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Calytrix tetragona Labill.
White Fringe-myrtle; Fringe Myrtle; White Fringe Myrtle; Calythrix tetraptera orth var Dc sensu Candolle, AP de 1828; Calycothrix billardierei Schauer; Calycothrix tetragona Labill FMuell; Calytrix billardieri Benth; Calythrix billardierii orth var Benth sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calytrix glabra RBr; Calycothrix glabra RBr Hookf; Calycothrix glabra RBr Hookf var glabra; Calytrix ericoides ACunn; Calytrix virgata ACunn; Calythrix virgata orth var ACunn sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calycothrix virgata Schauer; Calycothrix glabra var virgata Hookf; Calytrix scabra Dc; Calycothrix scabra Dc Schauer; Calycothrix scabra Dc Schauer var scabra; Calytrix brunioides ACunn; Calycothrix brunioides ACunn Schauer; Calytrix curtophylla ACunn; Calythrix curtophylla orth var ACunn sensu Cunningham, A 1834; Calytrix flavescens var curtophylla ACunn Benth; Calythrix flavescens var curtophylla orth var Benth sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calycothrix behriana Schltdl; Calytrix behriana Benth; Calythrix behriana orth var Benth sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calythrix scabra orth var Dc sensu Candolle, AP de 1828; Calythrix brunioides orth var ACunn sensu Cunningham, A 1834; Calycothrix curtophylla ACunn Schauer; Calycothrix scabra var minor Schltdl; Calycothrix diversifolia Turcz; Calytrix diversifolia Turcz BDJacks; Calythrix diversifolia orth var BDJacks sensu Jackson, BD 1893; Calycothrix glabra var ciliata Hookf; Calycothrix glabra var glaberrima Hookf; Calycothrix leucantha Miq; Calytrix leucantha Benth; Calythrix leucantha orth var Benth sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calycothrix monticola Miq; Calytrix monticola Benth; Calythrix monticola orth var Benth sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calycothrix muelleri Miq; Calytrix muelleri Benth; Calythrix muelleri orth var Benth sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calycothrix rosea Miq; Calytrix rosea Benth; Calythrix rosea orth var Benth sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calycothrix schlechtendalii Miq; Calytrix schlechtendalii Benth; Calythrix schlechtendahlii orth var Benth sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calycothrix squarrosa Miq; Calytrix squarrosa Benth; Calythrix squarrosa orth var Benth sensu Bentham, G 1867; Calycothrix sullivanii FMuell; Calycothrix sullivani orth var FMuell sensu Mueller, FJH von 1875; Calytrix sullivanii FMuell BDJacks; Calythrix sullivanii orth var BDJacks sensu Jackson, BD 1893; Calytrix mitchellii SMoore; Calythrix mitchellii orth var SMoore sensu Moore, S le M 1920

Life   Plantae   Dicotyledoneae   Myrtaceae   Calytrix

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Associates · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Acanthosomatidae  Eupolemus insularis @ UNSW_ENT (3)
Lygaeidae  Nysius vinitor @ UNSW_ENT (7)
Miridae  Austrocapsus sp_cc @ UNSW_ENT (1)

Austromiris @ UNSW_ENT (20)

Austropeplus annulipes @ UNSW_ENT (11)

Diomocoris @ UNSW_ENT (1)

Gn_orthotylinigp11 sp_005 @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Gn_orthotylinigp14 sp_001 @ AMNH_PBI (5); UNSW_ENT (5)

Gn_orthotylinigp6 sp_001 @ AMNH_PBI (35); UNSW_ENT (12)

Gn_orthotylinigp6 sp_002 @ AMNH_PBI (25); UNSW_ENT (18)

Kirkaldyella pilosa @ UNSW_ENT (3)

Melaleucoides @ AMNH_PBI (18)

Pseudopantilius australis @ UNSW_ENT (31)

Sidnia kinbergi @ UNSW_ENT (2)

Wallabicoris spyridii @ AMNH_PBI (1)
Myrtaceae  Melaleuca @ AMNH_PBI (1)
Pachygronthidae  Stenophyella macreta @ UNSW_ENT (3)
_  Gn_ms_galaxiamiris sp_anouk1802 @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Gn_ms_naranjakotta sp_ms_myrtlephila @ UNSW_ENT (1)

Gn_ms_naranjakotta sp_ms_sidnica @ UNSW_ENT (2)

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Following served from American Museum of Natural History, Plant Bug AMNH_PBI00008060 nsw%201995%20l21%20h032
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Following served from American Museum of Natural History, Plant Bug AMNH_PBI00007128 nsw%201995%20l74%20h110
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Following served from American Museum of Natural History, Plant Bug AMNH_PBI00007717 nsw%201995%20l52%20h090
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Updated: 2024-07-27 01:56:33 gmt
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