Colletes albescens Cresson, 1868 Life Insecta Hymenoptera Apoidea Colletidae Colletes Subgenus: None |
| IDnature guides | Overview |
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141. | FEMALE: Length 8-9 mm.: face somewhat longer than distance between eyes above; eyes convergent below; malar spare short, about one-third as long as basal width of mandible; facial foveae rather small and shallow, terminating above about midway between eye and lateral ocellus; clypeus protruding nearly one-half below suborbital line, with rather fine, close punctures above, becoming more sparse and irregular apically, median area of clypeus slightly flattened; upper portion of face with fine, close and deep punctures, becoming minute and obscure on vertex, very fine and close on cheeks above, becoming slightly more distinct below; segment of flagellum brownish beneath, more piceous above, about as long as broad, basal segment blackish, somewhat longer; pubescence entirely white, copious, rather short, but not hiding the surface on entire head and thorax; lateral angles of pronotum not produced ; metapleural protuberance low, entirely black; front coxae without spines; legs piceous in general, apical tarsal segments snore or loss ferruginous, spurs testaceous; tegulae brownish-hyaline with practically no punctures; wings hyaline. veins and stigma brownish-testaceous, 2nd submarginal cell nearly as long as 3rd; dorsum of thorax somewhat shining, punctures of scutum deep and distinct, rather close and fine over anterior portion, but becoming sparse along anterior margin and sparse medially toward posterior margin, those on scutellum somewhat sparse anteriorly, but becoming very close, almost crowded posteriorly; pleural punctures deep, distinct and quite close and coarse in general, the hypoepimeral area more finely punctate, almost rugose ; dorsal area of propodeum nearly as broad as metanotum, with coarse irregular striae, lateral faces rather smooth, with a few obscure punctures, posterior face somewhat shining, with a few minute, obscure punctures: abdominal terga smooth but dull, basal segment with hardly visible punctures, 2nd, 3rd and 4th with minute and close punctures over most of disc, apical margins of the segments somewhat depressed, yellowish hyaline, with broad, dense and entire, white, apical fasciae, the discs with very fine and obscure, subappressed pile, basal segment with more copious erect pubescence across base.
DISTRIBUTION: In the east, albescens has been collected in Illinois and Wisconsin. To the west it ranges as far as Utah and New Mexico and thus is more western than eastern in its distribution. It is in flight from late June to early August.
FLOWER RECORDS: Stephen records this is only on Amorpha canescens. According to Robertson (19291 it also visits Petalostemon purpureum.
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Updated: 2025-02-07 22:17:28 gmt © Designed by The Polistes Corporation |