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Didymium aquatile Gottsb, et Nann -Bremek
Life   Amoebozoa   Eumycetozoa   Didymiaceae   Didymium

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Sporocarps scattered, greyish, total height 0.5-0.8 mm. Sporotheca hemispherical, c. 0.7 mm diam. Hypothallus large, by TL red-brown, glossy, concolorous with the stalk and radially veined. Stalk 0.5-0.7 mm long, stout, black or nearly so, umber-brown, translucent, free of granular matter, costate, gradually passing into the peridium where the ribs are converted into veins. Columella none. Peridium with a powdery coating of white lime, colourless above, rather pale rosy-umber beneath, veined at the base. Dehiscence irregular, the flat basal part persistent. Capillitium scanty, consisting of thin, purple-brown and/or colourless, flexuose threads which are attached to the base and connected transversely, and with many irregular, long, dark-brown, often confluent thickenings. Spore-mass very dark brown. Spores pale lilac, 8-10 µm diam., rather distinctly but somewhat irregularly warted. Plasmodium greenish-yellow, submerged.

Links to other sites

  • Gottsberger,G., Nannenga-Bremekamp, N. E. 1971: A new species of Didymium from Brazil. Proceedings.Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.Ser.C, Biological and medical sciences 74(3): 265-268.

The Eumycetozoan Project -- working to understand the ecology, sytematics and evolution of myxomycetes, dictostelids and protostelids -- the true slime molds.

Sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation.

Please send any corrections and comments about this page to John Shadwick
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
email: jshadwi@uark.edu   phone: USA-479-575-7393.

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