A. Cockerell, AMNH [0, 1], KANSAS. BARBER Co.: Aetna, 4.2 km S, 7 Aug 1962, Kerfoot & Michener, Quincula lobata (Torrey) Rafinesque, KU [10, 1]; Medicine Lodge, 25 km W, 12 May 1962, Michener & party, Quincula lobata, KU [1, 1]. DOUGLAS Co.: Lawrence, 24 Sep 1952, R. R. Snelling, Helianthus petiolaris Nuttal, LACM [0, 1]; Lawrence, 23 Aug 1952, J. A. Mathewson, Helianthus petiolaris, LACM [1, 0]. HAMILTON Co.: 1021 m, F. H. Snow, KU [1, 1], STANTON Co.: Johnson, 16 Jun 1949, Michener & Beamer, Quincula lobata, KU [1, 1], NEW MEXICO. EDDY Co.: Artesia, 5 km S, 20 May 1969, Brothers et al., Chamaesaracha conioides (Moricand) Britton, KU [1, 0]. HIDALGO Co.: Animas, 6.7 km S, 24 Aug 1974, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [2, 4]; Cienega Ranch, 14 May 1987, J. G. Rozen, Chamaesaracha, AMNH [1, 0]; Rodeo, 1.6 km N, 19 Aug 1971, Rozen & Favreau, AMNH [0, 1], SIERRA Co.: Hot Springs, 22 Jul 1950, R. H. Beamer, Chamaesaracha conioides, KU [4, 2]; Hot Springs, 58.3 km N, 22 Jul 1950, R. H. Beamer, Baileya multiradiata Harvey & Gray, KU [1, 1]. TEXAS. ARMSTRONG Co.: Claude, 36.7 km S, Palo Duro Canyon, 4 Jun 1979, C. D. Michener, Quincula lobata, KU [2, 0]. BREWSTER Co.: Big Bend Park, Cooper's Store, 11 Apr 1949, Michener & Beamer, Phacelia popei Torrey & Gray, KU [2, 0]. JEFF DAVIS Co.: Fort Davis, 33.3 km N, Davis Mts., 16 Apr 1961, Rozen & Schramel, AMNH [0, 2], DIMMIT Co.: Carrizo Springs, 14 Apr 1949, Michener & Beamer, KU [0,2], HIDALGO Co.: Progresso, 12 Apr 1950, Michener et al., Quincula lobata, KU [5, 2], MA VERICK Co.: Quemado, 14 Apr 1949, Michener & Beamer, Quincula lobata, KU [13, 5]. REEVES Co.: Toyahvale, 2.5 km S, 25 Apr 1979, R. R. Snelling, LACM [0, 1]; Toyahvale, Balmorhea State Park, 16 Apr 1961, Rozen & Schramel, AMNH [0, 1]. STARR Co.: Rio Grande (City?), 12 Apr 1950, R. H. Beamer, et al., Quincula lobata (1 male), KU [2, 1]. TERRELL Co.: Dryden, 21.7 km SE, 13 Apr 1949, Michener & Beamer, Chamaesaracha conioides, KU [0, 1]. VAL VERDE Co.: Langtry, 23.8 km NW, 549 m, 22 Apr 1973, R. R. Snelling, Chamaesaracha sordida (Dunal) Gray, LACM [0, 1]. MEXICO. CHIHUAHUA: Camargo, 26 km N, 27 Aug 1991, J. G. Rozen, Quincula lobata, AMNH [0, 1]; same loc., 27 Aug 1991, J. G. Rozen, Euphorbia, AMNH [1, 0]; same loc., 27 Aug 1991, J. L. Neff, Quincula lobata, CTMI [2, 0]; Ceballos, 49 km NE, 15 Mar 1992, D. Yanega, KU [0, 1]; Chihuahua, 38 km S, 27 Aug 1991, R. L. Minckley, Dyssodia, KU [2, 2]; Jimenez, 18 km NW, 26 Aug 1991, J. G. Rozen, Dyssodia sp., AMNH [0, 1]; same loc., 26 Aug 1991, J. G. Rozen, AMNH [1, 1]; Jimenez, 5 km E, 21 Aug 1991, J. L. Neff, Chamaesaracha conioides, CTMI [2, 0]; Ojinaga, 31 km W, 28 Aug 1991, R. L. Minckley, KU [0, 2). COAHUILA: San Rafael, 1210 m, 24 Mar 1992, R. Brooks, Chamaesaracha crenata Rydberg, KU [2, 7]; San Rafael, 1170 m, 24 Mar 1992, J. L. Neff, Chamaesaracha coronopus (Dunal) Gray, CTMI [1, 0]. DURANGO: La Loma, 1249 m, 20 Aug 1947, C. D. Michener, Physalis, AMNH [9, 0]; Reserva Biosfera Mapimi, 23 Aug 1991, J. G. Rozen, Chamaesaracha, AMNH [5, 2];same loc., 22 Aug 1991, J. G. Rozen, Chamaesaracha crenata, AMNH [1,4]; same loc., 23 Aug 1991, J. G. Rozen, Dyssodia aurea (Gray) A. Nelson, AMNH [0, 1]; same loc., 21 Aug 1991, R. L. Minckley, Xylothamia triantha [sic?], KU [0, 1]; same loc., 21 Aug 1991, R. L. Minckley, Euphorbia, KU [0, 1]; Estacion Biologica, Mapimi, 28 Aug 1991, J. L. Neff, Malvella leprosa (Ortega) Krapovickas, CTMI [0, 1]; same loc., 23 Aug 1991, R. Ayala, UNAM [1, 2],

Scientific source:

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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Brassicaceae  Lepidium @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Euphorbiaceae  Euphorbia @ AMNH_BEE (4)
Solanaceae  Chamaesaracha coniodes @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Chamaesaracha @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Physalis lobata @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Physalis @ AMNH_BEE (8)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (9)

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