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Coelioxys mitchelli J. R. Baker, 1975
Coelioxys (Coelioxys) mitchelli JR Baker, 1975

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Coelioxys
Subgenus: Xerocoelioxys

Coelioxys mitchelli, face
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Coelioxys mitchelli, face

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Coelioxys mitchelli, side
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Coelioxys mitchelli, side
Coelioxys mitchelli, top
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Coelioxys mitchelli, top

Coelioxys mitchelli, wing
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Coelioxys mitchelli, wing
Coelioxys mitchelli, female, top view
© J. R. Baker. 1975. Taxonomy of five nearctic subgenera of Coelioxys (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin.50(12):649-730 · 1
Coelioxys mitchelli, female, top view
Extracted from: Baker J.R., (1975). Taxonomy of Five Nearctic Subgenera of Coelioxys (Hymenoptera; Megachilidae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin Vol. 50, No. 12, pp.649-730.

FEMALE. Agrees with description and figures of Coelioxys edita except as follows: (1) Length 9-10 mm; (2) in. tegument black; antenna, legs proximal to tibia piceous; tegula, legs distal to femur, apical margins of sterna 5, 6 piceous to fulvous; (3) pubescence white; white to pale yellow on face, dorsal mesosoma; golden on tarsi; (4) ocular hairs short (about 0.06 mm long); (5) clypeus convex, surface with scattered slender setae 0.05-0.1 mm long; margin with three distinct teeth almost hidden by fringe of slender setae 03 mm wide; (7) paraocular area hidden by setae about 0.3 mm long; (8) rest of face visible to hidden; setal length about 0.25 mm around antenna to about 0.09 mm medially; (10) ocellar area closely punctured; (12) vertex moderately punctured (Fig. 42B); (15) mandible resembles Figure 36B; (16) scutum closely punctured medially, contiguously punctured laterally (Fig. 42B); (17) lateral surface of mesepisternum moderately to closely punctured with large punctures; fasciae variable; surface bare to almost hidden by slender setae about 0.3 mm long; (18) scutellum slightly curved posteriorly (Fig. 42B) to broadly rounded; (19) axilla not carinate (Fig. 42B); (21) fore coxal spine about 0.09 mm long, directed anteroventrally; (22) basal fascia of tergum 1 as or more conspicuous than shown in Figure 42B; tergum 2 with fovea 1 area not modified; (23) sterna 1-5 fasciate apically (medially on sternum 1 and fascia complete on sternum 5); sternum 1 medially closely punctured; sternum 6 with lateral margin entire (Fig. 42B).

MALE. Agrees with description and figures of Coelioxys edita except as follows: (24) Length 9.5-10 mm; (25) integument as in female (2 above); (26) pubescence as in female (3 above); (27) ocular hairs medium length (0.12 mm); (28) clypeal margin as in female (5 above); (30) paraocular area hidden by setae about 0.45 mm long; (31) rest of face with seine about 0.45 mm long; (32) clypcoantennal distance less than interantennal distance, greater than antennocular distance; (33) ocellar area as in female (10 above); (34) interocellar distance greater than ocelloccipital distance, less than ocellocular distance; (35) vertex as in female (12 above); (37) posterior portion of excavation of hypostomal area of gena almost bare; (38) mandibles as in female (15 above); (39) scutum without fasciae; (40-42) mesepisternum as in female (17-19 above); (43) metanotum with few appressed setae medially; (45) gradular grooves of terga 4-6 with conspicuous fasciae; tergum 6 resembles Figure 39K; (46) fasciae complete on sterna 1-4; (47) margin of sternum 4. sternum 5 as in Figure 19B; sternum 6 as in Figure 26C; sternum 8 as in Figure 46H; genital armature with small projection on gonobase (arrow on Fig. 461).

DISTRIBUTION AND SEASON OF FLIGHT. Coelioxys mitcI3elli ranges from coast to coast (Fig. 43). This bee is in flight from at least April 1 (Florida) and April 24 (southern California) to June 22 (Nevada).

HABITAT. In the East, Coelioxys mitchelli has been collected in areas classified as oak-hickory-pine (Quercus, Carya, Pinus) and southern mixed (Fagus, Liquidambar, Magnolia, Pin us, Quercus) forests. In Kansas it was taken from bluestem-grama prairie (Andropogon, Bouteloua). Further west C. mitchelli was taken from areas classified as sagebrush steppe (Artemisia, Agropyron), creosote bush-bur sage (Larrea, Franseria), creosote bush, and saltbush-greasewood (Atriplex, Sarcobatus) vegetation types.

GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION. Western specimens of Coelioxys mitchelli in general have lighter colored tegulae and legs as well as denser, more conspicuous pubescence on the face, lateral surface of the mesepisternum, and metasoma.

COMPARATIVE COMMENTS. Coelioxys mitchelli closely resembles C. mesae (for this reason the description was compared with C. edita rather than C. sodalis) but differs by its smaller size, shinier integument, and lesser quantity of appressed seine on the scutum, posterior surface of scutellum, and on the metanotum. Western specimens of C. mitchelli possess ferruginous or fulvous tegulae and legs whereas those of C. mesae are black or piceous.

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