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Camptozygum aequale (Villers, 1789)
Camptozygum pinastri Fallen 1807; Camptozygum maculicollis Mulsant and Rey 1852; Camptozygum fieberi Stichel 1930; Camptozygum melanaspis Mulsant and Rey 1852; Camptozygum nigropiceum Stichel 1930; Camptozygum upupa Gistel 1857

Life   Insecta   Hemiptera   Heteroptera   Miridae   Camptozygum

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Scientific source:
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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Pinaceae  Pinus banksiana @ AMNH_PBI (3); AMNH_ENT (124)

Pinus sylvestris @ AMNH_PBI (6); AMNH_ENT (13)

Updated: 2024-10-03 11:27:18 gmt
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