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Colletes howardi Swenk, 1925
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Colletidae   Colletes
Subgenus: None

Colletes howardi FEM mm .x ZS PMax
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Colletes howardi FEM mm .x ZS PMax

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Colletes howardi MALE mm .x ZS PMax
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Colletes howardi MALE mm .x ZS PMax
Colletes howardi, Howards Cellophane Bee
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 6
Colletes howardi, Howards Cellophane Bee

Colletes howardi, Howards Cellophane Bee
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 6
Colletes howardi, Howards Cellophane Bee
Colletes howardi, Howards Cellophane Bee
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 6
Colletes howardi, Howards Cellophane Bee

Colletes howardi, dorsal ventral and lateral genital armature, sternum 7,
© Copyright source/photographer · 1
Colletes howardi, dorsal ventral and lateral genital armature, sternum 7,
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 9-12 mm.; face somewhat longer than broad; eyes convergent below; malar space very short; facial foveae subtriangular, quite broad; clypeus bare, finely and closely punctate; punctures relatively sparse on supraclypeal area; antennal segments about as long as broad; lateral angles of prothorax produced into short, acute, triangular spines; metapleural protuberance low, entirely black, obscured by dense tomentum; front coxae with rather short but well developed spines; spurs yellowish; hind basitarsi about three and a half times longer than broad; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; wings faintly yellowish, veins and stigma pale testaceous, 2nd submarginal cell slightly longer than 3rd; dorsum of thorax covered by short, dense, entirely ochraceous pubescence, obscuring the rather fine and close punctures, these well separated in center of scutum posteriorly, and on scutellum anteriorly; pubescence of pleura not so dense, punctures rather fine but deep and distinct; dorsal area of propodeum coarsely striate, lateral faces densely tomentose, posterior face more thinly pubescent and shining; abdominal terga minutely and closely punctate, apical margins only slightly depressed toward sides, reddened, with broad, dense, entire fasciae of closely appressed, yellowish tomentum, pubescence of discs very thin and entirely pale.

MALE: Length 10 mm.; head considerably broader than long; eyes convergent below; malar space short, about one-third or one- fourth as long as basal width of mandible; facial foveae small but evident; vertex narrow back of lateral ocelli which are slightly nearer eyes than each other; basal segment of flagellum blackish, slightly broader than long, and slightly longer than pedicel, following segments more brownish-piceous, length only slightly longer than breadth; clypeus protruding only slightly below suborbital line, closely and finely punctate above, the punctures becoming somewhat more widely separated below; punctures of face obscured by the dense pubescence, those on vertex minute and indistinct, becoming more distinct but still very fine on the shining cheeks below; pubescence of head and thorax pale ochraceous, dense on face and dorsum of thorax, becoming somewhat thinner and more whitish below; lateral angles of pronotum sharply acute but not spine-like; metapleural protuberance very low, entirely black, obscured by dense pubescence: legs piceous basally, tibiae faintly reddened at base and apex of mid and hind legs, tarsi ferruginous, spurs pale testaceous; tegulae testaceous-hyaline, practically impunctate; wings hyaline, veins and stigma testaceous, 2nd submarginal cell somewhat longer than 3rd; punctures of scutum beneath pubescence well separated in center of disc, becoming rather close and fine anteriorly and laterally, scutellum shining anteriorly, becoming closely punctate posteriorly; pleura deeply, distinctly and rather closely punctate above, becoming somewhat more coarsely and sparsely so below; dorsal area of propodeum about as broad as metanotum, shining, obscurely and rather irregularly reticulate, lateral faces quite smooth beneath the rather dense pubescence, posterior face shining, with a few minute and obscure punctures; abdominal terga rather dull, very finely and closely punctate, but punctures of basal segment more distinctly separated, apical margins of terga with broad, dense, entire, pale ochraceous fasciae, basal segment quite copiously pubescent over most of disc, remaining segments with very fine subappressed tomentum, depressed apical margins of the terga hyaline beneath the fasciae, tergum 6 not fasciate.

DISTRIBUTION: Southern Pines, North Carolina; September.

FLOWER RECORDS: Kuhnistera pinnata (given as Petalostemon corymbosum in the original record).

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Fabaceae  Dalea pinnata @ AMNH_BEE (20); I_JSA (3)

Petalostemon pinnatus @ BBSL (1)

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Updated: 2024-07-27 01:44:20 gmt
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