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Colletes productus Robertson, 1891
Colletes producta Robertson, 1891

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Colletidae   Colletes
Subgenus: None

Colletes productus, f, back, Caroline Co., VA
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Colletes productus, f, back, Caroline Co., VA

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Colletes productus, f, face, Caroline Co., VA
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Colletes productus, f, face, Caroline Co., VA
Colletes productus, f, right, Caroline Co., VA
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Colletes productus, f, right, Caroline Co., VA

Colletes productus, genital armature
© Mitchell, 1960 · 1
Colletes productus, genital armature
Colletes productus, figure10h
Mitchell, Bees of the Eastern United States, Vol. I, 1960 · 1
Colletes productus, figure10h
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 9-10 mm.; length of face considerably exceeding its greatest width; eyes convergent below; length of malar space nearly equaling its breadth; facial foveae well developed, elongate, rounded above, acute below; antennae dark, length and breadth of median segments subequal; clypeus convex, shining, slightly depressed in middle, rather finely, striately punctate, closely so above, more sparsely so toward apical margin; pubescence whitish, slightly yellowish on dorsum of thorax; lateral angles of pronotum acute but not pine-like; metapleural protuberance inconspicuously carinate. margin of carina slightly yellowish; tegulae dark; wings hyaline, violaceous, veins and stigma ferruginous; scutum shining, finely but deeply punctate, punctures close laterally, more sparse medially, especially in center of disc posteriorly; punctures of scutellum much more coarse and close except along anterior margin; pleura shining between rather coarse, close and deep punctures; anterior coxae not spined; tarsi dark, mid and hind basitarsi about three times longer than broad, spurs yellowish-ferruginous; basal abdominal tergum shining and impunctate over basal half, becoming very finely and rather closely punctate apically, punctures of 2nii and following terga very fine and close, margins of the terga narrowly reddish. segments 1-4 with white apical fasciae, widely interrupted on the 1st, lacking on the 5th; discs of terga with a very thin covering of very short, erect, fuscous hairs, sometimes inevident.

MALE: Length 7-8 mm.; length of face considerably exceeding its greatest width; eyes convergent below; length of malar space slightly exceeding its breadth: segments of flagella reddish-brown except the fuscous or blackish basal segment and pedicel, median segments twice as long as broad; clypeus minutely and closely punctate above, becoming sparsely so toward apical margin; pubescence whitish, slightly yellowish on dorsum of thorax; lateral angles of pronotum acute but not spine-like; metapleural protuberance inconspicuously carinate, margin of carina slightly yellowish; tegulae dark reddish; wings hyaline, violaceous, veins and stigma ferruginous: scutum shining, punctures fine, rather widely separated over most of disc; scutellum in contrast very coarsely and quite closely punctate except along anterior margin; pleura rather coarsely rugoso-punctate except in a restricted shining central area where the punctures ore flier and well separated; tarsi more or less reddened, basitarsi narrow and elongate, spurs ferruginous; basal abdominal tergum shining, minutely and quite sparsely punctate, punctures becoming closer along apical margin; 2nd and following terga more closely and uniformly, although very finely punctate, apical margins depressed, to some degree reddish-hyaline beneath the n lute apical fasciae, discs of terga with a very thin covering of very short, erect, fuscous hairs, sometimes in- evident.

DISTRIBUTION: Alabama and Georgia, north to Illinois and New Hampshire; April to July.

FLOWER RECORDs: Batodendron, Rhus copallinum and R. glabra. Stephen also records it on Xolisma ligustrina, and Robertson (1929) on Apocynum cannabinum.

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Ericaceae  Lyonia ligustrina @ AMNH_BEE (1); UCMS_ENT (11)

Lyonia @ AMNH_BEE (1); UCMS_ENT (1)

Xolisma @ AMNH_BEE (3)

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