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Colletes thysanellae Mitchell, 1951
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Colletidae   Colletes
Subgenus: None

Colletes thysanellae, female, back clean
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Colletes thysanellae, female, back clean

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    Male allotype and female holotype seen and scored at AMNH
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Colletes thysanellae, female, side clean
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Colletes thysanellae, female, side clean
Colletes thysanellae, Barcode of Life Data Systems
Barcode of Life Data Systems · 1
Colletes thysanellae, Barcode of Life Data Systems

Colletes thysanellae, genital armature
© Mitchell, 1960 · 1
Colletes thysanellae, genital armature
Colletes thysanellae, sternum 7,
© Copyright source/photographer · 1
Colletes thysanellae, sternum 7,
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 9-10 mm.; eyes convergent below; malar space extremely short; facial foveae small, rather narrow, but distinct; antennae dark reddish, length and breadth of median segments subequal; clypeus produced only slightly beyond suborbital line, dull and tessellate between the rather close, coarse punctures, these on supraclypeal area fine and rather close; face above antennae dull, more tessellate than rugose, punctures indistinct; vertex shining, finely pebbled, with scattered coarser punctures, those on cheeks obscured by pubescence; pubescence whitish in general, brownish-fuscous in part on vertex and dorsum of thorax; lateral angles of pronotum produced into short sharp spines; metapleural protuberance obscurely carinate, entirely black; tegulae dark reddish; wings subhyaline, strongly violaceous, veins and stigma ferruginous; legs dark reddish, anterior coxae with very short, triangular spines; basitarsi about four times longer than bread, spurs yellowish-ferruginous; dorsum of thorax shining, coarsely and deeply punctate, rather closely so on scutum anteriorly, becoming very sparse in center posteriorly, sparse on scutellum anteriorly, closer posteriorly, about equal in size to those of scutum; pleura dull, rugose anteriorly and above, becoming more striately rugose below; lateral faces of propodeum shining, microscopically reticulate, dorsal face divided into a series of rather large polished pits by the parallel striae; basal abdominal tergum shining, very minutely and sparsely punctate. following segments much more closely punctate, apical margins of terga only very slightly depressed toward sides, reddened, with dense, entire, white fasciae, discal pubescence very short, thin and entirely pale.

MALE: Length 7-8 mm.; eyes convergent below; length of malar space about one-fourth its breadth; antennae dark reddish, length of median segments about one and a half times the breadth; clypeus closely and rather coarsely punctate beneath beard; pubescence whitish in general, brownish-fuscous in part on vertex and dorsum of thorax; metapleural protuberance obscurely carinate, entirely black; tegulae dark, reddish; wings subhyaline, strongly violaceous, reins and stigma ferruginous; dorsum of thorax shining, punctures deep and distinct, close laterally on scutum, rather sparse medially, becoming very sparse posteriorly, more close and coarse on scutellum except for anterior border; pleura rugoso-punctate anteriorly and above, mere shining below, obscurely striately punctate; lateral faces of propodeum somewhat shining, obscurely and irregularly sculptured, dorsal face divided into several shining quadrate pits by the parallel striae; legs dark reddish, basitarsi slender; spurs yellowish; basal abdominal tergum shining, sparsely and very finely punctate, punctures on following segments closer, becoming minute and obscure apically; apical margins of terga depressed, reddish-hyaline, with dense, entire, white fasciae, discal pubescence of 2nd and following segments dark, very fine, obscure and subappressed.

DISTRIBUTION: Florida, Georgia. North Carolina and Virginia; September to November.

FLOWER RECORDS: Aster, Baccharis, Eupatorium and Solidago. The fact that Robertson used the manuscript name thysanellae for a series of specimens of this species suggests the probability that they were collected on Thysanella. Krombein has also collected males at Kill Devil Hills, N. C. visiting honeydew of a Phylloxera infesting Quercus falcata.

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Baccharis halimifolia @ BBSL (1)

Balduina angustifolia @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Heterotheca subaxillaris @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Solidago sp @ BBSL (2)

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Updated: 2024-07-27 01:27:01 gmt
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