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Diaporthe Nitschke
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Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

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Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola
Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola
Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola
Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola
Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola
Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola
Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola
Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola
Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola
Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

Diaporthe samaricola
© Copyright Malcolm Storey 2011-2118 · 3
Diaporthe samaricola

IDnature guide

Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Aceraceae  Acer negundo @ BPI (2)

Acer rubrum @ BPI (1)

Acer sp @ BPI (2)
Anacardiaceae  Rhus diversiloba @ BPI (1)

Rhus venenata @ BPI (1)
Apocynaceae  Apocynum sp @ BPI (1)
Asteraceae  Chrysanthemum sp @ BPI (1)

Solidago sp @ BPI (1)
Betulaceae  Alnus oregona @ BPI (1)

Alnus sp @ BPI (1)

Betula lenta @ BPI (2)

Betula sp @ BPI (1)
Bignoniaceae  Bignonia capreolata @ BPI (1)

Tecoma radicans @ BPI (1)
Caprifoliaceae  Lonicera japonica @ BPI (1)

Lonicera sp @ BPI (1)

Lonicera tatarica @ BPI (1)

Sambucus sp @ BPI (1)
Clethraceae  Clethra sp @ BPI (1)
Clusiaceae  Hypericum rowallanae @ BPI (1)
Convolvulaceae  Ipomoea batatas @ BPI (1)
Cornaceae  Cornus florida @ BPI (1)
Fabaceae  Mimosa sp @ BPI (1)

Robinia sp @ BPI (1)
Fagaceae  Castanea japonica @ BPI (1)

Castanea sp @ BPI (1)

Quercus borealis @ BPI (1)
Hamamelidaceae  Corylopsis sp @ BPI (1)
Hydrangeaceae  Decumaria sp @ BPI (1)

Hydrangea sp @ BPI (2)

Philadelphus lewisii @ BPI (1)
Lauraceae  Lindera benzoin @ BPI (2)

Persea americana @ BPI (1)

Sassafras officinalis @ BPI (1)

Sassafras sp @ BPI (2)
Magnoliaceae  Liriodendron sp @ BPI (2)

Liriodendron tulipifera @ BPI (1)

Magnolia sp @ BPI (1)
Malvaceae  Hibiscus syriacus @ BPI (1)
Oleaceae  Forsythia suspensa @ BPI (1)

Fraxinus sp @ BPI (1)
Onagraceae  Jussiaea prairana @ BPI (1)
Paeoniaceae  Paeonia suffruticosa @ BPI (1)
Passifloraceae  Passiflora sp @ BPI (1)
Pinaceae  Pseudotsuga douglasii @ BPI (2)
Pittosporaceae  Pittosporum sp @ 578950B (1)
Polycitoridae  Salix sp @ BPI (1)
Polygonaceae  Polygonum sp @ BPI (2)
Psammobiidae  Nuttallia sp @ BPI (1)
Rosaceae  Fragaria sp @ BPI (1)

Malus sp @ BPI (1)

Prunus persica @ BPI (1)

Prunus sp @ BPI (2)

Pyrus diversifolia @ BPI (1)

Pyrus malus @ BPI (2)

Rosa sp @ BPI (2)
Rubiaceae  Hamelia sp @ BPI (1)
Rutaceae  Citrus sp @ BPI (1)

Zanthoxylum sp @ BPI (1)
Salicaceae  Populus deltoides @ BPI (1)

Salix bebbiana @ BPI (1)
Sapindaceae  Negundo sp @ BPI (1)
Simaroubaceae  Ailanthus sp @ BPI (1)
Solanaceae  Solanum tuberosum @ BPI (1)
Styracaceae  Pterostyrax corymbosus @ BPI (1)
Tetrigidae  Xerophyllum sp @ BPI (1)
Thymelaeaceae  Wikstroemia sp @ 617817B (1)
Tiliaceae  Tilia americana @ BPI (1)
Ulmaceae  Ulmus minor @ BPI (1)
Vitaceae  Parthenocissus sp @ BPI (1)
_  Substrate @ BPI (14)

Updated: 2024-10-25 14:13:42 gmt
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